Freshscales Fifteen REMOVED from Pathfinder

I’m happy about the change for those who really want old flight. Congrats!

Now… When will the whining about finishing questlines begin???

Followed quickly by, “why do dragon riders get to fly so fast by I can’t!!!?”

It’s almost like they are different people, crazy I know.

I was on the fence about whether to stay subbed for 10.2 and now I’m leaning into staying. So anyone who says this is anything but good for the game is talking out of their butt. It’s literally retaining my sub.

I just wish I could never use the dragon again. I really don’t like it even though I’m pretty proficient with it after getting the glyphs. I just don’t like the whole “fly into the sun until you run out of vigor then easily glide anywhere in the damned world” meta, for one. And overall just the limited selection of mounts (not one of which do I like), the fact I don’t think any of their customizations look good or matter, it’s all just a bucket of suck.

So I heard the new zone will still force you to use the dragon, and the new raid will as well. That bothers me, but I’m too busy being happy that they took the rep requirement away to care too much right now. I’ll live with it even if, as I said, I really don’t like it.

Rep/renown can die in a fire and if they took it out of the game altogether I would rejoice. Even when it locked up something I really wanted like an allied race, just getting one exalted usually resulted in burnout meaning I either retired the character that got the rep or even unsubbed for a few months to clear my head. It’s just too grindy and I find so much about the game that I do like, without it being that grueling, that it’s just always this irritation, to put it lightly, any time they try to force me to engage with it.

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This is nonsensical.

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It makes it look like their response to all the feedback about Azerite, Corruption, Essences, Covenants look like they were disrespecting one group, when a different one can just yell loudly and get what they want.

My point is that flying should be a gimme once we hit an expansion’s level cap or sooner if the expansion has terrain built for flying.

Now that it isn’t a gold sink for new characters anymore just let everyone have it and build FOR it instead of against it. We can’t even use the “we don’t want you flying over things” excuse this expansion since we’ve been doing that all along.

I mean let’s be real here returning old flight is definitely not going to bring back/keep the masses playing wow.

Everything this person types is nonsensical.

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This. Any form of flying isn’t going to keep people playing if there’s nothing interesting to fly to.

No, it doesn’t do any of that. Because one is entirely different than the other.

Seriously, y’all need to get over it. It’s easier now for those with disabilities to get the flying they need. Stop griping at something that doesn’t negatively affect you.

I’m muting this nonsense. My brain cells can’t handle it.

I tend to agree with this idea

Perhaps in the future they could change Pathfinder to simply award a cool-looking mount rather than the ability to fly… I feel like that would be a much more well-received arrangement by the community

The “friction” surrounding Pathfinder is almost entirely due to the boring grind and “doing stuff you don’t want to do” aspects - if we could just fly from day 1 of an expansion for a small gold fee paid to the riding trainer, no one would care about Pathfinder since it would now be optional. Large swathes of the playerbase feeling “forced” to grind Pathfinder is the main source of the complaints/friction

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Did you miss that dragonriding was ‘free’ with a purchase of a coke on day one?
Why then torment ANY players who want old flight now after all these months with PF ?

IF PF was requried for DRing too…sure.
But it wasnt.

Yes, because complaining about a fairly short grind to unlock a convenience not everyone is going to use is a more pressing issue that requires immediate action than a months long grind that you feel the results of every time you enter combat, to the point where it’s mandatory to have done at least a minimum amount of that grind for your gear to even work, which is fine if you leave it for 18 months.

Well what I was responding to is that people hate grinding rep, so that’s not going to retain anyone either. The sooner they get it out of their head that people like grinding rep, the better the game will be.

Now if you want to talk in a broader portion about player retention, well that’s not really what I’m here for. Other than not liking this expansion in a broad general sense I have no idea what would satisfy “the masses” anymore because people have complained about every expansion since, well probably cata or wod if not all of them.

It’s impossible to say what would satisfy everyone because the player base is still, even with retention at a low point, too diverse for any one thing to make a difference to everyone. You could add more raids and make raiders happier, but then you leave open world players with nothing to do. And on, and on.

I know what’s retaining me, is I guess what I’m saying. I don’t have the faintest clue why anyone else is still playing. A lot of perspectives on this forum are so alien to me that I’d need to be an anthropologist to try to deduce what those people are here for.

the damage done with so many BAD decisions since WoD…and even Mists (which i love, personally)…is what drove off so many players.
its bad enough to make bad decisions in a way that confirms that one isnt LEARNING any lessons from player reaction…but when one doubles down on bad decisions…and then the parent company cant connect the dots to see where the problem lies…or just doesnt care enough to deal with it.
Well, its no wonder this once great game as fallen as far as it has.

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Yep. I’d much rather them open up dragon riding everywhere before giving us slow riding in the dragon zones.

Imo I’d have more hope of Microsoft just said “hey look you guys have made multiple bad expansions out of a (previously) flagship franchise. You can either A- get it together and start bringing new players in or B- we’ll hire some new people to replace you who will actually do your job. Oh and Mike ybarra you’re fired. ” Of course that’s never going to happen but it’s nice to gaslight yourself and give a false sense of hope sometimes.


Just checking in to ensure all the people calling others names because they claimed others lacked empathy have instantly dropped the demographic of “disabled” players they were fighting for to continue complaining.

Almost like they never cared and were using them as a means to their own ends.

I do play the game i have all class to 70 5 or 6 are 441 and above I don’t like to farm dailies and I like to switch my class every week so so.

So why is flying lock behind a gate again. What about for people who PvP only?

That’s the opposite of what’s happening, people got the requirement rep removed and now people who enjoy wasting others time aren’t happy people can play the game how they want.