Fresh Classic Only Helps

Should you read the topic, you would’ve known that Eijian is the person being harassed.

Sad to see someone justifying harassment because people are upset because others have different opinions.


“hopeful” doesn’t mean what you think it means. someone who is hopeful is positive. and doesn’t post literally 30 times harassing someone elses progression because they don’t agree with them. i have not said anything on the same level as what he has. and even when i could have called him out for lying (or at least willfully misunderstanding something) i didn’t. which would’ve been a personal attack. i didn’t do it though. i mentioned he got caught in a lie though, because he did. i saw the video and saw what was said before it was posted for everyone to see on the boards. but instead of seeing me for what i’m actually doing. which is trying to explain why you cannot just have an infinity loop for free without some regulation. you all just see a wall of no that isn’t there. i said many times if you want to give blizz a reason to do it (ie paying a box cost so they have money to redo it so much) that it’s fine. but you shouldn’t ask for other people from all other areas of wow to pay indefinitely for you to redo classic 9837593457839457345 times. that’s the meat of what i said. that’s what they’re reporting me for and trolling me over. and all sorts of other things you seem to have no issues with.

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While I don’t agree with some of their statements or discussion tactics, I can’t help but feel your ‘contributions’ played a key role in the current situation. I have no sympathy for someone who attempts to provoke hostilities and then hides behind the fact that the other individual is the aggressor. Both you and henceforth are intelligent enough to understand what you’re doing with subtle inflammatory comments and continue to do so with no other perceivable goal than to increase frustration for those who would enjoy fresh infinity servers. While it’s not “harassment”, everyone is able to see it for what it is.

Blame the victim.

no. i am not a passive aggressive person. i’ve gotten my smacks on this board, and others, for attacking people. the thing is i am TRYING to be constructive. as this is something i care about as well. and i want to see classic succeed well into the future. i said i don’t understand why people do it, and i wouldn’t do it myself, but if they gave a reason for blizzard TO do it that that would be okay. i was explaining from my perspective the best way to do it was. we were all in agreement for a while until someone made a comment about their being no box cost initially. which was because there were like a million people and many servers had to keep being made. which is different than the 10k they said would play this infinity loop classic. if the dude hadn’t made that error (and that’s what it was) i would’ve never had to explain the rest of the stuff to him and it wouldn’t have snowballed. someone not understanding the differences on how much things cost and how many many more people paying makes up for the loss of a potential box cost is something i was trying to explain. that’s all it was. he didn’t understand economics.

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Your attempts to manipulate what I said further showcase your inability to interact in a friendly way. Saying someone contributed to the current situation is by no means blaming the victim, it’s acknowledging that individuals don’t usually feel the need to attack or harass others out of no where.

he started attacking me for being a tbc “shill” almost immediately. then when i said i play retail he switched to that. then when i showed him i do play classic he harassed me over my characters level. why? because i disagreed with him. i did nothing but that and he still has harassed me non stop for hours. read the entire thread objectively.

Wow. These dudes posts throughout the forums are incredibly toxic.

i.imgur .com/ZvGzGXy.png

Not going to let those two derail what we WANT.

A large portion of the community has already spoken. Let your voices be heard Classic community!

you said “these dudes” implying i am also a party to it but you link something that mr hunter said in another thread. why are you continuously dragging me through the dirt? i have yet to report any time you’ve insulted me about my level or lied about me or ad hom’d me into oblivion. i suspect that you and a few others are outside of the forums itself telling each other which posts to flag. because me mentioning how you’ve treated me this whole time was flagged down. and given that your responses are there for everyone to see and that you’ve attacked me over and over and over again and even in your most recent post where you’re screen shotting someone elses doesn’t include any posts i’ve made elsewhere, you’re attacking me. it’s obvious that you flagged me for… telling the truth. inb4 yall false flag this as well. cuz apparently calling out harassment is flag worthy.


i.imgur .com/aI4wQx4.png

It’s constant with you 2. All you do on these forums is fan flames. Grow up.

People want something you don’t want and that bothers you. Self centered to the core.

Classic Fresh! BRING IT ON!

me explaining exactly what happened isn’t toxic. me mentioning in passing that i was harassed by you without throwing you under the bus is also not toxic. if you feel that or anything else i’ve said is toxic you’re free to flag. but given i, again, did nothing to deserve such harassment. you might want to look at yourself first. you are the one legit harassing me and others because we disagree with you. and you’ve focused mostly on me despite the fact i’ve said i have no issue with it assuming blizz can make money off of it. because a. you thought i was a “tbc shill” b. because i play retail and c. because the toon i rerolled isn’t high enough for you to think i should have an opinion. reread the things i’ve actually said without being mad that i don’t just auto agree it should happen just as you’d wish. even that person who called me a bully eventually read what i was actually saying and now we’re cool.

You are literally the only person in this thread to use the word “Shill” so…nice try.

Again just fanning flames and being an overall miserable, toxic person on these forums. You have a MASSIVE history of it.

Have a good night.

calling me miserable and toxic because i explained the many different ways you’ve attacked me over and over? what does that make YOU for doing the attacking? we disagree. but i haven’t literally treated you like dirt because of it. i’ve also debated against your posts and ideas and not you as a person or your level or accomplishments in game or anything else. the fact i disagree with you doesn’t actually give you a right to treat me that way. but for whatever reason you think it does.

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That’s exactly the point!
It will not be the same people over and over again, it will be new people.
And, as you say, some will eventually progress to TBC, and some of them will eventually sift through retail. That’s the long term bet.

Blizzard has the numbers about how many first-time, ongoing, subs Classic meant for them this time around (I’m one).

In any case, as OP said, launching a few fresh classic servers will cost Blizzard nothing, and will serve as an experiment to estimate the ROI in the long term.

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i’ve given up on this thread tbh. i was literally harassed all day long by OP and any time i mentioned it i was false flagged. the people in this thread don’t want a discussion or sharing of ideas they want an echo chamber and will attempt to get you banned, simply for disagreeing. if you’d like to talk about this further @me in a different thread and i’ll talk to you about it there.

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Thanks everyone for showing your support for this thread. Its obvious many people think classic releasing fresh servers is needed and helpful to keep a part of the player base.

Some will be enjoying TBC, I hope to be enjoying fresh classic !


If anyone from Blizzard actually sees this:

Please bring fresh servers, with “rolling progression” style. If you set the precedent now, then it becomes a way to increase the longevity and replay-ability of WoW for YEARS and YEARS to come. Yes, we know that the future is the focus, but why not also bring an option for fresh progressive servers, to bring in profits coming from new players who want to start from the beginning or older players who only enjoy a certain expansion? Compared to the potential profits and playerbase that you could retain indefinitely, the cost for doing so would be minimal.

I’m not just talking about fresh classic going for one round. I’m talking about periodically releasing fresh servers that will in turn progress to the next expansions, and so on as an OPTION for players who do want it! I think you’d be missing out if you didn’t consider that option.


I stand with the Fresh servers


Wonder is a bot he’ll say literally anything you want him to.

100% this.

This is one of the reasons remasters and re-releases are so popular. The vast majority of the total costs lies in the original development. Throwing some VERY rough numbers around in my head based off of absolutely nothing I see it like this.

100% - The original development and release of Classic WoW.

2 - 5% of original budget (mostly marketing) - The Classic WoW we just had release. (Mostly marketing)

0 -1% of original budget (mostly customer server) - The Classic WoW FRESH servers.

From a financial standpoint based off the very intricate and detailed “math in my head” this FRESH project makes sense.