Freshscales Fifteen REMOVED from Pathfinder

…only in the most dire of situations , of course.


the doors open

Out walks Corrupted Hazzicostas, covered in void shadow, weilding a giant axe. There’s death in his eyes.

The ready check goes out.

The raid engages.

A warlock dies

“We’d rather you didn’t play demonology” he smirks.

Hazzicostas does a move that obliterates the tank


That hurts me on a spiritual level, as a former warlock main.

And knowing that a warlock is still often the first to die in the groups I play with.

Pathfinder shouldn’t exist if we are being honest. I don’t care this time around because Dragon Riding is amazing.


Probably has something to do with how we already have Dragonriding this expansion. Guarantee they wouldn’t have caved if this was any other xpack with flight only just now becoming available going into x.2.

We’ve got the money.


Probably because in the past they’ve refused to make good changes like this for no other reason than spite.


Yeah, the dev team needs to show a bit more backbone, and recognize that the forum complaint of “I want reward for doing x without having to do x, and I NEED IT NOW” should not be viewed as valid.

Lol gross. nice word usage. /eyeroll

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This thread is probably the most mind boggling thing I’ve read so far today.

Blizz makes Pathfinder easier and y’all are still complaining.

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lmao…no…what was gross is knowing that the only people really affected by this PF was lesser abled players who were having trouble with DRing enough that they had to add options to help in the settings.

it was disgusting to target lesser abled players with this PF KNOWING WE ALL got DRing day one.


Since they removed the renown/rep requirement. I will have it day 1. Just playing normally. I have all the exploration except the Emerald Dream and have had Dragon Isles Loremaster since week 2 of the expansion.
The other requirements aren’t hard.

It’s 100% spite, “oh you don’t like the thing I stol- I mean made, well now you’re gonna have to use it.”


That’s fine if you’re not a returning player. If you are then rip, those quest chains take a while.

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my brain goes right to motivations.
yeah…‘why’ are they making such a stink about it when THEY got DRing day one?

A psychiatrist would have a field day in here.

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It’s the optics of how they did it. They put the initial requirements out on the PTR 2 months ago, then confirm them in a blue post.

Less than 24 hours after the blue post went up, after a lot of “BUT I DON’T WANT TO DO ANYTHING FOR THAT REWARD”, they drop one of the requirements.

Caving that quickly (and not for the 1st time), is not a good look, especially after how long they resisted the feedback on things like covenants, or the AP grind of BFA (which effected a lot more players) for 12-18 months.

its great that they used the car salesman crap of asking 10 grand so you can whine them down to 6k, lol…but PF shouldnt have been here AT ALL this time around if it didnt apply to EVERYONE equally.

We got DRing day one. The only people affected by THIS PF are the ones who couldnt do DRing well enough and waited for old flight.

Its good they removed the renown thing…but it feels like “we were GOING to do this horrible thing, but we’ve decided to show some grace” …and then we’re all supposed to cheer them on again for ‘listening to players’

Screw that.
Until they stop with this petulant, juvenile garbage we’re just not paying for anything but the $15 sub.

Ive spent over $600 in a single month on this game on extras before.
That AINT happening ever again until management has changed.

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It is a good change but also I think that most people just feel like maybe Pathfinder shouldn’t be a thing anymore.

If they left it in the game as something someone could do to get a flashy unique mount it would be much more welcome. Folks would go for it. But as a system that gates a mode of movement that we originally just had to level up and then pay gold for it’s never been liked.

Well, nowadays people don’t even need to pay gold for flying, or dragon riding. Seems to be strange when people want to go back to a Wrath model of paying for ‘Cold Weather Flying’ when they are making the Pathfinder pretty much free, especially compared to things like WoD Pathfinder. Looking at you, Saberstalkers rep.