Fresh Classic Only Helps

Hopefully whenever they do release fresh servers (soon I hope), they don’t hype it up with some future release date or anything else. Just put them online then do a blue post. Something like “TBC was more popular than anticipated and we did not project the population issues. To address this we have brought one PvP and one PvE realm online for those who want a fresh start in Azeroth. These servers are online at the time of this writing.” and more stuff to please characters on existing realms etc etc would suffice.

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I could care less if they did add fresh servers or not. You’re acting like I hate the idea, on the contrary, I actually don’t. I’m just making the argument why not work with what you got. But you REFUSE to unless someone presses the reset button till you have your way. Heck, I guarantee you that you can EASILY do a project guild right now from just looking at the forums, but you do not want to use the tools before hand for some unknown, ego minded pride that you have.

You want others to step up on what you have envision for whatever it is you want to achieve, but you will probably be the loudest one that will complain about it when it doesn’t work out with how YOU wanted it to be.

ANd I’m going to break the ice right now, if they are going to make fresh classic era servers, you best start getting together with those that want to play on those servers right now so you all don’t end up being “fish out of water”.


While I would be fine with a static server or fresh it seems that the classic players aren’t going to coordinate to a specific server and form a community. Fresh would give players a destination and create additional interest in classic which judging by the population will be needed. I believe classic will see another life either way but right now its uncertain where it will be or how long it will take for that server to repopulate itself enough for the game to resemble an mmorpg. Fresh would solve that more immediately so it seems the most logical conclusion. Until then I can’t be bothered trying to guess what the dominant server will be and possibly have to reroll yet again on a server that might not have a lifespan.

I have over 100 ready to jump in the minute FRESH goes live…because…you know…there is no population issue for FRESH like your museum servers have. So don’t you worry about that.

Because it’s literally impossible seeing as anyone can, and will, “cheat” by accessing further content than the project is on, transferring gold, etc. In addition to that, there is no way to PvP in battlegrounds against a group only participating in this project.

It’s not possible. FRESH IS A MUST.

Honestly people “cheating” isn’t even a concern for me. Obviously I’d prefer fresh but I would totally accept just an active static server where everyone isn’t on the same level. Its looking like fresh is definitely the best best towards rejuvenating life back into classic. There is definitely no reason to be against it.


Okay I’m all for fresh but no vanilla private server currently has 10k people playing on it. The last one to hype it’s launch had like 3k in it’s discord and launched with like maybe 300 before even that plummeted and it died within a few months. There’s one launching end of July that has around 1800 in it’s Discord but who knows how many will actually play. The handful of others floating around have maybe a couple hundred at peak hours at most but they’re not exactly pure vanilla they’ve added things.

So whoever is claiming there’s a 10k pop vanilla private server currently is outright lying (or the private server itself is lying; most aren’t exactly known for being honest and it’s commonly known that they inflate numbers). That’s not to say they don’t have a healthy population because let’s be honest here a couple of hundred is a healthy population. But saying 10,000 is a straight-up lie

One does but it’s not English main.

I didn’t think I would care for classic fresh, but with classic over and BC out I find myself looking forward to doing classic all over again. There is just something magical about the early stages of WoW and the vanilla version of the game – warts and all.

Seems to me there is enough demand to run at least a couple classic fresh servers and that they could get away with an access charge, similar to the $15 transfer fee for classic era servers.


This dude gets it!

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Blizzard had no idea that you were going to order Fresh servers from classic. It is not the same have DIABLO fresh-servers or more casual games than WoW-Classic where it takes you more than 100 hours to be level 60.

Most likely, “Yes” blizzard will release seasonal servers for wow. I imagine that the reset will be every year, the problem with this is that only the Level-Up phase will work. The economy & and the end game will be dead on the servers-seasonal.

Nobody will invest time in playing end-game because after 1 year they will lose all progress, nobody will Level up professions for the same reason because they will lose everything so the broker will be very limited

WoW-classic would have to do what FFXI-Classic did in its day to keep the game current from 2004 to 2010. Because CLASSIC-WOW main problem is the end game is very short and that can’t keep the people interesed.

FFXI -Classic had all this content , Rize of zilart, Cop, ToAU, WoTG expansions in lv 75 with horizontal progression. Example lets say wow put all this content + TBC, WOTLK, Cata, pandaria everything in level 60 then that will keep people busy for years

You must understand that many of us these 2 years have climbed 6-8 toons to level 60 in classic and it is not so attractive to do it again for the ninth time

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Ummm…what? Lol.

You must understand that YOU aren’t everyone. YOU aren’t even the majority.

It’s already confirmed. FRESH servers WITH progression to BC.


Right here. I would and my guild of 100+ is ready to do the same. Additionally you have NO idea what you are talking about. Progress is not set to wipe every year. There WILL be progression to BC. Already confirmed :slight_smile:

I leave you with this. Do not ask where it came from, you won’t get that from me.

"With plans to re-ignite the flames in Azeroth, Blizzard moves to open fresh Classic WoW servers by the end of the year."

I feel comfortable in knowing that Blizz might contemplate and release fresh servers, but it wont be because of the OP.

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Ahh yes. The famous back peddle. :joy:

The one who has no idea what he is talking about is you and you have shown it throughout these 400 posts, fighting with everyone who “thinks” differently from you. Let’s see if you already behave more according to your age, you must be close to 30 years old and you post as if you were 12.

FRESH servers are not the same as SEASONAL-SERVERS

Seasonal servers open for 1 year and then “Reset”. Your characters will be eliminated each new season.

its not suitable for blizzard open FRESH-SERVERS that keep their content because you are going to come back to cry every 6 months to the forums new fresh-servers are needed.

So you better get used to it, they will be SEASONAL-SERVERS not fresh

Finally if wow-classic had SO MUCH end game content and so much to do. You would not be moaning in this filthy forum, you would be enjoying the title right now

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This is not the topic nor was it ever the topic. YOU brought it up.

No one here is asking for this.

Yes…exactly. There should and WILL be fresh Classic servers when the upcoming FRESH servers move to BC. This is already confirmed.

There has been NO confirming of this and Blizzard has already stated otherwise in interviews.

No. I absolutely would not considering it has moved to BC which I am not playing. So why not leave this “filthy forum” if it’s such a bad place to be posting on?


"With plans to re-ignite the flames in Azeroth, Blizzard moves to open fresh Classic WoW servers by the end of the year."

Thats not a back peddle. If you read all my posts I never said that Fresh Servers were on the big wall of no like they were never going to happen. I aint even trying to stop them. Ive simply stated that I personally dont think theyre necessary…because theyre not. Also, youre the worst ambassador for fresh servers Ive seen post.

The only time you need new servers is when your existing servers have too many people on them leading to server queues and crashes. Thats it.

Fresh servers coming out now because some (not even close to being in high demand) people are calling for them would be stupid - which is why I dont think theyre off the table. Blizzard is pretty dumb and the players are largely a reflection of their developers.


:joy: Thanks for the laugh lol.

Maybe you missed it but TBC came out and lots of people left. The people on classic realms wouldnt even fill up one vanilla server. If you think the percentage of that pitiful amount of people has any clout to be making demands youre delirious.



Yet we have thousands of private servers BECAUSE THEY ARE FRESH.

You seem to think that the only players that will play on a FRESH server are those currently on the museum servers. That’s a MASSIVELY FLAWED train of thought.

My guild of 100+ aren’t playing at all until FRESH comes back.


no thanks.
I don’t feel like leveling engineering + fishing every year.