Fresh Classic Only Helps

fresh when


We want fresh and we want it now


I will always support things that will help the whole community have fun! :slight_smile:


I would love fresh classic servers.


cancelled my sub til fresh servers are opened :+1:


I did the same!

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  1. Sure they might pull in some new people each time they spin up fresh servers, but most players would be the same group and there is nothing wrong with that.

  2. it would NOT cost them nothing, sure it wouldn’t be a large cost but they would still need to roll all the patches and fixes throughout classic into the earlier patches, and if it was going to be a seasonal thing they would probably want to do the development so that it is easier to progress between the phases for future fresh servers.

  3. they all but confirmed they will be doing fresh servers, but not till after the TBC launch has settled down because it leta then devote more resources to a launch which will probably be at least somewhat problematic with all the people pooring into hellfire peninsula and having to be ready to handle any problems and exploits missed in beta. And because as was pretty evident with Naxx launching at the same time as retail it creates a conflict for a number of people which can negatively affect things so by separating the events by a bit you are more likely to have a better experience for everyone on both games especially for the people who will be playing both.

I mean you can always play on classic era servers why start all over. lol

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It doesn’t offer the same experience. I think you know that though and are playing dumb.

That’s why you are posting from a level 10 alt and posting images of players that aren’t too cowardice to use their real characters. Sound about right?


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Ignore that guy, anybody who says something like that obviously doesn’t know enough about the game they’re talking about. How could playing on a server that is perma-stuck on phase 6 be anything close to playing on a fresh server going through progression from the beginning again?

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any thoughts of classic wow with ray tracing?

Lol. Completely different topic but SURE why not? Better graphics? Hit me up.

On topic though.

I think it’s important that we restate that this thread is about having Classic FRESH servers at the LAUNCH OF TBC. It provides a healthy launch time that can mirror the launch of future expansions.

#FreshAtLaunch (Am I doing this hashtag thing right?)


I agree with all of that.

I should’ve said it costs them ‘close to nothing’ (w.r.t. the first launch), and it’s true that it’s better for everyone to decouple launches of new servers/expansions.
In fact, they need to know how many people will move on to TBC before knowing how many fresh servers they need.

I’d still love a formal announcement that fresh Classic will happen.

Also, I think the importance of fresh servers for player acquisition is underestimated, and it’s a key indicator that Blizzard will (should…) look.


I would love a formal announcement that FRESH Classic will happen AT THE LAUNCH OF BURNING CRUSADE.

Give players a choice.


Fresh classic servers on TBC launch please!

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I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on Blizzard Forum.


Commander Shepard has made an appearance!

If he supports it you KNOW it’s a good idea.

its my fresh and i need it now

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Like Holly already said “Serve as many players as we can that want to play”

There are people that want to pay a sub for FRESH CLASSIC and fresh TBC and there will always be people that want this.

Why not have a renewable system that brings in people periodically to the world of warcraft. Nothing comes close to Wow for world discovery, WORLDpvp, immersive journeys and friendships when played from the START together with others starting from nothing all the way to purples and 40man raid groups :smiley:

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Fixed that for you…

Don’t speak for other people

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