Fresh Classic is going to SUCK

There are only a few afkers per game no where near as bad as it has been in the past.

Actually AV is far more pvp oriented than wsg/ab overly geared pre-mades vs pugs. There was literally no pvp happening at all prior to the patch. Got nearly 1000hks last week and all of them were in the process of doing objectives. And were mostly 1st kill no diminishing returns honor. Not that I consider “Hk’s” the end all be all of deciding whether something is pvp or not. AV takes far more strategy to win than either wsg or ab. Simple decisions like whether or not to guard a gy or taking the wrong gy at the wrong time can change the game entirely. As for the overly geared Horde Racer teams, I welcome them. 2500 honor for a loss is a win!

Exactly - I like to just queue a game and go back to work or do other things. Committing to a premade isn’t always possible for me, and besides being in a premade and just stomping pugs is really boring and I don’t care how much honor I get, maybe I have ADHD or something, but it’s not worth it. And I think a lot of people will agree with me or are in the same situation. Being stomped by a premade is also very un-fun, I really like AB and WSG but when my whole team give up, sometimes even before the gates open, I’d rather just go to AV.

I will say though, premade vs premade is really fun. Hence why matching pre-made vs premade is worth. Although, this only works when there’s a lot of games and players. Hence the nerf in AV, if everyone ranking is better off in one battleground, there’s no point.

But one might say “why not just buff the other one” - sure, you could. But you could also nerf the one battleground that requires the least amount of active participation. ALSO NOTE - 500k cap at the most is not a lot. Also, something that people tend to forget - this is the CAP, you don’t NEED to get 500k to progress ( I don’t actually know what’s the floor in order for you to progress, because I don’t care enough to do the math or research). If you can do 200k and still progress in rank 13 - what’s the big deal? A few more weeks? If your ranking don’t you enjoy the progress anyway? (I know the answer to that question but just stating the obvious).


500k is not a lot for people who have done the 800k-1m grind in the past. 500k is still not attainable by the vast majority of the player base though. If you lower AV honor gains the cap would have to be reduced dramatically or once again participation would bottom out. If you cut AV honor gains in half then honor cap would have to be reduced to 250k.

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  1. True - Pugs Vs Premade is not fun for quite literally anyone (if you’re a premade and enjoy pugstomping you need to get out more idk) and requires quite literally no PVP.

  2. But - AFK in AV is still afk in AV - both pug stomp and AFK AV is no PVP and boring

  3. False - there were 10+ wsg game a few weeks before patch.

  4. AV takes more strategy than AB or WSG? Uhhm non. I’ll let someone else argue that because it’s literally the most non-sense thing

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Have you even been in AV since the patch? Don’t get me wrong there are afkers but nothing compared to what it was. And from what I understand blizzard does hand out suspensions for afking in AV.

500k is not required - it is a CAP.

people seem to forget that you don’t need to reach the 500k to make progress in your ranking journey, unless you wanna get it over with as soon as possible, in which case maybe you shouldn’t rank anyway.

The system is quite literally catered to the casuals that wanna do as little as possible. Heck, you don’t even de-rank! You can get r14 in a few months doing prob 200-300k a week (again, don’t know the numbers), which would be the minimum to make progress.

I have been, but I will also try my best to not let random 6-min happen

I group up with people that wanna play D and farm HK at choke points.

Also Blizzard not good at acting upon those that AFK idk if u noticed.

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AB pre-made is 3-3-3 6 rotating to incs with at least 3 healers. My favorite pvp to do but very simple game and strats. WSG is capture the flag a childs game. You have to take towers, gys, guard them, while killing lts and commanders, and all this while a small group captures relief hut and East/West towers and a small group of defenders tries to slow the opponent.

I’m sorry.

This is beyond my capabilities.

I can’t help you

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Sure you do. If you want to reach rank 14 you will have to get it 3 times minimum or 5 times to do it in a timely fashion. To get rank 13 is similar and if you want it in a timely fashion you’ll have to do 500k at least twice. Nobody who is seriously ranking has forgotten.

I didn’t think you’d have anything of substance to add. You could try to actually explain how capture the flag and capturing 3 bases to 2 in AB is complicated or difficult in anyway.

Ooooh yeah another mafia guy crying

I’ll write an essay and get it peer-reviewed brb

I would explain in detail but you won’t listen so there is no point.

Why did Blizzard do a summer bowl competition for WSG and a fall conquest for AB but no AV competition?

I’ve played “Era” AV a lot, I won’t say there is no PVP or strategy element at all but the usual rushes aren’t. Also, plenty of people are still doing AV in Wrath just for the gear and following that same rush strategy. So what about that makes Era unique to where it’s a good thing for two versions of WoW to cater to the same “solo player who just wants the gear” player base?

From the sound of it you’ve never actually taken a leadership role in AV or done the basic objectives of the game. It is also doubtful you’ve ever considered the consequences of your actions in AV. For example, re-capaturing forward GYs when you shouldn’t. That simple mistake can turn an easy win into a very long loss. No complexities like this exist in either wsg or ab. And it is just one of many examples.

I ran with RBG groups and ran Classic Pre-mades, AB/WSG etc are all very simple low strat games. Just because blizzard uses them for e-sports doesn’t make them more complicated than AV. It is the simplicity of most battlegrounds that makes them popular. But this isn’t a discussion about what is popular. Now I’ve given examples of why AV takes a lot more complex strategy. Maybe try actual examples instead of just talking out your…

I’m not going to argue with you and type out a bunch of examples because your opinions won’t be swayed. So it’s a waste of my time. If someone else wants to that’s awesome.

VERY few die-hard “vanilla” PVP fans will agree with you. Go put up a poll and ask which of the three battlegrounds require more strategy and then look at the results.

You seem to be big into PVE servers too. You’ve said yourself that you mainly PVP for gear (not the fun) and you like rush AV games because they are more efficient. I don’t think you’re actually a PVP fan at all.

What do you think about the people who brag about semi-AFKing (as in watching Netflix) while doing AV? Do you think these players participate in the intense and complex strategy that winning AV requires, according to you?


I think you need to look up the definition of strategy vs objective.

Objective of WSG is to capture flag, AB is to capture bases, AV is to kill final boss. All of which are simple. Capturing the flag in WSG is not a

I think maybe you just have failed to play the other two BGs enough to understand their strategies, i.e. Crowd Control, positioning, Rez management

You mentioned that capturing a flag is simple (I’m too noob to quote) - so is killing a boss

I don’t think AV is brainless and there is complexities, as is the case with all other BGs and I think the complexities depend on the players. The current players that are in AV are not all about those complexities I’ll tell you that much.


Yes all current era classic servers will be deleted again and made fresh “soon”