Fresh TBC option as a counter to the boost

This a thousand times over. The problems the min/max and Retail tourist crowd have with fresh servers with no boosts is that they then only have themselves to compete against and exploit. That’s no fun for them unfortunately…



Or maybe the problem is people who are so awful at it they struggle getting to level 58 and think that is some huge accomplishment?

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You know, I did not even have to really look to know you necro’d this thread. It was like there was this great disturbance in the force that told me this was a Necro thread from Farnese.

You obviously are without a dictionary. Allow me to help. :smiley:

Necroing ~

Action to dig up a dead thread in a forum.

That usually presumes the thread is a month or more old with no posts on it. This one is only four days old with no time gaps that I can see.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:



Nobody thinks it’s a huge accomplishment except for the people who made the accomplishment and are excited that they did.

Check again… Thread was started 4 days ago, had no responses for 2 days and then was Necro’d 1 day ago.

Don’t really care what you think the definition of necroing is, but when a thread has zero replys in 2 days, then gets dig back up, that is necroing a thread.

There there, I 'm sorry your participation award never meant anything.

Actually it kind of does or did because I was level 58 at one time.

who TF cares LOL its a forum thread

Yep it means the same as it always has, which is nothing.


No boost.

And that is a place you never want to be.

What in this game, to you… is qualifies as a good achievement?

Just saying the forums automatically close a thread after 2 months of no activity so they already determine the “necro” period. Something being 2 days old is hardly a necro


The close after two months is just these forums, because somebody new got thrown in charge of them (probably).

EDIT: Or blizz didn’t think TBC discussions would last even two months.

Moderators and bots to the rise… do your jobs. Tell us how all the boosts and paid services are a great idea, because enjoying the game is just not good enough.

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Having fun.

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Okay having fun yes. Absolutely… And great reply might I add. However there’s no reason a person couldn’t have fun while leveling, grouping in dungeons and making friends. Joining a guild, getting to know people and etc.

But won’t levels 58-70 give people plenty of chance to do just that? In the context they are interested in?

the better question to ask is what does us having a fresh server do to affect your leveling experience?