Fresh Classic Only Helps

100% support a few fresh classic (vanilla) servers around when TBC comes out. I don’t plan to play TBC at all. I’d much rather have another go at classic progression. Truly my favourite gaming experience by a large margin.

I don’t care about F R E S H always, but at the end of classic’s road should be a new beginning, not an eternal naxx server. (or at least an option)

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It should definitely be an option. Or At least, They can come up with a creative solution. Where the “permanent” non refresh crowd can still see and talk to the fresh crowd. There won’t be many of us. I think a compromise can be found.

This includes a server merger, etc.

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Indeed. Then at the end of the FRESH Classic cycle, the TBC drops again for all current fresh servers. Players that want to stay Classic forever once again merge into an EXISTING classic forever server. So Classic forever is constantly getting stocked with the latest fresh server’s classic characters, and Fresh servers advance to TBC on an 18 month basis and reset a new fresh server on an 18 month basis.

It would basically secure and endless sub from people like me who feel that Classic is a complete game from start to end with high replay value, as opposed to the current situation where my sub expires March 5th because there has been no fresh announcement and i’ve already begun playing on a Fresh private server. Would gladly come back if Blizz announced Classic Fresh.


Damn that would be a tough decision for me to make. Replay classic wow from the beginning, which was some of the most fun I’ve had on wow in a very long time, or play tbc which was also some of the most fun I had back in the days.

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Don’t matter if we get fresh servers or not.
We will have to download and install TBC just like we did for Classic.
When we log on to battle net we choose what game to play.
Retail, Classic or TBC just the way it is now.
Your Classic character will be on both Classic and TBC.
That way you can still play the same character on both.
On TBC launch you log onto TBC and off you go to Outland after you get quest to go to the dark portal just like in TBC.
If you just want to play Classic and do not want to play TBC than do not down load TBC.
Battle net will than only show Classic available for play and not TBC.
No matter when you change your mind to play TBC just download TBC and choose that game to play.

While I do appreciate your input, I feel you may be missing the point of the request we are making.

We want to relive the phase 1-6 experience, level to 60 starting from level 1, start the honor grind all over again and just play through Classic once more.

Playing Classic content on a forever Classic realm will not deliver the same experience since all the content has been cleared, everyone is 60 and the PvP has evaporated.

The experience that is a FRESH server is unique. The idea that someone who hasn’t played Wow before will never get that chance is a horrible thought.


Well, Blizzard can do something like this.

Everyone will still be on one server. There will be those that will start out “fresh”. There will be those who won’t. They can talk to each other, interact each other, etc. However, they can’t group with each other. What they can see in the auction house is different, etc.

Those involved in fresh, will have something signifying that they are doing “fresh”. For the sake of simplicity just like sake, there is a tag next to their name.

That way, we can make everyone happy. The leveling experience will be there. The race to “server first” will be there. The social aspect will be there.

Doesn’t work at all. level 60s already farming the best spots ? level 60s can interact and grief lower levels? sounds HORRIBLE.

Did you read the gist of what I said? omg. They will be SEPERATE. Separate AHs, Separate everything. But it’s still one big community.

While I am not interested in fresh servers, I was 100% with you until this. There are people who want to play on parmaclassic servers. It’s not a zero sum game: you don’t have to bash an alternative to get what you want.


No one is saying there can’t be both. I never stated that.

I personally believe permanent Classic servers will be dead within 6 months. There is only so much you can do on a server with no additional content.

We have seen this time and time again at the end of every expansion when there is a content drought. A mass amount of the population leaves then returns when new content drops.

We can and should have both FRESH servers and perm Classic.

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ya, you said they can interact with each other. not the same feeling at all

I meant more chatting.

I think that may muddle the community up a bit.

Every conversation has to have “are you in FRESH or perm?” in order to know whether or not you can group.

Personally I think the communities should be separate. Play with the people who have the same interests.

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On the 5th of March, 1300+ people will be rerolling on an empty EU pvp server to try and get that fresh feel. This shows how much they want and need it.

New FRESH classic servers are NEEDED and the community needs to know the dates early to prepare for them.

Rerolling on an empty server is fun and all but its far way off the REAL thing.


The problem is that blizzard has to dedicate people to these new ‘fresh’ servers and for what purpose?

Classic is done and from my read most are gunning for TBC. There will be some wh want to stay locked ina museum, that’s fine. You do you. But popping up new servers changes nothing, add nothing and creates more overhead which could be better spent elsewhere.

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For players that want to play FRESH Classic WoW. Really? We are asking this question after 300+ replies to this thread?

Yes. That’s the problem. It’s done and there is no option to play FRESH.

Most people will play TBC. That’s been stated multiple times in this thread. The MAJORITY of players will play TBC but there are over 10k active players on a Classic Private Server that just launched.

There is a demand for FRESH Classic.

We have discussed this time and time again in this thread.

This project pulls guaranteed PROFITS. Easily over 10k players just from the private server scene alone. These are players that have mostly unsubbed and will not be playing TBC.

It’s so funny seeing history repeat itself. This is just like those requesting Classic for the past 10 years(me) and those who said it would never pull in money(the naysayers).

yes, because hosting a handful of servers running phase 1 classic costs blizzard SO MUCH money. as if people in europe haven’t been running private servers out of their basements for over a decade now, which were played by often 13k+ people at one time, AND were paid almost entirely by donations, lol.

blizzard could launch these servers and then leave them alone and nobody would even bat an eye. basically putting them on the backburner until the time comes to mess with them again.


Speak for yourself. I wanted Perma Classic Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that what the game “being done” means? :thinking:

Not me taking my time leveling up 50 characters? Splitting that up between Horde and Alliance? Maxing out as many Professions, as I can? Clearing out Raids on EVERY character? Hitting Exalted Rep with ALL Factions? Classic is “done” because we hit Phase 6? :thinking:

Perhaps in your eyes. I will say “fresh” DOES allow for the Phases to be plowed through, over and over, again. But, I’m not really interested in doing that. I’m not going to stop you from wanting to do that, though.

OK, hang on, are you part of the “fresh” NEW Servers group? Or, the “fresh” Seasonal Servers one? Judging by this statement, you seem to fall into the former. I don’t agree with that, unfortunately. Why? I find it completely wasteful for Blizz to be creating a bunch of “fresh” NEW Servers, over and over, again, as those players get bored and migrate to the next “fresh” NEW Server, meanwhile still hoarding their progressed characters on the stagnated servers.

I’m much more in favor for “fresh” Seasonal Servers. Once their duration “ends”, EVERYTHING (titles, mounts, chars, etc.) gets wiped! I’ll even compromise with a Paid Service, for those that want to archive/save their Seasonal Server Characters onto the Stagnated Servers. Don’t want to pay to save? Then level on the Stagnated Servers as intended :slightly_smiling_face:

No, it doesn’t. If they’re unable, then they’re unable. The key phrase is “as we can”. It doesn’t equate to a “promise”.

That being said, no to “fresh” NEW Servers, but yes to “fresh” Seasonal Servers.