Eranikus Free Transfer 7/31/23

Does anyone know what happened to the Eranikus Free Transfer 7/31/23?

I don’t even think Blizz knows :confused:

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They are probably coming soon! Have dailies reset yet?

Can someone please tell me if theres a gold cap for my toon? I have 150k and im freaking out that i get punished for my server dying. I wasnt allowed to raid for 6 months and made gold instead and now im being punished for that

no gold cap or level req for free transfers

is there a source for this heh would like to read it :open_mouth:

praying u right <3

here ya go

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Are you literally that impatient that you couldn’t see the post where they said Monday July 31st. Is the day over dude? chill

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There is still no information on what time it will be?

It is already live.

For future reference blizz usually does things for 12 pm pacific or 3 pm pacific.

I just tried, but all the characters show the message “Error - Free Character Transfer”


Only be available that day?

Same, which is the same for the rest of my guild as well. it is BORKED right now.

they have not said how long the window for free will be open but usually longer than aday.

Message: …C/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2517: bad argument #2 to ‘format’ (string expected, got nil)
Time: Mon Jul 31 23:48:57 2023
Count: 2
Stack: …C/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2517: bad argument #2 to ‘format’ (string expected, got nil)
[string “=[C]”]: in function `format’
[string “@Interface_TBC/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua”]:2517: in function <…C/AddOns/Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_StoreUISecure.lua:2444>

Locals: (*temporary) = “Este proceso puede tardar %s en completarse. Preguntas frecuentes”
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = “string expected, got nil”

Does that problem come out now when trying to change the character that it will be?

I tried to transfer a couple of toons, but it gave me a error message and told me to try later.

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Anyone know if the window is closed for free xfers? Just saw the article today about it being free for Eranikus but I see no option in game …

You should be able to open the in-game shop from the character selection screen, and find “free character transfer” or something to that effect.

Thank you so much!!

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