Fresh TBC is best TBC

I know too many people that proudly boast about not actually playing Classic but instead just using it as some kind of farming platform to prepare for TBC.

I think this is incredibly dishonest, most of these people are gold capped with an army of profession alts ready to destroy TBC before it has even begun and I find the practice to be disgusting.

I really dislike the idea of people using Classic purely as a farming ground just for TBC, they try to say that’s how it was back in the day, but that IS NOT how it happened in 2004.

In Vanilla, no one knew how much gold flying mounts would cost.

In Vanilla, no one knew how important professions would be in TBC.

In Vanilla, no one knew exactly what mats needed to be brought through the Dark Portal to make them insanely rich and powerful the second they walked into TBC.

The idea that people were stockpiling tens of thousands of gold back in Vanilla and making an army of profession alts in preparation for the expansion is actually insane, literally no one did this.

At the very least, if progressive servers do happen, I think the only thing we should be allowed to take through the dark portal are any BoP items we have such as our current gear and mounts etc.

Any sellable items or stockpiles of gold should forced to be left in classic.


Inb4 salt lords come in to whine about their scarab lord titles and other things no one in their right mind would care about





I’d kind of like to see a “fresh” server that starts at level 1. That way I can roll a shaman and not be light years behind people taking 60’s decked out, and inflated economy.


We really did, and were drooling over the new profession based weapons and armor in the pre-released information that Blizzard published 6 months before TBC went live.

Actually we did know some of that.

You may be surprised, but Tens of Thousands of gold is not the problem here, its literally hundreds of thousands of gold.

I have not purchased gold, nor do I cheat or exploit to get gold, but I make an insane amount of gold because of the AH because other players have been buying gold from the RMT services.

We do not need a “Fresh” TBC, but we really do need our gold nuked from orbit, so that no account can have more than 500 gold or something like that, and make all BoE’s soulbound so that they cannot be horded. Additionally profession materials should also be re-set / eliminated.

This would not solve all the problems, but it would help quite a lot.

As for the army of alts for different professions and all that; literally nothing Blizzard does can stop that from taking place, its not a matter of IF but when it takes place.

I am not opposed to “FRESH” servers existing, but I am opposed to wiping a players progress that was established to continue the adventure into TBC, and this is important for the reasons that it does to a degree preserve SOME of the Alliance to stay Alliance side rather than to go Horde on a fresh server for the best PVE racials. As for PVP, its actually really even in TBC, Human = Undead > all the other peasants unless you’re a druid and then well that’s that.


Ah yes, the final death throes of the MUH FRESH babies who can see the writing on the wall. Get it all out of your system now, Blizzcon is coming, and the final dagger in your cause will be placed.


Everyone on the forums wants to force their preferred way to play the game on other people. Just give people different options and then you can play whatever the hell you want.


you are wrong about people in the right mind and what they care about.

the most rare and prestigious titles in the game are EXACTLY the things people in the right mind care about.

people who dont have them, however, might attempt to minimize these impressive, highly prestigious lifetime accomplishments.

“I don’t care about it therefor nobody should”


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Yes, they did. People understood how the economy worked during vanilla. People walked through the dark portal with fortunes. It’s a fact. Even if you strip me of my gold. It won’t matter. I’ll have thousands upon thousands of gold again in a matter of weeks. The people that will be disadvantaged won’t be people like me, it will be players living repair bill to repair bill. It would create an environment where bots and gold buyers would thrive.

You simply don’t understand economics, but there’s at least a few people at Blizzard that do. That’s why there’s never been an economic reset between expansions, and never will.


All the people who are saying “pEoPlE wErE DoInG iT bAcK ThEn 2” are missing the point. Back then, it was maybe 1 percent of the player base. Now it will be more like 40 percent. That’s a major difference and it will potentially ruin the TBC economy for anybody who doesn’t have 50k gold save up.


Crab Apple Party Pooper!
:disappointed_relieved: :cry: :sob: :scream:

How can you all be this delusional? The economy is gonna be screwed up either right off the bat or just a couple months after TBC release. I could understand if it delayed it for a year but the economy will be back in shambles not more than 2 months after a fresh TBC release. Your fooling yourselves and only caring about having it your way.
I can see both sides of the coin.
Personally, I’d rather bring my 60s straight into Outland. If fresh is forced then I will level a shaman on alliance side and go from there.

I have my preference but I’ll go with the flow either way.

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This is going to happen in TBC regardless of if we’re all forced fresh or not. The people who make gold now will do the same in TBC, and the gold sellers will make fortunes selling to people who have to rebuy it all.

The ones who suffer the most would be those not good at making gold.

People are definitely being disingenuous with themselves when they say they’ll quit over no character transfers.

If you truly wanted to play TBC content, then it shouldn’t matter if you play fresh.

If you only want TBC as a mean to progress your Classic character, then you don’t care about TBC. You’ve simply gotten bored of classic and need to justify your addiction to play more, and TBC is more of the same, so you’ll only burnout.


So basically, if you don’t have the time or knowledge to make gold, and have the integrity not to buy any, you’re probably going to be screwed either way?



is actually a very good point.

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Yeah we all know you’ll be abusing pally dungeon farming in TBC to make 500g an hour.

But still, I think stripping you of all your illicit gold now and making you earn it again in TBC is still the lesser of two evils and the better of the two situations.

The whole “I’ll just make it again anyway, idc” is the biggest bluff ever, we all know you care alot about protecting your classic “investments”.

This is black/white thinking. As if you want to play BC no obstacle is too great. But the reality is there are shades of grey in most everything. I want to play BC but not so much that I’ll slog through the 1 to 60 grind all over again with all my 60’s. I want to play BC but not if it’s $30 a month subscription. I’d pay a one time fee for the expansion if it’s $40 like it was 15 years ago, but not if it’s $100. I don’t have much gold but I can imagine there are some who are thinking if they take 25% of my gold I’ll still play but if they take 75% of my gold I won’t.

The world is a complex place, not black and white. I don’t understand why people can’t grasp the nuance.

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Checks out in theory. I think we all assume TBC will be free with the monthly sub, but the more options the more staff/servers/money necessary. Perhaps this is exaggerating but there’s the people that want;

Fresh classic, fresh tbc, progressive tbc, prolonged classic, copy character servers, fresh tbc but everyone starts at 58

Team fresh btw

Yes I am sure you are in a very nice place mentally that the title which says you right clicked on many virtual bugs is important to you. When even losers who have done the rank 14 grind multiple times make fun of the people doing scarab lord you know its a waste of time.