Free Transfers Coming on Monday

On Monday, July 31, 2023, we intend to open the following Free Transfers from realms that were created to alleviate massive queues in August, 2022:

From To
Eranikus Faerlina
Eranikus Benediction
Eranikus Whitemane
Sulfuras Faerlina
Sulfuras Benediction
Sulfuras Whitemane

Please spread the word!


Bene grows even larger.


RIP Sulfuras and Eranikus.

Any plan to add free transfers from mega servers? That would seem more logical if the plan is to have multiple servers outside of mega servers.


something something…we don’t want mega servers said long ago. #somechange +1 lol.

Shame some other server who need this aren’t getting it. Pretty sure someone even on remulos would be going you know…99.99999% one faction is close enough to pve server really.



right now some unfortunate new retail player not knowing the way has the game randomly pick a new players server for them. Yet they still have dungeon content.

LFD is why. for the classic purists…new player servers are picked on new account first creation. Most are dead or not ideal places to be in. as most when making new chars go hell no, and pick the ones that actually have viable populations on them.

But with LFD that nooby noob…has content. even if there is like 80 people on the server at the time. and being nice…its 50/50. so that is now…40 each side.

But they see me on mg or wra. the tank comes from iilldan. healz from A52.


Why not just open it to any server? Kinda seems like an admission that the low pop servers are struggling and more needs to be done.


low pop servers should just be closed down at this point, the damage has already been done


Why on earth would you do this? It goes against all common sense to shuffle everyone directly back to the servers they came from, and just creates the same problem that you tried to fix with new servers.


Idk why but the insult “muppets” made me lol.


in eranikus we can’t play, we need to go to bene or faerlina to be able to make content and see arthas

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Yeah… I feel bad for the people who like the somewhat smaller realms, There are just too many people who play for themselves and their logs only though, who truly care about nothing beyond that. So for anyone else, they have to conform or quit.

I’m glad I quit in March over just not being happy with this sort of thing as my #1 reason. That was after transferring to Faerlina with my guild and absolutely hating everything about the vibe and culture, well what existed of that, of that cesspool server.

Anyway, there two good things I see is that #1 Grobbulus isn’t being messed up more and #2 The allies who held out probably will be happy. That’s it though.

It will be interesting to see what happens for Cata. If there are no queues on these behemoths it just will prove that Cata is not actually that popular at all.


I play on the ERANIKUS server and absolutely nothing can be done, even the auction is dead, I really want to go to BENE , Help us, please

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I’m confused, what is coming in august to cause the queues?

So we’re all just gonna have massive queues when ICC drops, great…

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Eranikus is painful, I would love to transfer to Benediction.

Can we get Pagle added to the list? Many of us have no interest in going back to Benediction, and the other 2 options are Horde only.


what if Faerlina, Benediction, Whitemane get Queues?


noches en Eranikus ya no se puede jugar no hay como hacer contenido en la alianza por favor de ante mano necesitamos migrar ese reino esta muerto

Great. We literally transferred off Eranikus, as a guild, yesterday.

Do we have any recourse? We absolutely had people who waited for a paycheck to transfer, and for Blizzard to just accept our money without any warning that free transfers were 3 business days away seems… shady.


Hmm, cool.