Free the Tauren from Baine

Shadows Risings proves this wrong. Anduin could make Turalyon the Alliance Highcommander. No commutation, no vote needed.
It also doesn’t mean the Night elves are now disowning Anduin as the Highking. It’s pretty clear the Highking is the blue warchief and nothing else.


If anything, that strengthens my argument. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
If Allies can ignore the High King without repercussions (like Tyrande did), it doesn’t matter who sits on the throne or stands in for Anduin. And it’s not like he’s naming Turalyon the new Anduin Lothar of the Alliance, he’s just supposed to be his substitute for… a night in Goldshire?

That said, I think we’re closing in to the “boyking”-prophecy. Anduin acts strange in some moments in the novel, almost out of character - I believe that the whole Void-Light-thing will give him a hard time.

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Not at all no.
Anduin didn’t even try to enforce anything.

No it’s exactly that, 100%.

This proves you’re argument wrong.

Perhaps. I see the last scene with him simply as a gway in to Shadowlands. Nothing more.


This thread lost me when Grimtotems started being bandied around as replacements for Baine. Yeah, the guys who sided with the Alliance in Stonetalon are really going to bring some real Horde spirit back to Tauren, one hundred percent.

I really don’t get why people seem to think Baine is spineless and not ride or die Horde. Hellscream kills his father, stays loyal to the Horde. Big faction war escalating while the world is ending, stays loyal to the Horde. Theramore nuked, stays loyal to the Horde. Garrosh literally makes his own True Horde and turns on the rest of them? Okay now he fights the Warchief but he’s still loyal to the Horde. The Burning? Stays loyal. Saurfang abandoned? Loyal. Only turns on Sylvanas when she literally violates the very core of her claimed morality right in front of him. And it’s not like he’s the only Tauren by a long shot who is nicey nice with the Alliance, the Tauren are part of more neutral groups than any other Horde race at this point, or have been, and for the longest stretch of time.

It feels like that one episode of the Simpsons where the studio exec is trying to get the kids to tell him what kind of show they want. It seems you guys want a warlike Tauren leader, who doesn’t like the Alliance, but also follows Tauren cultural norms of being peaceful, is fanatically loyal to the Horde, but also has a strong moral compass.

Also the whole giving Anduin a piece of his horn and him killing Horde soldiers at one point are both really tired strawmen. Many lore characters do things that we don’t see others of their race do, but we assume it’s a cultural thing because they are the window we have into that race. Saladin sent Richard his personal physician and some fruit to help him recover from illness, that doesn’t mean he was his sidekick. And the killing Horde soldiers was just another Blizzard fumble, they could easily have had him knock them out and it would have had the same outcome, and that being used as an example of Baine betraying the Horde for the Alliance is weird.


Baine is a stain in the horde. He needs to be replaced with someone that isn’t worshipping the alliance 31.


Yeah Magatha was a nonsensical idea.

I take Magatha back. Muln Eathfury is our best fit we have right now.

Technically speaking, that does fall under the right of the High King. As a terrible reminder, the High King is a renamed “Supreme Commander of the Alliance Forces”, which means he has well…command of the Alliance forces i.e the forces of the member states that they allow him to command.

Now with those under his command, he can do pretty much whatever it is he wants as it relates to the armed forces. That includes appointing someone else to command those said forces for him, as he did with Turalyon.

So yes, the other leaders can just straight up ignore the High King and face no repercussions, because unless you are Greymane and the King of Actually Nothing (sorry Gilneans), the High King can’t force you to do anything.

Now why did I explain the High King again in a thread about Baine?

Because the crux of this argument was killed the moment Magatha Grimtotem was suggested as leader of the Tauren.


Any random Tauren can lead said Tauren better then Baine.

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Yeah people say it, but it never seemed that way.

Because Blizzard is hilariously terrible at writing and explaining things.

Like everything I just mentioned fits into the explained role the High King actually commands as seen in game. But most people never see them or Blizzard just straight up ignores it in favor of getting the story moving so we got Blue Warchief.

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Yes it fits, but also no Alliance leader ever questioned Anduins authority. No the Nelves in Shadows Rising don’t count as such. So the point is kind of dead, because we never heard or seen anything against it.

Simply making my standpoint clear.

Edit: And even though I don’t agree with the Magatha thing, I still think Baine has more problems than positive things.

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You clearly didn’t read any of my post where I showcased that Baine basically is 100% willing to roll over the Alliance in war and only turns on the Warchief when they turn on him.

