Fresh Classic Only Helps

Launch new FRESH Classic servers if they wish to continue playing that.

That’s not my question. What do you do about the characters that have already been established on these “fresh” Classic Servers, that are now transitioning into BC, but these Classic only players don’t want to bring/take their characters over there. Where do those characters go?

If you’re telling me, they’re taking their characters over to “new ‘fresh’” Classic Servers, it’s not “fresh”, anymore, now is it?

Right. That’s why you don’t do that.

They can either go to the permanent Classic realm they have setup now or go to BC.

If they want Classic FRESH they will have to restart.

Simple solution.

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Right, and I don’t mind that. I just don’t want the Perma Servers to be used as a dump site, so I’d rather players pay for it with a Paid Service, in order to archive / save their Seasonal Characters.

Honestly? I’m all for that.

You heard it here first Blizzard. Lets go! Make it happen!

This is what I’ve been saying the WHOLE time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Actually, where I first heard this was in my “What is ‘fresh’” thread:

Plus this:

Well seems like we have come to an agreement.


Lets make this happen on the DAY BC launches. Give us our choice.

I know you have been watching this thread. You know you want to chime in and throw us a little something :slight_smile:

My wallet is fat and ready for Classic.

I’m glad you and I have. Some (not all), not so much. But, it seems like you’re in favor for Seasonal Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

im not going to sit here and read the entire flame war but i may as well put my two cents in.

fresh is going to eventually happen. however, due to blizzard not trying to lose player traction at tbc launch, we aren’t going to immediately get them. i get that the entire argument is to get them at launch, but as a person who preaches the idea of fresh/seasonal classic servers you have to come to terms with the fact we aren’t immediately getting them, especially when it’s literally been deconfirmed in the classic QA.

they stated that they have their eye on the matter, and will begin considering it once tbc has had a smooth and successful launch. which, if we are to use classic as an example, could be anywhere from 2-4 months. i feel however, that classic hype was LEAGUES larger than TBC. that “smooth and successful” start could come way sooner than we expect.

That’s the problem.

Any later than BC launch date = lower quality experience.

No longer can it follow the future expansion releases.

Letting my sub expire. Goodbye everyone.

Thanks for the great discussion!

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It might be worth just identifying which servers have a poor faction balance and getting a large group of players to re-roll there.

It looks like this is already taking place in both NA and EU.

you mean the arcanite reaper “fresh” lvling experience? Ugh im sorry but that does not substitute real fresh. Just because 100-200 people are willing to reroll on a ph6 dead end server that barely has a few hundred players on it, does not even remotely compare to a real fresh


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It would be really disappointing to not have at least one fresh realm in time for the Burning Crusade pre-patch. The original launch of the Burning Crusade had fresh realms too, just google “timeline of the creation of US realms”. I’ve invested a lot of time into my main but I would still prefer to create a new character, and I can still play both. This isn’t a “one or the other” situation. The journey on a fresh realm is so much fun.

  • New economy so players who stockpiled gold in Classic won’t be able to afford profession mats, Artisan Riding, etc. immediately.
  • Everyone will be leveling together again meaning: better opportunity to make new friends and rivalries especially if you’re a new player, Draenei and Blood Elves won’t just get level boosted in dungeons so the world will feel more alive - leading to more people interacting with the new quest hubs added to the old world.
  • Bots would be dis-incentivized from playing on fresh realms because they wouldn’t be able to boost a character (ideally no 58 boosts, but this is probably why Blizzard doesn’t want fresh realms) and immediately farm higher-end mats.

Please Blizzard, there are so many people in the community that are in favor of fresh realms. Why can’t we have the bare minimum? Or at least a reply explaining why we can’t have them despite the demand.

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Step 1- find one of the many dead classic servers

Step 2 - roll there with other fresh minded people

Step 3- don’t do content x such as BWL, Naxx before a decided upon date

The best part of Vanilla WoW was the playerbase made their own content- if you people truly want fresh you can easily get it… problem is, despite all the screeching on the forums, there isn’t actually a widespread desire for fresh, you just want Blizz to handhold you since you’re a bunch of retail rejects.

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It’s a great idea. Sad to see blizz ignoring it, but that seems to be a very common theme with them.

prepare to be dissapointed

I could see them adding a new server every now and then similar to how they do like… new Diablo seasons. But there’s definitely no need to add multiple new servers at a time

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