Fresh TBC is best TBC

If we got fresh then I’ll just go play pservers. Those are fresh for free. Also, your name is very familiar. I wonder if I know you.

I think some of the people who didn’t buy gold will buy it if they are forced to start over a level 1. I’ve never bought gold in 16 years of playing the game but if I have to go through the sheet again after I just did it several times I’m going to want to get through it to 60 as quickly as possible. I’m not going to waste time looking for a level appropriate dungeon group to do a dungeon I just did a dozen times. I’m not going to try to complete quest chains that need a group at the end after I completed it on several alts. All I’m gonna care about is getting through the content that I’ve done so often it bores me as fast as I can. Gold is cheap and if it helps me to power level through to 60 so I can start playing BC I’ll buy some.

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yep same

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Get right or get left. Nobody knew what vanilla was gonna consist of before it released, for classic people were prepared. People knew how to hit 60 extremely fast and how to clear all the raids the day they dropped from practicing on private servers etc. You cannot be mad at people for putting in the effort to get themselves prepared for TBC. It ain’t easy to save all that damn gold and people put a lot of time into it. If you can’t that’s your problem. Just like if you weren’t clearing raids in classic within the first day/week because your guild didn’t rehearse the fights is your problem.

I don’t care if they make a few fresh servers, but don’t be selfish and try to drag everyone down that path with you. Mind your business, who are you to decide what happens with the effort we put into preparation for TBC?

I think you have a decent amount quit. They lvl many alts just to see all thar work gone. Just have a few fresh servers open up at prepatch. Win win.