Friend of Friends NEEDS to go

You are they kind of person that blames the sun because you got sun burnt, aren’t you.


I didnt add the sun, so maybe

That’s a real stretch there. You could just admit you didn’t know there was an option to do that, thank the folks that pointed it out, and move on, ya’ know?


Lol, letting anyone know you are a female on the internet, is feeding yourself to the sharks.

You should’ve pretended you had a dong, they’d leave you alone lol.

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Or not. :eyes:


Oh, but it is controllable.,



Friend request sent.

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Thats harassment

Prot Tip: Unfriend them all

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I shouldnt have to isolate myself because of stalkers. Should i just have no friends then?

Female? What’s your Btag? /cringe

Only way to win me over in game is to murder 20+ horde and come out smiling, asking where more are. Then maybe we can date.

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You can have friends

simply disable Friend of Friends

Problem solved


This is why i just tell people I’m a man, otherwise the first thing they would do is ask me my btag and if you reject them they get violent and stalk you


Good thing you have stealth. :slight_smile:

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Sent two friend requests.

Double the friend ship.

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Who is “they”?

Where do you find “them”?

How do “they” all have the same violent and abhorrent reaction?

Why are “they” not striking at all the actual female players I know?

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what, you mean you’re not part of the “Evil Warcraft Stalker Perverts” wow community? Let me send you an invite link.

I call shenanigans. There is no way to tell if you are female from the list…

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A “female” with extra anatomy…

Those are called bonus features.

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