The Horde and the Alliance have made peace, who else has the prior interactions with multiple Alliance leaders to be the diplomat? Put literally any prominent Tauren in Baine’s position and they’d be doing the same thing, that is quite literally how Tauren are.

This idea that being antagonistic to the Alliance is the Horde identity needs to stop, it wasn’t even the WoW Horde’s initial theme, it only came about due to Cataclysm. The most badass hardcore Horde scene in the history of the game came about as Horde forces rode out to the Wrathgate to back up the Alliance against the Scourge.


I disagree. Punching the alliance in the face is our thing.


While that was a funny visual to recall… I disagree entirely.

We had that though. Cairne. Then Blizzard offed him for shock value, or to build up other characters, or god knows why. But the replacement has been lackluster in every way.

In one breath, you call it a strawman. Then in the next, you say:

So which is it? Is it some baseless strawman that Forum posters just construct and post up for arguments sake? Or was it an actual fumble on Blizzard’s part that many posters rightly criticize?

You attempt to dismiss the complaint only to validate it. But even more laughable, is this comparison:

Um. Baine’s horn was not sent to cure Anduin of some ailment with its healing powers… If Anduin was sick and Baine’s horn was the cure, that would make the comparison closer. That is not what happened.

What? No. I mean, I guess from an Alliance Poster’s perspective, the Horde riding up to help the Alliance, then having the Horde’s leader smacked down, is a cool Horde moment?


Starting to wonder if erevien is a bad bot or an AI that just searches the forum topics and attempts to create a thread about something that is sure to gather reactions.


Anduin Lothar was the Supreme Commander of the Alliance forces during the Second War until he died.
Turalyon is the Lord Commander of the Alliance forces when Anduin is absent.

He is bascially, what he was to Lothar back then: Second in command. So it’s not 100% the same.

He has experience with the job and they built him a statue after the Second War, so… what is the problem again?

I’m not just talking about the prison scene. There’s also

Shadows Rising Novel Spoilers ... the way he reacted and reasoned when Jaina told him about the methods Turalyon and Alleria were using on the search for Sylvanas. It's weirdly out of character for him to just let it slide when innocents are tortured. Even Jaina was shocked by it and she has seen some s.hit. Regarding the energy and the prison scene, I think it's foreshadowing for something later in or even after SL.

This. Thank you! Baine is one of the strongest personalities in the Horde and faced Sylvanas and the others after Dereks rescue with his head held high.
I like to think of him as the moral compass of the Horde, the backbone who wants to keep it from becoming a tool of destruction again.

You write that again and again, even in the german forums - yet you never really gave anything of substance to justify that statement. Everytime Baine “helped” the Alliance, a mad Warchief was about to do something horrible. Even when he took action to defend the Horde’s fundamental right of free will for raised Undead beings, because the Warchief wanted to play Lich King - you critizised him for it. Whatever he does, he can’t win with you, because you want to dislike him and don’t even give him credit for standing up for his beliefs - or for the Horde in that regard.

Really? You don’t like him?! What a surprise, please, tell us more. :sleeping:

Balance of Power (Alliance and Horde)
Rebuild the Horde
When will Alliance Bias end?
Alliance and Horde
A new council for the Horde
The new Image of the Horde
Blood Elves and the Alliance

These are his greatest (recent) hits from the german forums. Look closely and read between the lines - wanna take a guess what all these threads are about?


Thought he was from the EU-en forums.

It is the same in function, if Anduin does not want to lead and it disproves your point, because Anduin can do this. I’m pretty sure it will be only used to build some tension with the spoilers we saw.

No he isn’t. That’s really all there’s to say to it. If you like him, ok sure. I really don’t understand why Alliance players like him so much.


If Anduin is absent, Turalyon takes his place. That’s all we know right now. :man_shrugging:

No, that’s really all you can say to it.

Baine and Saurfang were the first ones to voice their disapproval of Sylvanas’ actions and to act on it, while the others complied and followed her like sheep until she threatened to kill Baine.
He called Sylvanas out on her plan to resurrect Derek and use him as a tool. After Baine successfully defended the one principle that (until this day) seperated Sylvanas from the Lich King’s mindset, he went back to the Horde, knowing that his actions would have consequences.

This is a down-to-earth, strong personality.
And THAT’S all there’s to say to it.

Wow, you’re really on one level with Erevien, living in a world where people are either Alliance or Horde players, aren’t you?
Guess what: I play on both sides, I like Baine and Sylvanas and I hate Varian. Why? Because sympathy for a character is not tied to the faction you play.