French Interview with Ion

I interpreted Alleria and Turalyon merging their powers to interrogate the orc prisoner as a sign of light and void working. They figuring how to hold each other etc shows that mastery of each element doesn’t deny their ability to be in contact.

In one of the earlier stories of Alleria training with the Locus Walker she learned to use the Void with Light to figure out the future. The Light sees only one linear path as true and the Void sees all as equally true. When you merge void and light the possibilities become clear as one narrows into the most likely outcome.

That shows that a Lightforged Draenei can train themselves to wield shadow to achieve similar outcomes, and a Void Elf can train themselves to be paladins and achieve similar clarity. Light and Void can be merged delicately to achieve amazing combinations not just in searching for truth, but achieving balanced power hence well Discipline priests. As Xalatath said about Naaru they are the wayward kin of the Void and just as Naaru can darken and turn void so can they be purify and become light. Lore wise there should be no assumption the two cannot mix if done correctly.

mais Eternity’s End contient le mot “End” pour une bonne raison. "

Interesting. I think this is alluding to the fact that the Jailer actually might succeed in unmaking reality. He says " there’s a good reason there’s the word ‘end’ in this patch and it’s the culmination of the entire WoW franchise." That’s a little bit scary, he’s hinting 9.2 might be the end of the franchise.

In Danuser’s interview he used the phrase ‘closing this chapter’ suggesting there is a new WoW after 9.2

I just figured he was calling Shadowlands a chapter with 10.0 being the next chapter. And then with Blizzard wanting expansions to flow more smoothly into one another (ex: Gul’dan being thrown into the Black Gate at the end of WoD and starting Legion), their plans for 10.0 could be set with the Jailer’s actions.

Should 10.0 be another journey into the cosmology then the Jailer could partially succeed in some manner but it’s recognized as being wrong, which triggers one of the cosmos forces to invade the Shadowlands in response to the distortion. The prepatch event is a defense of the Shadowlands with us invading the other plane. With the expansion having us get the fighting to stop while uncovering and dealing with issues in that plane.

Should 10.0 be Azeroth bases then the Jailer could have tried to rewrite reality on Azeroth in order to claim the soul of our world, but whatever he did is sensed as being wrong by the Bronze Dragonflight who recruit us to resolve the matter. This could lead to the Dragon Isles which would contain an artifact or titan device to help them stop the change to the true timeline. Alternatively the Bronze could have pocketed the changes, after a fashion, with us entering Azeroth’s rewritten history and seeking to correct it before it can completely destabilizing the timeways.

Though its always possible that we stop the Jailer before he can make changes or they are quickly fixed with the start of next chapter of the Warcraft saga not having a connection with the end of Shadowlands. After we invaded an alternative past Draenor, I feel anything could be possible.

I don’t think so, I think they are suggeting that WC1-3 was One Chapter, CLassic-Wod was the 2nd Chapter and Legion-9.2 is the Third Chapter of a Trilogy.

What is beyond 9.2 might be so different it might be considered a whole new story.


Should that be true, I do wonder what they call those chapters. Though its fairly easy to a Legion-9.2 to be a Sylvanas chapter with how she ascended to Warchief in Legion, Started the Fourth War in BfA, and then everything in the Shadowlands. If I am correct it’s possible that 9.2, for better or worse, will be the end of the Sylvanas story… or it might be on pause like Illidan, Sargeras, Azshara, etc… have done lately.

I have to admit my first thought when seeing that was remembering Artanis’ click on quotes in which he declared Starcraft was not Warcraft in Space in Brood War. And that of course led me imaging WoW crossing over into other franchises like Starcraft, Diablo, etc…

I wouldn’t mind playing a Protoss or Infested Human.

With how alternate universes work in Warcraft, I don’t think crossovers are possible at all with the current lore. Alternate universes are simply versions of the current universe with slight differences. You won’t find any universes that are completely different or independent. The Diablo universe simply doesn’t exist in the Warcraft cosmology, for example.


And who says that Diablo and StarCraft are actual AUs and not the MU?..

The Protoss call themselves the First Born which is the title used by the earliest of First Ones in Babylon 5.

For all we know Protoss, Primal Zerg, Zerg, Purifiers, Terran, Naaru Prime and Void Lords are all First Ones in one single universe!

The Great Dark Beyond of course would be the Cosmic Realm of Order which the Naaru Prime and Void Lords clashed over the designing of(the Void Lords wanting it to be a Cosmic Realm of Time and the Naaru Prime wanting it to be a Cosmic Realm of Order) creating the Twisting Nether AKA the Cosmic Realm of Chaos.

My personal belief is that if we get “Void Elf” paladins, lorewise they should be High Elves. I know they have the Void Elf racial tag but i still think that would be the best way to have Thalassian Paladins on the Alliance. Especially if they’re going to be the standard Light wielding Paladins such as the humans.

Honestly wish they would either just rename them High Elves or give them a new racial name that can encompass BOTH the Void Elves & High Elves together. It would solve the whole issue of having to explain or restrict classes to them such as the Paladin. Perhaps if you pick the Paladin option you no longer have access to the Void skin colors or hair colors.

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I would love to see a Void Elf paladin just to see the Church the Light’s bishops head explode. Not to mention imagine the Silver Hand inducting elves who are empowered by the infused combination of Light and Void. That would probably shock every Silver Hand paladin. Just like when they saw Troll paladins or how the Cenarion Circle were shocked at the sight of troll druids.

I don’t think it would be game changing, but it would reveal that the two diametric forces, are but one and the same just two sides of the same coin. I always felt the Light and Void are very much connected to the hip.

Lets… not…

Void and Light are diametric inverses, matter and antimatter if you will. When they touch they go BOOM and make Fel. That is foundational cosmology stuff.


not at all, we see lightforged using void portals in BFA. We also have recent lore with Alleria and Turalyon combining their powers for enhanced interrogations. No fel explosions then. I think it would be really fascinating how that would play out.

Only WoWpedia states this! The Chronicle never mentions this! It never mentions the origin of Fel whatsoever! Nothing mentions the origin of Fel!

Translation (yes, I also know French): “We’re going to continue recontextualizing the world’s lore in ways that feel like retcons.”

I am really starting to hate this “sacred geometry.”


It’s not even real sacred geometry, itself a new age derivative of Christian Hermetic Kabbalah derivative of Medieval Jewish Kabbalah

I’m begging them read the Zohar at the very least

It’s just pretty aesthetics slapped on marvel celestials with some Tolkien Valar sprinkles :sob::skull:


You are talking about a game that began as a near blatant ripoff of Warhammer, with some really in your face D&D rips like silvermoon city… silverymoon says hello from Faerûn.

…I’d not expect quite so much of them as to get the concepts of Kabbalah down right.


I expect effort for cosmologic metaphysics :sob::sob::sob: it’s the literal in-universe foundation for all things :sob::sob::sob:

at least they paired the forces in a way that is mostly logical.

Except for Death and Life. That pairing seems wrong.

Light, Life, and Order are my instinctual trinity “positive polarity” pairing as Light and Life go together.

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The concept of various Zeriths is fine on paper. They should’ve, starting in Wrath, started dropping hints that there’s more to the universe than anyone realized. That the various Titan relics we seen all over azeroth, was merely the Titans themselves trying to replicate the First One tech.

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I maintain this idea of cosmic force 3d printer for ALL cosmic forces centers the cosmology on sci-fi and decenters (and arguably dismantles) more magical fantasy elements

This woulda been fine for Order.

Hell, we knew the Titans were described as metallic. We see it too.

Them being 3D Printed in some capacity makes sense.