Fresh Classic Only Helps

True. Haven’t thought about this.

So…why is fresh the answer? I’m generally curious as to way it has to be fresh.

You can do all the end game lockouts anyways to get geared, as well as optional other gear in addition to it. I personally think that fresh is just to show off one’s epeen.

Heck, you have the ground work for project guild as well for the classic era servers, I really do not see an issue with not playing in a stasis server in all honesty. The only reason I can see why people want fresh is because they do not trust the players when it comes to getting pre bis for the project raiding I guess.

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You are either playing stupid or generally do not understand MMOs.

Why does Diablo(not an MMO I know) have ladders? Why does PoE(not an MMO I know) have Leagues? Why does Everquest have CONTINUOUS FRESH SERVERS?

It’s not the same experience if you “just start new on your own”. It’s just not.

Fresh servers put everyone on the same playing field, gate content and reinvigorate the PvP world.

FRESH will be here soon. Don’t like it? Don’t play it.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You cant guarantee much less prove any of what you just typed so no one has to take your word for it especially when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Fresh servers are nice if youre the kind of person who likes to eat a super candied snack for a short sugar rush in between meals but other than that theyre not really adding anything and probably just compounding the problem overall.

Besides all that people that obsess over even playing fields in an MMO always have something to gripe about at all times and theyre just not much fun to play with.


Yes I absolutely can. See the latest private server? Over 10k pop.

So yes. That is proof.

What a dumb thing to say. What is the sugar rush in this scenario? What are the meals?

What PROBLEM? No one said anything about a problem. The only problem is…THERE IS NO FRESH CLASSIC SERVERS. How would adding FRESH servers compound the problem of having NO FRESH SERVERS?

The hell does this have to do with the topic?

Oh yeah? What’s the monthly sub fee? What are the average play times for all 10k players? Is it 50/50 H/A? Im not entirely convinced a single private server and official servers are subject to a direct comparison unless youre talking strictly about the game proper which speculative guesses about its inhabitants, tendencies and intentions dont really fit into.

Fresh servers are a short term, band aid fix solution that doesn’t address the problem, only its symptoms. Which right now, is there’s too many people spread across too many servers and thats even after a merger of sorts. Youre solution is cotton candy - it doesnt address the problem but claims to usher in the utopian fix and backs it up with contradictory speculation and wishful thinking.

All anyone needs is active servers with friendly and decent people to play with and as it stands you dont need a new server to achieve this. Supposedly we all share a passion for Classic, I dunno, it doesnt seem like thats the case when people talk about with fresh servers. All they talk about is level playing fields (like that exists in any capacity) which means they’re real concern is what everyone else is doing and what they have access too.

Yeah, no thanks. I dont need an even playing field, I need 4 other people to do Strat with.


Way to move the goal post kid.

The problem in instantly resolved when FRESH servers are pushed live. There is no “temporary band aid fix”. The fact that they exist alone IS THE SOLUTION. Period.

Everquest has already proven this is a successful way to manage classic version of their MMO which has a fraction of WoW’s population. This makes FRESH servers of the various stats (Vanilla, BC, Wrath) a no brainer.

Permanent Classic realms are the problem you are trying to bring up which…ya…I was against them too. I said so from the very beginning they would fail. THIS IS EXACT REASON WHY FRESH SERVERS ARE THE ANSWER AND NOT PERMANENT CLASSIC REALMS.

I posted this on February 21st. Looks like I was correct considering there is nothing but population issues.

So I leave you with this as I have said before:

We have already seen proof that this community desires it. A huge push for it is already being seen on these forums, youtube comments on their videos, Twitter & of course the 10k+ players on private servers playing FRESH.

I just have to stop and think about this for a second.

We have people here that literally DO NOT CARE about Classic FRESH servers spending literally 8+ hours in this thread today so they can tell people who do want it that they shouldn’t be allowed to have it.

Just blows my mind that there can be people like this with this amount of selfishness.

That’s the equivalent of me going to every BC thread saying “They shouldn’t do BC because I’m going to be playing this other game instead” essentially the same thing.

We get it. You aren’t going to play when it DOES happen. WHEN IT DOES. And you know what? That’s FINE. You see? I’m ok with people playing games that I don’t wish to play.


you 2 get along great…
you should get married
:man_in_tuxedo: :bride_with_veil:

YES to FRESH 100%

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There will never be “fresh / new” servers. Not going happen nor would I for one even
want them. They wouldn’t be practical because there wouldn’t be enough players
to even populate one. At best your looking at a very low population and it wouldn’t
be worth Blizzards time. Just be content people got “Classic” in the first place.

If this is the case, why the numerous threads asking for it?

You got that backwards. This irony is just the icing on the cake.

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:rofl: :joy: Sorry but the 10k players on a FRESH private server disagree.

“People want something I don’t want. THEY SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO HAVE IT!”

If that’s not selfishness…lol.

You just proved my point.

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Yep, I’m clearly STUPID for asking a questing as to why replaying content cycles because “I nEeD aN eVeN pLaYiNg FiElD tO pLaY tHiS pArT oF tHe GaMe I lOvE aNd EnJoY.”

Yeah no, I do not buy that at all. Every streamer that I saw that played this, played for speed, faster leveling routes, just like retail, to beat people in a race. Again, I fail to see why you CAN NOT do this on a stasis server with project rules. You already know the content and when it was added, just follow the time line and you should be fine.


Could you please start this project for the community? I would like to participate in this. Just be sure everyone starts at level 1, no one ever accesses content until you give the go ahead, PvP battlegrounds don’t include anyone outside of this project(impossible lol) and no one trades any gold from other characters.

Also be sure to have at least 10k players included in this which is the population of the recent FRESH private server.

Let me know when you are ready to launch.

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Why would I have to start the project? I have no interest in playing classic, maybe YOU should take the initiative for once and do it yourself. You already know what needs to be done for it, after all, you are a pserver vet. Want change? YOU be the change for once in your life instead of relying on someone other then yourself. You clearly have a vision for it, now get the ball rolling for it.


OHH! My mistake.

I thought you had all the answers. This project is super simple and will obviously work right?

Orrrrr should Blizzard take 5 minutes and spin up some FRESH realms for the 10k+ players looking for them?

FRESH is already confirmed so you can keep whining. It will happen and I will be here to laugh at all the children fighting against it.

" We have already seen proof that this community desires it. A huge push for it is already being seen on these forums, youtube comments on their videos, Twitter & of course the 10k+ players on private servers playing FRESH.

I just have to stop and think about this for a second.

We have people here that literally DO NOT CARE about Classic FRESH servers spending literally 8+ hours in this thread today so they can tell people who do want it that they shouldn’t be allowed to have it.

Just blows my mind that there can be people like this with this amount of selfishness.

That’s the equivalent of me going to every BC thread saying “They shouldn’t do BC because I’m going to be playing this other game instead” essentially the same thing.

We get it. You aren’t going to play when it DOES happen. WHEN IT DOES. And you know what? That’s FINE. You see? I’m ok with people playing games that I don’t wish to play."

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Some people used to do the same thing anytime vanilla was brought up before classic actually happened. Its a special kind of person.

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Yup! This is exactly what this reads like.

“There will never be a Classic WoW. You will split up the community WAHHHH”

“There will never be FRESH SERVERS. You will split up the community from the 10 players sitting on the museum servers!”

I cannot wait to rub this in their faces when FRESH is announced.

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See, gang. This is objectivity and good will towards the masses on full display for all to see. Nek really cares, you understand. He’s very worried about Classic’s future, thats all, he has no personal stake in this whatsoever. Fresh servers are a great idea and the proof is Nek really likes them.

Seeing as he is completely unbiased on the matter and represented the case for fresh servers from a neutral perspective in good faith we all might as well take his word for it.

cuz yknow, we’re selfish



Since the very first post I show I am not posting from a neutral perspective lol. I am biased just as you are. I want Classic FRESH servers and you don’t.

No I’m not. Without FRESH there is no Classic future. No FRESH = no more sub.

Yes indeed.

Imagine getting mad that someone wants something that you don’t? I have friends excited for games that I have no interest in. So those games should never exist since I don’t want them right? They are wrong for wanting to play a game I don’t want to. Right?

No you’re not selfish at all.