Fresh when?

Because as a fresh 60 on Era it’s damned impossible to do anything.

So when’s Fresh coming so there can be groups again?


What server you on?

i want fresh but there’s an lfg for every low level dungeon on whitemane cluster???

I’ve been playing on Whitemane and having a blast but there’s a lot of boosters and players with thousands of gold, there would be more lvl appropriate dungeon groups on a fresh server, at least for a few months.


There is no need for creating another Classic Era realm when there are 20+ still categorized as ‘Low’ population. Reposting my reply from the other thread:

For reference, the PvE West Cluster is composed of 4 realms:

While the 13 PvP East realms are made up of 2 separate clusters of 5 and 8 realms:

Additionally, 3 OCE PvP realms are clustered:

Further, the RP realms of:

  • Grobulus (RP-PvP West)
  • Deviate Delight (RP-PvP East)
  • and Bloodsail Buckaneers (RP-PvE) *

are available.

As you can see, there is no shortage of places to choose for playing Classic Era outside of the free Xfer realms. No new realms are needed at this time.

*Bloodsail Buckaneers is currently host to a large portion of the ‘hardcore’ (1 Life, no revives) playerbase.


Nobody wants to play on your dead server


You need a chat addon filter to make the game playable on whitemane

That said need the fresh :baguette_bread::expressionless: make it happen blizzard


Hence why I prefer “fresh” seasonal and not a “fresh” non-seasonal server.

Makes no sense to create a “fresh” non-seasonal server just to be abandoned.

Seasonal works best, that way, when y’all get tired of playing and abandon the seasonal server, Blizz can delete the server.

Otherwise, build upon already “dead” realms (without all the AH raiding, paid run throughs, inflation, etc.) or suck it up, on the crowded servers.

NO to “fresh” non-seasonal servers!

YES to “fresh” seasonal servers!

The availability of authentic dungeon and raid runs dries up almost entirely by the time new players reach max level content.
Fresh phase 1 would eliminate this problem and anyone not interested may continue unabated how they are currently playing.

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Fresh phase 1 is some of the best content WoW has to offer


Like a perma P1 server?

Nah, progression for sure, but clean slate beginning with phase 1. Should be simple to execute and it’s something us overbearing phresh minions have been barking about for a while.


What these people truly want is others to join in and play with them in their reroll event. There are ample opportunities for burgeoning communities to set up shop in the extant Classic Era realms. Neither seasonals, nor ‘fresh’ realms are needed.

Consider the less established realms of Classic Era, the ones that don’t receive free transfers. Often there is at least one faction that lacks an end-game raiding environment. Simply roll a level 1 there and progress through the phases of content at your own pace.

Progressing through already unlocked phases does not replicate the feeling of them progressively unlocking over time and people moving through the different tiers of gearing. For one thing You’re not going to get strict open world/bg pvp with only MC gear in a forever phase 6 server.


Yes it does. It perfectly replicates the feeling. PvP will always have gear disparities so nothing there diminishes the gear progression.

OK, so you want a Seasonal Server. I agree.

This can ONLY be achieved with Seasonal servers.

Indeed I suppose I do. The word “seasonal” is carrying baggage at the moment after SOM.


I have to disagree with you.

Seasonal servers offer phases, perma servers do not. Not even a “fresh” non-seasonal one 'cause “fresh” non-seasonal won’t go through the phases like a Seasonal server can.