They are not even transferring people from existing realms to new classic realms. The realms will remain as they are. Now imagine servers that are currently medium will be all on low.
They will have to connect those realms with connected-realm technology from retail to let the game remain playable for those remaining in classic frozen.
Now you want fresh classic. This will be DOA. Look at servers like Thalnos for example. It is dead. This will be what a fresh classic will be like. Imagine going from day 1 with no Dire Maul, no PvP gear / honor and only Molten Core / Onyxia’s lair released again.
We’re past this moment. If you want to experience classic, there will be classic servers where you can play.
Absolutely not. There are servers that still have queues to this day.
Don’t compare the one dead server you know about to the vast majority of Classic.
A FRESH classic with a smaller batch of servers would absolutely not have a dead population. What you described is EXACTLY what we are asking for. Day 1 with no DM, no PvP/honor and ONLY MC and Ony. That’s perfect.
That’s what we want.
I absolutely understand you don’t want to play Classic WoW again. That’s cool, enjoy BC. I will enjoy FRESH or nothing at all.
There are no queues in classic realms for almost 10 months. Servers went dead with the arrival of Shadowlands.
Netherwind used to be FULL and some of us even got queues before. Server gone MEDIUM (mediumwind) and it was never like it was before.
Your idea of playing it all over again amuses me.
You absolutely do not understand. It is not like I don’t want. It is more likely I’m telling you to stop hoping for something that will never happen, simply because it is unfeasible. Unless, of course, you come up with 10k more subs for classic fresh out of your pocket. Do you have it ? Perhaps they would do it.
Not to mention the servers are low cause its now at the end of the expac right? so starting from fresh allows them to feel it from the start again, and give them something to do not just raid log or what ever.
I’m not going to say that’s a lie because you may be ill-informed. This just isn’t the truth.
We have well over 10k people playing Classic WoW private servers at this very moment because they offer a FRESH experience. So yes. We do.
You sound JUST LIKE the people that claimed Classic WoW would never return.
History has done a full circle lol.
100% this. We have a need for it. The community is asking for it. And a ton of people sent in this same exact question asking if FRESH would be coming. This is according to Scott Johnson himself.
That is the truth. In fact, I just opened the servers’ tab and I’ll show what your denial doesn’t let you do:
All those Medium realms used to be HIGH.
Some of them were FULL.
The current HIGH realms, used to be FULL.
The low used to be either HIGH or medium at some point.
Can you please let me know when did you get queue to login (except from the days where there were problems with login servers)? Because no classic server has the population to justify queue today, and for the past 10 months.
Yes, and those people will move to classic TBC. If you want to justify a fresh classic server from the 0, it would require at least 10k people really wanting to go for it. Even though, I doubt Blizzard would give a Classic progression experience for the 3rd time.
That is it. You want classic, you can play classic frozen, with P6 content on existing realms.
I understand you don’t know how the polling rate of the servers works.
Are you really trying to justify the fact that server population is lower NOW THAT PHASE 6 HAS ENDED AND THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS HAVE CLEARED ALL OF THE CONTENT as a reason why we shouldn’t have FRESH?
That’s literally the reason WHY WE SHOULD HAVE IT.
If you don’t want it. Don’t play on it. End of discussion.
Because I don’t want to play BC there shouldn’t be BC servers? The gall of some people.
Oh, I know how they works. It is the peak of the last 7 days. It used to be updated on daily basis. That means, those servers didn’t have any higher population than it is in the past 7 days. Which is pretty much the same (still in decline) for the past couple months.
They’re farming T3 because they want to level quickly and clear T4 content on TBC.
Great. You can opt “stay in classic frozen” then. Problem solved.
they also changed the way the server pops were shown a long time back. because servers went from full to medium and they didn’t want people to quit cuz they thought classic was dying. so it went from “population of current people online” to “population in general given the total population of every server” so it went from being exact to relative. and if someone calls me out on it i’ll find the blue post myself explaining when it changed. i saw whitemane go from medium to full overnight because of it. in the middle of a dead part of a patch.
Once a server has reached phase 6 and content is completed, there is a great feeling of satisfaction for some. Some people want to move on and others want to go again.
I understand the purpose of this post. That is why I am explaining to you why it will not happen. Instead giving reasonable explanation, comprehensive and cohesive thoughts on why it would happen, you get back with ad hominem.
You don’t even know how realm population is shown in the game. Before trying to discuss with others, you should try to get your facts straight first.
be careful. they are flag happy and have their minds made up. i spent quite a long time earlier trying to explain it to them and all that happened is they trolled my level and then false flagged me.
By linking that thread you proved you have no idea what you are talking about.
You go play BC. Move on.
We have a level 25 player in Classic who mains on retail and someone excited for BC telling us we shouldn’t have FRESH.
You do know it’s already been CONFIRMED right? You do know that. Ohh no?
Well let me help you.
youtu .be/kUO5-VeAMhc?t=3312
Well looks like you have no idea what you are talking about and have done absolutely no research.
Well…seems like you don’t. This thread is a request for Classic FRESH at the LAUNCH OF BC. It’s already CONFIRMED for a later date, we want it at BC launch.
again with the personal attacks. and that thread is a BLUE POST explaining how they were changing how the populations were being displayed. unless you think anti fresh people hacked the blizzard account in october of 2019 to use it to troll you in 2021. lol?