
Free the mogs hunter sets generally suck .


Wth is even is class fantasy anymore lol we havent had a tier set in more than 2 years. I agree. Free the mogs.

I just don’t understand why I can’t mog a cloth piece my boomkin happens to be wearing… not even into another cloth piece. Why is that? The mog system still has a long way to go

Classes lost their identity visually when Blizzard allowed the same armor type classes to wear each others looks. I can have a warrior in the DK starter set. I can have a DK in a Legion pally set. And so on and so forth.

The only identity classes have is the abilities they use.

Class identity is a non issue and has been a non issue for a long time. The only true arguement you can have against this is simply, “I don’t want this because I don’t like this.” And that’s not even an arguement in the first place.


I believe that mogs should be freed up for the most part. Certain pieces should always be class specific, such as tier and Legion artifacts to name an example, but otherwise, armor should be moggable to any type.

COLLECTING an appearance, on the other hand, should only be possible on characters that can equip a dropped piece just to give some novelty to collecting pieces across multiple characters and not make it too easy to finish a collection catalog of a raid instance. I’d probably run out of stuff to run pretty fast if they didn’t do that.

Other than that and the ‘tier and artifacts’ rule, open the options up for sure.


With the level squish WHY are so many mogs locked behind stupid level thresholds?
It made little sense then and makes even less now.

I can literally queue for a max level dungeon at level 10 and yet I can’t Tmog anything from a previous expack unless I recollect it in chromie time or craft it with relics?

What kind of terrible system is that?


but they can only tmog plate armor. I wanna have my beefcake in mageweave dagnabbit!

I just want to be able to mog into white and gray items too. I will never be satisfied till i can dual wield halibuts…


I support this!

I would love an xmog spec. For example I can switch personnel loot type from ret, prot, and holy. It would be nice if they had an xmog spec. Why? There are some appearances that drop that are spec related. I had to farm a pole arm on an alt for my main who can equip them, but can’t have it drop.

I’m against that idea. Amor type is part of class identity.

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Cloth armor is a hunter weapon.

Check pen and paper like DnD or the more modern Pathfinder, classes are merely related to feats availability and progression (talents in wow if you want), with the proper feats you can be a full on arcane caster with the heaviest possible armor without penalties. And wow was literally written over classic dnd rules, so yeah class identity has nothing to do with what kind of armor or weapon you use

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OMG HEY STRANGER!!! lol I saw a fly by thread of yours saying “I’m back”, but it was back in March, so I was like dang…false alarm - but here you are!

Hope this isn’t just a random visit. Last thing I read from you was a long while back, it was a cookie recipe I think. lol

ANYWHO - back to the topic at hand…



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I left for a while after some seriously poor moderation. And I wasn’t going to come back, but my niece was posting and apparently got herself in trouble, so I wanted to see what shenanigans she had been up to and then fell back down this rabbit hole. LOL



I’m not on here as much as I used to be either…just kinda meh. “Yay 2020!?” lol

Well regardless, it’s nice to see you again, hope the niece is ok!


I’d give you liked, but that’s always on cooldown. LOL


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It’s available to everyone that catches the quest giver while its out.

Please! It is literally a federal crime that hunters don’t get the thunderlord set from WoD. Do you know how good I look in that outfit? But I can’t wear it because it’s leather

Leather and Mail users should both get Leather and Mail as transmog options considering most of the time Mail is just slightly harder leather in terms of armor stats.