Fresh and Permanent Classic Servers - A compromise

Shrug I can hope. Didn’t they do something similar to Diablo?

Who knows? Who cares?

This is Blizz.

That’s going to happen without fresh

here is an extremely simple way to do this, and not this convoluted garbage.

two servers in each region, 1 pvp and 1 pve. add servers as they are needed.
players roll on this server knowing that their progress will eventually be wiped.

alternatively, make two additional servers per region once phase 6 is launched, or whenever they are ready for more fresh servers. old servers will remain, and once the new servers reach phase 6 (it would have been probably 4 years since those characters on the old servers got created) the old servers are wiped, and the process repeats itself.

honestly, i think you overestimate the number of people that will be playing Classic. While i may be underestimating.

My point is to put everyone on one server. Now if I’m wrong, and there are millions of people then that solution works.

As for garbage. Sure. But my point is this. Community is first and fore most.

I think that in my case I’m going to have to just agree to disagree with you and respectfully bow out of the rest of the conversation after this post. I’m beginning to suspect, based on all you’ve said, that your idea of what constitutes “community” and mine are two very different things, and there’s not much more I can say regarding my own opinion on it.

Your interpretation seems to be that more people makes for more community and my interpretation is that bigger numbers don’t necessarily promote more or better community. In fact I believe it can actually be the complete opposite and detrimental to what I consider to be “community.”

Too many people and it becomes very impersonal, like in big cities in RL vs small towns where you recognize most of the people and get to know a goodly number of them. I understand that some people prefer a huge bustling metropolis where they can be an anonymous “face in the crowd,” surrounded by a bazillion strangers while no one ever really “sees” them. They’re all just nothing more than a lot of bodies that give the illusion you’re not alone and are actually “with” people, when in fact you are more alone than you would be in a smaller community.

Not to mention the more people jammed together, the more it promotes animosities because of competition over resources and quest mobs/areas, etc. This may be fine on PVP servers since PVP is by definition a competition. I don’t see how “everyone on one server” might work for the PVP vs PVE mindset issues that would be inevitable. But for PVE folks competition is not something everyone wants or enjoys. In fact some have an active dislike for it. For a lot of people creating an atmosphere of having to compete for everything on a daily basis would be at best tedious, at worst it would be intolerable.

Not everyone wants that kind of atmosphere and are perfectly happy on the smaller servers where “community” more closely fits my definition than yours. Not to mention the issue of those who prefer the PVE RP server.

I won’t pretend to know why you are so keen to take that away from them and force your definition of “community” on them but I do know that it wouldn’t be in the best interest of “everyone” and would absolutely not “make everyone happy” as you contend in your OP.

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I’m not forcing it’s a suggestion. And if there are enough people to support everything, than I’m all for it.

Like I said, I’m neither here nor there. If it works, it works. And I’m happy. I just want there to be enough playing this version of WoW at the end of the day. Whether it be “your” way or another person’s “way”, i really don’t care.

That was behind my entire premise. “Let’s just make sure we have enough people.” If my ridiculous idea (which it is) is not needed. Amazing.

While I agree with your stance, one person actually convinced me, that you cannot go through each phases, on a stagnated server. This can only be achieved through “fresh”. I still would like to know what “fresh” even is: