Friend of Friends NEEDS to go

If you add me on Bnet, I can add and whisper every friend you have. Outside social media doesn’t matter. I know you know this since you also abuse it.

What does that have to do with what I said lol?

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There is a message in the post I linked, in tune with your acronym about uncommon knowledge.

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What did what you said have to do with anything being said?

Maybe try reading, it helps lol.

Oh… you should probably add that context to your comments… Context is key to understand what others are saying.

You brought up Facebook, for no reason. I got that.

Except it’s literally mentioned in the OP lol.

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Reading is for the deaf and blind.

Its a secret message. I gotta be low key.


As a nothing, exaggeration. They’re saying how easy it is to just annoy someone’s entire life by adding them as a friend.

Sigh Now i have to go read it.

lol you dont. I have just being childish and petty. Been super annoyed about the stuff going on.

And I replied in kind.

So once again, maybe try reading lol.

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I read, but sometimes what I see makes me feel dumb. I don’t make you feel bad about it.

I read it… I see what you did there… Bravo.

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You are what you feel.

You are what you make me feel. #Empath

I mean you said it lol.

You made me feel it.

I have a turkey sandwich