Fresh TBC option as a counter to the boost

Some people will never see their own hypocrisy.

It doesn’t, it doesn’t however solve any of your long term issues.

You will be back complaining about bots soon enough, you will be back complaining about the min max mentality soon enough.

I’d rather see seasonal servers.

No. You will never convince the classic community that said boosts are a good idea. Might as well stop now. This is the majority of the reason such a large percent of the community quit. Microtransactions and QOL changes destroyed the game. Started early on, solidified in cata. Cata was the cataclysm of mmo rpgs. Now they are operating on fumes. The classic community stands strong.

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Nah, the classic community extends far beyond the narrow minded #nochanges community who thinks vanilla was perfect. And now seems to think TBC was perfect even though it explicitly started a lot of things that were somehow sacred in vanilla.

Sorry but QoL changes were the bread and butter of WoW from day one of vanilla, it was explicitly what separated WoW from other MMO’s of the day.

All of these things are just fallacies and are completely removed from the point that people want fresh servers for a more original experience, even if its only short lived lol

Which is fine, and seasonal servers would be awesome for.

once again : whether or not there are seasonal servers has no bearing on fresh vs current servers this new launch. getting vibes again that you want to pigeonhole people to play on realms they dont want to

Well you’ve made it clear you understand fresh servers are only a temporary solution.

So why wouldn’t seasonal servers solve multiple problems?

Isn’t one of the more common anti boost complaints that they’ll only be short term players? How is the same not true of fresh server players?

Oh my bad, i didnt mean to be exclusively for one or the other. Id gladly take seasonal servers for sure. I just want an alternative for newer/returning players or people who know some servers have gotten out of hand and want the rush of initial leveling/progression again. Wont be very challenging as is when most people walk into t4 with full naxx sets and have better gear than the raid drops lol

Its not competition where there is “winning” side. You don’t get a special server because you don’t like something. It baffles me that anyone could be that entitled.

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Yep yep, the experience of a new server where everyone starts from level 1 is awesome.

That’s all I was suggesting with seasonal servers. I think fresh servers are a dead hope though whether they happen or not, if they happen they’ll just ultimately leave people disappointed and on dead realm :frowning:

thats very possible, we will see. honestly might also be in their best interest because people will pay to transfer off eventually lol

I will happily throw my support to any threads advocating or encouraging fresh TBC servers either at TBC launch or preferably with the pre-patch release of blood elves/draenai. I have several friends that would prefer it too as I am sure many others can also boast.

However, one thing that I know would be frustrating to them is starting on one of the current servers with their brand new blood elves - only to have to start again when eventually Blizzard does decide to release a set of fresh TBC servers because I 100% guarantee that I will uproot my butt, drop everything and sprint to log onto a fresh TBC server…

Like many others, I have bank alts with mailboxes and banks full of supplies. I can purchase my own epic flying mount as it stands with the gold I currently have and I am no where alone in this statistic. However, I strongly prefer to start over. It feels more genuine and far more conducive to the classic nature that we all originally subscribed to.

I understand the greed and push to get people to purchase the boosts… I would go so far as to say I would prefer a second pay wall around unlocking access to a fresh TBC server. I’d rather spend my money in support of that ideal rather than repeating the same slippery slope that brought the game into the far less popular state of current retail.

Whether you appreciate them or not actiblizz is intelligent about making decisions regarding money.
I am very confident blizzard intends to release fresh servers for the many voices who are asking for them… However, I would not put it past them to wait a week or so to release these fresh servers so they can rake in as much money as possible from all the players who would want to go to a fresh server, but would also spend some money on a character boost to get a character up to 58 (either an alt or a new main or whatever the reason)
Coincidentally, after that little down-time then they will swoop in and save the day by releasing some fresh servers for those of us who have been asking so passionately.

Frankly, They already said this is something they will be keeping an eye on but first they want to ensure a smooth transitional launch to TBC.
The cynic in me wants to extrapolate that this is code for “yeah we intend to make fresh servers, but only after we’ve gotten your boost money - don’t want to split the population prior to that cash grab”


LOL. You’ve just described the very reason why Classic servers even exist.

This anti-fresh nonsense has become the new Wall of No.


i definitely can see a realm where they add them later or closer to launch so that ppl keep their memberships going instead of canceling prior and waiting for release of them while doing their prep

I’d love to see fresh, and Blizzard may even introduce fresh servers for TBC, but there should be no boosting at all. I have a main server that I’ve grinded on for 2 years now, and I don’t want it to be littered with boosted toons as any form of paid progression or rewards kill the game for me personally. If boosts remain or any form of monetization is introduced, then I’ll be done with the game.

But it is pretty much a given that boosts will be in TBC. And tell me, in 3 months what is the difference in a new server or current server? I mean if you are correct, the boosters will have quit so they are not a problem. Bots will still be on all servers, so no difference there. A fresh server in 3 months would be almost if not completely indistinguishable for all the other servers

So what do these fresh server gain you in the end other than more separation of the playerbase.

Just saying…

People want this bad, but Blizz will never do it.

Why? Because the boost is going to make them a fortune and every player that rolls on the new sever will be a missed boost customer.

Not really rocket science, we’re dealing with Activision here

says the guy in the fairy transmog lmao

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I think they would rather have players paying a sub rather than not playing the game at all.