Fresh TBC is best TBC

I’m taking all of my gold :wink: sorry

I didn’t invest a lot of time into Classic as I got sucked into Retail over the last year. I felt it was too late for me to truly level and get geared up while playing solo. With that said, I plan to play Burning Crusade Classic and I think people bringing their existing stuff over would be fine. As stated before, the economy is going to end up getting ruined within the first month or two.

I am fine with fresh servers or continuing progression. I think it will be fun either way.

Being this blatant only lowers your chances of getting what you want.

A player called “tbcstockpile” literally showcasing the kind of deplorable behaviour I outlined in my original post.

I can’t wait for blizzcon when they announce there will be a gold limit and that any non bop items will not be brought into outlands and people like you realise how much time you wasted for nothing.

And there will be a gold limit, because it will be more profitable to make dummies like you buy transfers if you want to move all your gold across.


I feel you are going to be sorely disappointed when the servers are just rolled to TBC, and there’s no character transfer that will take place which could remove gold or alter items.

The only likely character copy/transfers that are likely to occur, is blizzard creating a small number of “Forever Classic” servers you can move to if you don’t want to progress to TBC.

Most of the players want to go to outland at this point, so its far less work for them to create a space for die hard classic players to move themselves to. Blizzard has never nuked gold going into an xpac, and retail has more inflated markets than classic had even at its worst.

As a player with sub 1K gold to my name, it isn’t going to happen. And shouldn’t. Farming and amassing gold is what some people do for fun. Penalizing them for playing the game a valid way isn’t something blizzard is ever likely to do… and even if they did, the people good at getting wealthy, will just be wealthy again in a matter of a few weeks. TBC even my inept self made good money in TBC.

(Side Note: People absolutely were planning alts for profession optimization and having multiple characters ready to run dailies for gold generation. Not sure if you just weren’t actively playing in 2006 when pre-expansion hype was happening. But there was a solid 2 months before TBC where pretty much everyone was prepping professions and alts.)

You can truly want to play TBC and continue your character progression… that is sort of the whole point of an expansion. Continue your characters story. People tend to grow attached to their characters. There likely will be a few fresh start servers a month or so before TBC. Blizzard historically has created a space for re-rolling minded people.

So why would it have to be all or none? This is a situation where blizzard could and likely would make everyone happy. Some fresh start servers for folks in your camp, and for anyone who doesn’t want to level again can just roll into TBC on their existing servers.

There is no need to force other people to playing the game you want to play it. If this solution which is likely to occur doesn’t satisfy you, then it’s just a matter of you wanting to make sure other people don’t have nice things because you don’t.

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I for one want a Fresh TBC server. That being said, the only way a fresh TBC server will work, is if there is also a progression TBC server as well. That way those who horded gold and want to destroy the economy, or keep their characters due to the time invested can do that, and those that want a fresh server free of the taint left by boxers and botters will get their server too. The gold sellers will likely follow their clients to the progression servers, as those on the fresh servers would be less likely to buy from them.


Make an account wide gold cap (100-500g), change up professions to require a higher level to do TBC crafting (I would be fine with 70), break AOE boosting (both mages and pallys), and for the love of the game kill botting.

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I’m sure there will be a handful of non-transferable TBC server for you to start over on.


fingers crossed that there are.


I wouldn’t mind “fresh” BC. The only “starting over” I don’t want is they progress Classic into BC. Create some “new” Classic Server and call that “Classic”. Or even worse…progress the Classic Servers into BC and just not have Classic Servers, at all. I don’t want my Classic Characters to be erased and FORCED into a BC Game but have to pay X amount of dollars to have my progress back onto Classic.

But, I’m going to say, what I always say and hope Blizz does this:

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Wouldn’t you just set up for example “Shadowsong - TBC” and let people transfer characters freely from “Shadowsong -> Shadowsong TBC”, with whichever amount of gold Blizz wants people to take? Then you have a bunch of data about which Classic servers to merge, improving the experience for people that still want to play Classic.

Seems most rational and easy to implement to me, instead of all these weird hair-brained schemes you see pop up on the forums.

The irony is that title doesn’t even exist in Classic, but it will in TBC…where players can earn it even if the server starts fresh.

Anyway, the only way I’d play a TBC server is if there’s a fresh option.


No, I wouldn’t. There should be NO “transferring” between the two games. When BC is out, and people who did NOT play Classic (prior to BC) do NOT get the luxury, NOW to play Classic, get the goodies from there and then TRANSFER them over into BC, NO!

Just like I explained in my Quote, it should be a ONE TIME deal, from Blizz’s hands and NOT players. Upon the implementation of BC, Blizz practically does a Copy & Paste, and that’s IT. That’s ALL we deserve to get!

I prefer to solve that problem later. For right now, when it comes to implementing BC, both Classic and BC should be treated as two SEPARATE Games.

I disagree wholeheartedly!

True but don’t you think gold sellers will make fortunes from people who have to buy gold just in order to keep up? It works both ways

I think the chances that people do not play TBC because of no fresh servers is much higher than people not playing TBC because of no transfer option…

Listen, I get what you are saying, but you are only delaying the inevitable. The people with insane gold and mats now will be the same people with insane gold and mats in TBC- it just delays things a bit.

We will also have people spamming boosting services, just like in classic. We will have GDKP, just like in classic. You may delay things by a month at most - but honestly the die is cast on this stuff happening eventually.

So, will you then play for a month and then quit? Or will you then start complaining about how we need to fix the problem that we knew was going to happen?

Well, I’m thinking that the people who aren’t buying gold now won’t buy it in the future, but the people who have bought gold would certainly be willing to just buy it again if Blizzard wipes the gold. Also, some of the people who won’t be able to AOE farm instances on their mages will also be willing to buy gold. Basically, wiping the gold without doing something about the gold sellers and botters will just benefit the gold sellers.

In a way, what you are saying is right. But there are many players who have not played Classic who will play TBC. Or some that played classic for a few months and stopped.

We are a small fraction of players who still play Classic compared to the launch and I think that there will be even more people tempted by TBC. And truth to be told, I believe that if someone bought gold in Classic, wipe or not, they will buy some again in TBC…

I mean at the end of the day, Blizzard has to handle the botting situation much better.

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I get this, but it makes sense that you’re behind if you come in late. IMO I don’t think that should justify erasing everybody’s progress. I think that’s only justified if the RMT situation is taken care of.

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You care enough to call them “salt lords”. Seems like you’re the salty one.

so they took the time to prepare, and you didn’t know u want big overreach to lvl the playing field…no. Get gud

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