Fresh TBC option as a counter to the boost

What was wrong with spell batching was that it was not an in game mechanic, it was a server side performance compromise. As such it should have been left as that and never implemented into classic, but the #nochanges crowd tried to pretend it had something to do with skill. And it was added into classic in very late beta, instantly made the gameplay worse and never even worked as it did originally, since you know not an actual gameplay mechanic just a fluke of how the servers worked back in the day.

I’m just saying that using that as an excuse to implement paid services, along with the nochanges community… further proves that this is nothing but an attempted cash grab

The #nochanges crowd actually meant #onlychangeswewant.

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Yeah it’s obvious as dog’s balls.

The fact they’re offering boosts to people who already have level 60 characters is evidence enough.

Why not just give a free boost to any new accounts so they can play BC with their friends if they missed BC? Because Blizz want to make $$$ selling boosts.


Made this comment on another post but it feels extremely relevant here as well:

Blizzard will not be removing the boosts. A large group of players defend and desire the boosts and it generates income for actiblizz. That expectation of “fixing” or “removing” them is outlandish at this point.
However, fresh servers that allow no boosting or transfers (unless they prove to be a dying breed of server as some people adamantly believe) would resolve this.
Players who want their boost keep them.
Players who want “purity” of no boosts get what they want.

I do not relish the idea of giving up my very geared couple toons which enough materials to choke a profession donkey - if such a thing existed and enough gold to buy an epic flyer already but I would very happily make that jump into a fresh server and start over from level 1 even if it meant only a mere few months of economy that is not crippled my bots.

Besides, this fixes another relevant issue of the layering and lag presented with the dark portal opening and thousands of players pouring all in at once… On a fresh server players would reach it in waves.


I agree with literally everything you said. Articulated my thoughts very well

Its not about new players, its never been about new players. Its about making boatloads of money.

They won’t do any of your suggestions or make any compromises that could potentially devalue the boost. They want to have a good report for Q2 or Q3 of 2021 and that’s literally it.

I agree with everything people in the community are saying regarding compromises and antiboost rhetoric. This is just not something the accountants and executives are going to bend the knee on.

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I told him the same thing and he got pissy with me lol.

The guy doesn’t want to believe that Blizzard only cares about money.

I agree generally speaking but also dont think its good business practice to alienate parts of your community. Whats better the boost only? or memberships slowly plummeting like they did back in the day when they forced players hands? they’d be smart to learn from the past and offer both. Short term profit < long term sustainable community. Evidenced by the backtracking them done to bring players back as their game was DOA


That is a very complicated business question. The industry trend right now is to consistently drive as much short term profits as possible and completely forgoe any long term strategy. That is what is vogue in the industry.

Most business copy cat other businesses so until some indi studio makes a billion dollars using a long term strategy, then this trend is unlikely to change.

I could write an entire PhD thesis on the contrast of these two business strategy but the conclusion would be that their is currently no industry reason to pursue a long term strategy (assuming you have a large market share) because getting the money upfront is more important because once you have the capital you can invest it and multiply your returns compared to a long term strategy. Look at the success of valheim. Thats still probably not even 1/10th of what blizzard plans to generate with the boost (by the profit ratio).

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Very well said (or typed in this instance :wink: ).

I agree that offering fresh servers with no boosts for TBC Classic would be a win/win for both communities. The RPG’ers could start on fresh servers and play with like-minded individuals while the min/maxers and Retail tourists could happily use their boosts and rush straight through Outland. It offers the best of both worlds for both communities to enjoy. :smiley:



Your idea is sound, BUT companies don’t care about long term sustainability, they care about money today.

Blizz have made this painfully obvious with the constant cash grabs and changes they’ve been happy to make over the years.

It’s really no surprise that WoW’s sub numbers have gone down almost directly in step with the game being more and more monetized.

Classic itself is a fantastic example, it was designed from the ground up as a “pure” version of WoW without any of the retail monetization or cash shop. And here we are 2 years later, the second they could slide some monetization in they have.

IMO within 5 years we’ll have Classic Classic, “This time we’re REALLY serious about keeping it pure”


i laughed at classic classic :rofl:

So what? If people want that option what’s it to ya?
Gonna share a secret with you. You aren’t required to play there!

Hahaha,that was good. :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


I laughed at the last line, thanks.

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Fresh servers are fun to play on, and I’m sure there will be new players even with boosts, so Blizz will prob have to make new ones regardless. As for the difference, it’d be everyones characters and the economy. Thats a big difference.

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honestly I dont really see the upside to botters rerolling/level botting the fresh servers where they know the players dislike bots and boosting when they can just boost at any time on the hyper inflated mega servers where gold buying is already prominent. just seems like terrible business to me

Quite the contrary my friend… Where the market is flush with resources (because there are so many bots) the prices of their items drop rapidly… Meaning they draw in less gold. Less gold means less to sell. Less to sell means less profit.
Additionally, the market on the existing servers are rife with gold. Meaning the overall price of gold would be lower in terms of real money trading…

A brand new server… Where the total amount of existing gold would be a ripe new conquest. They could charge a great deal more money for a smaller amount of gold to the over-eager lazy player who is looking to open his wallet to exploit an unearned advantage… Unfortunately, there are those kinds of players too. They don’t feel wrong about it… They have their reasons: “I work too much, so I cannot play” - “My mother is ill and I have to spend that time that I would be playing taking care of her instead”…

I am not even saying they should feel bad about it. A starving man would steal bread for him and his family to eat so that they do not perish… It is still breaking a law and it negatively impacts the owners of the bread, the store, etc… So it is still wrong. That said, this is a game… No one is starving from the game unless it is by choice. So their desire to buy these advantages come from addiction to the game and they justify it how they please.

Either way, It is great business for bots to venture to the non boosted fresh servers that are not already flooded with gold so they can make gold and charge a premium rate…
Bots already crippled the market of so many existing servers - and mark my words - allowing bot accounts to immediately boost to a level where they can free-farm BRD which can net over 150+ gold an hour will make the markets that much more devalued.

That, in turn, would make the non boosted servers feel even more profitable to those who are willing to sink a little more time investing into their character before botting (or while botting to build it up) – Likewise, there would constantly be more feet on the ground - legitimate players - who can report these bots.

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Oops, ^ that was meant to be a direct reply.