Fresh Classic is going to SUCK

In your case I know its just your need to control anyway. You’ve made that abundantly obvious. The latest example your desire to require Social Interaction for pvp. I’m not telling you that you have to solo q but I also am not going to be forced into pre-mades to pvp. After spending all of Saturday doing AV it is safe to say that AV afkers are few and far between. Reported a few but not as many as its been in the past. And yes I do enjoy reporting bots/afkers. Although not as rewarding as watching the bracket-mafia pre-made control freaks lose all their control.

And all those towers, lts, commanders, mean nothing to you. Even though that is where the majority of honor comes from. So just killing the opponents leader is not the objective. That is why I laugh and enjoy racer teams because they always get less honor than their opponent.

even with chromoboon in I still was able to get into a bunch of world pvp as people were still out and about getting buffs… The fun wasn’t removing their buffs, it was the combat itself.

I still don’t quite understand why people are apprehensive towards the new pvp system. I for one do not want anything to do with ranking discords and 1 mil caps just to get purples in a 15 year old game. Idc if it is easier to get now than before, still no walk in the park. I’ll still be running around in WSG with tha bois!

Bring on the fresh

I do like the social aspect of PVP. That to me is part of what an MMORPG is and should be about and it is also a big part of what made Classic WoW what it was, and it’s something that the game has stopped being about over time.

It is NOT about control. That’s your perspective based on your belief that I seek that out because you play this game for you and only you, and you project that self-centered mindset onto everyone around you.

I’ve been in AVs in the last few weeks too and there are tons of AFKers but even more people controlling their characters while focusing more on other things. They aren’t thinking about strategy, they are following the crowd and the same routine.

That’s always been fine.


I would dig a premade league for separate rewards


I consider the afkers /bots to be blizzards problem not mine. And taking honor gains away from AV because of a few isn’t the answer. And maybe the issue you’re experiencing is more of a Horde problem. Again not my problem. And I’m glad you like the Social parts of pvp. I actually did take 4 guildies into AV with me on Saturday and they enjoyed themselves. Of course we were actually doing objectives and/or playing defense. However, the ranking process can’t be linked to or easier for pre-mades or I’m out!

Something we can agree on. I would love to see pre-made bgs come to classic era. Not sure how the purists would react to that though.

You gotta be careful not to turn it into the retail rbg type of skeleton or arena skeleton

I personally dont believe vanilla is the type of game that needs to be policed for competition. The community has always done that well enough

But different weapons or a title or even different LOOKING r14 stuff would be kinda sick

I’d do it for cosmetic alone + playing other full prems. Imagine a satin black shaman set with red fire.

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this just sounds like people mad because their negative behaviour is being curbed

You haven’t been apart of a real wsg or ab premade if you think the game modes are “simple”

Sure, maybe you were apart of the “honor farm” premades. But a competent premade? I highly doubt it and haven’t seen any evidence of sort.

If you don’t like the bg that’s fine, idk why you even cynically comment about them on the daily. You can have your opinion but that’s all it is.

As far as av goes, I know how av premade v premade goes too. I played on northdale when AV was meta and APES were queing into the horde premade as a guild. If you would like me to break down why APES would roll the entire horde premade effortlessly with only 20-25, I can do it step by step. And their guild is a warsong gulch guild

larger battlegrounds cover up individual player error more than smaller battlegrounds. Margin for error much higher. It’s easier for people to be lazy and inefficient when they don’t need to maximize the entire toolkit of their class due to very large engagements.

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Honestly they need to make AQ effort require completely random materials so people can’t pre-stockpile

Yet another whiner…

Move along, nothing to see here.


World buffs suck.


Chronoboon is the most Blizzard thing

A terrible problem with a simple solution
But Blizz finds a complicated round about way to make the situation worse.

Just remove world buffs.
Or make them apply outside instances only.
They are completely unnecessary.
They complicate difficulty adjustment.
They drive the dopamine addicts insane trying to manage them/protect them.
Yet you instead of removing the problem enabled/amped up the issue.

If you’re going to go back on no changes at least come with the balls to fix things and not placate mentally unwell ppl and make things worse.


You don’t have to get world buffs bruh. Let’s not remove them from the only version of wow that has them - for those that like them

poor baby gettin triggered by dispel spells :expressionless:

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I was initially going to get Rank 11 for cheap mount as Remulos is also very tiny and hard to make gold on, but when I got 700 gold I bought the AV ram. It feels -that- bad to have a slow mount.

Will probably buy the rank 11 mounts anyway cause they look neat, though. In that time with the rank 8 pvp gear I learnt how to solo some endgame dungeons in my smite build so I’ve got gold to throw around a bit.

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how come the pve crowd is mad that the pvp’rs have an actual avenue to gear now?

But that’s not fresh ? I mean for all we know it could be a tbc Season or even a wrath Season and we don’t know anything about it So how do you interpret that as a Classic fresh ?

Wonderful post, quite amazing to find a person with reason the WoW forum.

And yes, im also not biased because ive never even tried to go for rank 14. The rules to obtain it were always crystal clear and ive decided not to. Therefor i should not be able to get the gear. Easy.

But these people just act like they have the right to obtain everything. Classic has been made into retail.

Alex was right.