Fresh when?

No it does not, the feeling of phase 1 and 2 pvp is dramatically different from phase 6


Despitebeing. For the love of god please shut up.

Not one person on the forums is ever gonna listen to your double zero IQ takes on not needing fresh


I’m one person and I listen. I understand their position regarding Seasonal Servers. I, too, find them pointless, but I understand why Seasonal servers is the better solution than “Fresh” non-seasonal servers.

It’s another way to play the game.

  1. Gen 1 ranking is by far and away the most competitive and fun timespan in a servers pvp cycle. This doesn’t exist on era

  2. There are no server firsts on era.

  3. Bug wars/scarab lord is a really fun scenario for a lot of people. It’s a competition that again, doesn’t exist on era. And guess what Despitebeing suggested for that? “Just go kill bugs. Make your own bug wars”

It simply does not work like that and he is 100% aware of it.


Permanent realms have phases too. Our’s are currently in Phase 6. All of the previous phases are available to be experienced.

Despitebeing has me blocked I believe, but just look at this post and then view my previous post.

He can’t offer an alternative to my 3 points.

Not at all. Here’s how you can do it in the current Classic Era realms:

Create a level 1, level up through solo/group dungeoing/quests, collect a sufficiently geared team to tackle ubrs and become attuned to the MC/Onyxia encounters. Once everyone is satisfied with their progress on these, begin progressing through BWL, and then ZG/AQ/Naxx. It’s quite simple really.

I have to disagree with you. Perma servers have ALL raids unlocked. Seasonal servers makes them inaccessible and forces the server to NOT have access to it. Including Phase 2, when BGs were NOT available, yet and PvP Servers was pretty trash with ALL the gankings going around, since that’s how you got a head start on your HKs.

There’s no forced blockages on Era like a Seasonal. Seasonal servers can be at a certain Phase and completely FORCE the other phases out. Compared to perma where it’s just ALL accessible.

Yes, that’s REALLY what ALL of this is about, IK.

You can do the same now in Era by adopting a playstyle that will not progress into further phase content until an agreed upon time. The HC community on BSB is a successful example of such customized play.

I still disagree because we’re talking about ALL players, on the same server, being on the same page, with the same access points.

While, I see what you’re saying, there’s still non-HC players (such as myself) that’s “interfering” with the rules. Not that I’m purposefully griefing, but I’m unable to join their groups simply for not being HC. If ALL players were on the same ruleset, we wouldn’t need to try so hard to keep the rules, in place. The system would do it, for us. The BB server system doesn’t cater to the HC playstyle. HC players have to go OUTSIDE Blizz’s system, to get a correction. Perma servers are under the last phase and perma ruleset. And not Phase 1 or Phase 2.

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Again that IS achievable. There is a non-zero possibility for it.

So then why should the system cater to a player population that abandons their realms in less than 2 months tops? Phreshers can do their own work outside of the system. They have already expended an exorbitant amount of dev time while players that have stuck with Classic Era since its launch have been ignored.

We even had a very recent demonstration with Wrath’s fresh start realms that the zest of ‘fresh’ spoils in under 2 weeks. Why indulge this nonsensical fantasy any further?

Let’s have choices.
Personally I dislike the cadence, and the boosted xp that seasonal offers. Would not play.

Gates are open and war effort is over. All battlegrounds are open with all items available.
Your dead server replicates what?

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No, it’s not because the IMMERSION is really important. There’s a reason why RP servers have a stronger and harsher ruleset for names than non-RP servers (despite the HC community constantly breaking them, but I digress) because of IMMERSION. I can’t wait for the HC community to get their OWN server, since they’re clashing with the RP rules and MY playstyle and likewise, mine with their’s.

I do agree Blizz should have NEVER allowed Seasonal characters to be transferred from Seasonal onto Perma. I’d love nothing more than for Seasonal Characters to disappear, when the Seasonal Servers go POOF!

Seasonal Servers make sense for this group 'cause Blizz can cut the cord on those servers vs keeping up abandoned servers. Which is why I’m against “fresh” non-seasonal servers because IK they’re going to abandon it.


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Has been out for nearly a month now on westcoast whitemane group; you’re late.

now in all seriousness i know you will be mentioning content unlocks, economy, etc.

Thing is just over a month ago there were only a hand full of 60’s on the server group and so little was going on.

The economy started basically fresh because there was zero going on, there was basically no raiding, no farmers or botters, the AH prices were crazy cheap.

Time has progressed just like on every fresh ever, and you are late.

Yes, it is.

They never should have done seasonal releases to begin with since it’s a garbage, self-defeating model of rapidly diminishing returns.

Classic Era IS fresh and will continue to be. I’d personally rather the Classic Team begin development of novel Classic WoW content like a Phase 7 instead of another worthless seasonal ponzi scheme.

OK, my friend, you want to do a “back and forth”, and I’m just not interested in that.

There IS a DIFFERENCE between “fresh” Seasonal Servers and “fresh” Non-Seasonal Servers. I’m OK with “fresh” Seasonal Servers (along with Seasonal Characters) because that IS the point via TEMPORARY.

Depending on the server and what people mean by “fresh”. I’ve already asked this question back in Feb a couple years ago, since everybody has their own opinion on what “fresh” is/means:

I got TWO camps:

  • “Fresh” Seasonal
  • “Fresh” Non-Seasonal

I like “Fresh” Seasonal. “Fresh” Non-Seasonals can build upon “dead” Era realms.

Can confirm ERA is as fresh as any fresh server ever.

The only difference is the content unlocks… I use to value the content unlocks but now I just dont care because on progression fresh servers they always die at AQ40, and the fact that everything is out has in a strange way made that content more likely for new characters to do.

As a result, ERA feels more Vanilla than any server I have ever played since.I think its because no one is in a rush for any kind of BS firsts.

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These two statements combined yield that there IS NOT a DIFFERENCE just as much as there “is”.

Just stop talking to Despitebeing. He’s a literal trog

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wait, this is pet pathing dude isnt it?

Despite the disagreement, (no pun intended) I think he’s gotta argue the points better, like put some logic into the fight or its doomed to fail.