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Would just prefer making leather and mail the same armor type.

I’m ok with armor restrictions, I just wish they’d add a lot more cosmetic gear. I think they got the right idea with Heritage Armor and I’d love to see them continue adding more Heritage Armor variations, along with more cosmetic gear (armor and weapons) rewarded from achievements, loot and questing.

I agree OP, nerf hunters

Nearly every other MMO running out there gives choice of transmog/appearance.

You want to be a cloth wearer with a penchant for plate mail shoulders? Knock yourself out (and you just may if you turn your head too fast.)

A hunter wearing leather? Sorta makes sense anyways – how exactly do you sneak up on your hunting prey with jingling chain mail?

Maybe you already effeminate blood elf guys want to just go ahead and finally admit that you like feeling pretty and just wanna rock a dress into battle for once? All you, I say.

Customization is key for long-term survival for a game company. The standard quest/craft/raid schtick only gets you so far. Add in more player customization options and regardless of content, you’ll have happier players – look at ESO, SWtOR, EQ, EQ2, FFXIV, etc. Even if their content goes stale (looking at you SWtOR) players still stick around for the little details like appearance, housing, etc.


I’m a hunter main and I look like fat Rambo. Mog restrictions are pointless.

Also N’zoth being killed by a Mariachi is cannon.



Why does the OP say she’s an undead hunter but she looks like a Belf to me?!

I like mogs being armor specific. I can look at a toon see the robe and know they are a clothy or a silver type of gear and know the are a plate wearer. I DON’T want to be confused over mismatched mogs!

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So with the expectation do we get sons that disappointed us and stuck on a golden throne?

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what? cloth has some of the most boring sets in the game.


More player agency :blue_heart:


Dude called it a Hash Brown lmao

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The new 6 month transmog set proves why the restrictions should be loosened further.


That’s awesome, but that’s not how the game works.

It makes sense in a game like ESO, where classes don’t really matter because you can equip and use anything.

But in wow rogues are stealthy, that’s why they don’t like plate armor, because it makes noise.


Well we have magic for that. It’s why plate wearers can do stealth missions.

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Rogues aren’t mages.

Not my point. On Azeroth we have resources that actively mute sound it seems. Otherwise plate wearers wouldn’t be able to complete stealth missions.

looks in the mirror

looks at OP

HOW is this one of the worst sets in the game? :thinking: Granted it’s a mashup of the Class Hall set and the First cata PvP set but still. How? Neither of them are bad sets by any means. Hunter gets some pretty good stuff, in my opinion.

So when everyone starts to look like a Mage, it’s okay.

Every class color should be the same too.
Tired of being forced to be Grey. or Pink, or Yellow.