Hey All! We are starting up a fresh Horde re-roll guild on Benediction PvP EST. The official start date will be this Friday, 09/11/2020, but a few players have already started due to excitement. We have a Discord up and running right now, and discussion is already lively! A few basic thoughts about the guild - let me know if you have any questions!
ALL PLAYERS WELCOME! This is not going to be a hardcore min/maxing guild, please come and join us new and veteran players alike.
Guild Name - < Mark of the Wolves >
Guild Start Date - Friday, September 11th, 2020
Guild Location - Benediction PvP EST
Basic Guild Code of Conduct - No racism, sexism, ninja looting, or generally poor behavior will be tolerated. Please be kind to your guildmates, and represent the guild properly when dealing with others.
Basic Guild Description - We are a fun, friendly, Horde re-roll leveling guild planning to raid in two to three months. New players welcome, and roll any class you like!! We are about fun and community first, and raiding and looting second. Members will help one another, group with each other to level, and use Discord to sign up for Guild Dungeon runs and ultimately raids.
Possible Raid Times - Two nights a week (TBD by vote) from approximately 8PM EST to 11PM EST.
Loot System - To be discussed, NEVER LOOT COUNCIL
Officers Needed - General, Recruiting, Class Leads, PvP, Raid Leader, Loot Master, Party Planner
DISCORD - https: // discord.gg / sBM2nrR
We got 45 on the discord server (20 currently) so the numbers are looking good. If your feeling left behind by your guild or are just getting started again, this is a good place to put down some roots.
Come join us, guys.
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We have over 60 players in Discord now, and the start date is this Friday! I am pretty excited - it seems like we have a fun, friendly, and knowledgeable group thus far. Many new players to the game as well, so don’t let that stop you from checking us out.
has anybody declared there classes yet? Might help people decide what to play and help with dungeon groups if your not always looking for X or Y anyway just a thought.
Good luck everyone. =D
TONS of class discussion right now, people are anxious to get going!
Official start tomorrow! Looking forward to playing and meeting all current and future members.
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The guild is being created this morning, come and join us! Discord has been awesome so far, lots of interesting people and discussions.
Oh, and no min/maxing or parsing or any of that mentality, just come and have some fun!
Over 60 members in the guild already! Discord is active, gchat is active, people are grouping - lots of fun! My rogue is only level 4, so don’t let the zoomers scare you away. Come and join us whether you are fast or slow!
Guild is growing and still looking for more! Come join in on the fun! We have a great group of people so far.
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The guild has been great so far with over 20 active members online at seemingly any given time. People are friendly, helpful, and excited to be playing. We had two simultaneous Wailing Caverns groups going the other day, which was great. I have no idea why these folks like WC so much, but they do…
Still plenty of time to come and check us out! My alt is level 11 and looking for some dungeon pals. FOR THE HORDE!
Edit - Over 90 people on the Discord as well, at least come and say hello!
Having lots of fun here! Join us!
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Well, it has been a couple of weeks and things are going great so far! We definitely have some speed levelers, so if you have a 40+ character you are thinking of transferring, come give us a shot!
We also have lots of regular levelers grouping for WC (this guild LOVES WC for some reason) and SM as well, so plenty of time to come and join us!!
I have been with this guild since day 1, and it has been amazing. We are still growing, and I always see members grouping up for dungs, quests, and pvp. We had a blast the other night outside SM fighting Alliance =). Never too late to join!
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Plenty of time to come and join us still! Below is a rough break down of what levels our active players are at this time.
Levels 10-19 (35)
Levels 20-29 (75)
Levels 30-39 (30)
Levels 40-49 (15)
Levelss 50-60 (10)
I’m Pacific Time Zone, but still interested in a re-roll. You guys still going strong?
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Absolutely, come give us a look! We have players in RFD, RFK, BFD, and SM all right now!
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I’m also PST and have been with the guild since day one. I think we hit ~40 online today, so still going strong! But always looking for new, friendly members. I’m a slow leveler so I wouldn’t mind questing with ya!
Hope to see you in our Discord 
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The guild is as strong as ever! Plenty of room for new players, or for players looking to transfer higher level characters. Many of us are in the 30-50 range with lower level alts. I suspect we are still a month or two from raiding, especially with some folks going to check out the Shadowlands stuff in a couple of weeks.
Message me, Chocomilky, or Fleshcarver in game!