Fresh Classic is going to SUCK

because classic tbc and classic wrath are things

Don’t forget the fly hacking ZG boosters

Those five-mage “spell cleave” dungeon groups the first month or so are cute though I’ll admit.

It’s not. You even wondering this makes you sound like a boomer though.

Rank 14 already was a participation trophy. The participation just happened to be degenerate self-harm behavior. Vanilla was literally defined by being nothing but a series of participation trophies. The first actual trophies weren’t introduced until TBC.

In a just world Blizzard would have been brought up on criminal charges for releasing it a second time, knowing the kind of harm it causes. The Vanilla honor system is literally the worst, most hateful system ever put into a video game. An astounding level of ignorance excuses the first pass, but releasing it twice is straight-up negligence no different than scattering needles filled with dope around cities by the truckload.

Have you even bothered to play Classic Era?? It sure seems like you have not because if you had you would have known what you said here is total crap.

I don’t think you know what a participation trophy is.

Rank 14 was an achievement of fortitude. Like somebody climbing Everest. Yes their body would pay a toll for that. It’s not for everyone. The fun was the journey. I never got rank 14 and it doesn’t matter at all. The idea that the reward at the end is all that matters is more of a retail philosophy. And now that retail philosophy has made its way to classic.

The journey doesn’t matter at all, just how fast you get to the reward. And to ensure everybody has an easy enough shot of getting it. So official classic will just begin to fizzle away. Because retail already appeals to people who like retail. And they’ll go play retail instead of this. When the field is cluttered and rank 14s, no one will be playing this. And you will have a defecto retail PVP environment.


No, it’s an “achievement” in self-abuse. Like giving someone a trophy for doing speed every day for a month and not dying.

One can hope. For it’s many imperfections there’s actual competition to be had in retail, unlike Classic.

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I agree with OP except the world buff dispelling part, that was super toxic and degenerate. Unless you’re a sociopath, it won’t be missed at all.

they wouldn’t waste their time doing more TBC/wrath crap :expressionless:

Imo doubt fresh will happen,

More likely to see a Classic+

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FRESH GOING TO ROCK. Go cry quietly in a corner.

Okay There’s no one hundred percent way to tell Is the population between the two however According to Iron forge pro . com And yes, i’m aware that there’s variables Because I know it doesn’t count People leveling Or farming.

However let me say this in all of era This is all the clusters put together as of Is september 5 17214 vs wrath All the servers put together 404752 so 17k vs 400k wrath is Still way more popular than era They’re just raid logging.

So no it’s not unreasonable at all For blizzard to do a season of tbc or wrath On top of that I would imagine they want to do something different not Vanilla with Little tweaks again.

Especially since they saw how som Turned out So if anything I would say if blizzard just re releases Vanilla Just little minor tweaks that would be a waste of time.

Because the same people That play on era Are going to be those people that play Vanilla fresh Lizard doesn’t need to work to get those people but a fresh season With real crazy changes would attract people.

Classic+ would be fresh