Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

Pagle better be locked from moving to. Go populate another server.

Cross realm is terrible. Please don’t even consider that.


This may feel too late to some but I believe after following this dilemma for many weeks now that this was a good decision. It gives many players a chance.

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I transferred two characters from Netherwind to Grobbulus a few months ago.

Na we need more on alliance

I don’t see a 30 day price match guarantee like best buy

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All of you who whimsically transferred contributed to creating the problem of low pop servers.

Don’t expect a refund.


Blizz is making like $5-700 per guild xfer. They waited as long as they could till the xfer money died down a bit, and now theyre actually going to try and fix the problem before everyone quits their game. The timing on this is definitely intentional. ActiBllizzard doesnt give af about you :slight_smile:


There already are two mega servers for each faction.

You can’t wet the ocean.

Way to slap a bandaid on the huge gaping wound you have let fester and get infected.


Amen brother

Dont thank them! They caused this!


Please include Westfall, even though it is medium pop, because it’s 100% alliance now and the Horde side is dead. Most of the guilds have transferred either just their main or started new toons on Ashkandi, so Blizzard is not going to get much money from holding us hostage for transfers. Open the free transfer window so we can transfer our alts, or it will just be dead data sitting on the server. Anyone wanting an all alliance server can go to Pagle.


Yea, I’m equally salty about all the players who had no principles on this matter, as I am about blizzard not being more pro-active. If you are upset about paying for transfers before they offered free ones, then you should quit the game in protest, not whine about refunds.

My server literally had 4 active 70s on it. Not even enough for a dungeon group. I filed a ticket for a free-transfer. I was told “No” that they didn’t offer individual services. I asked for a refund of my 6-month sub. They said no, I had used a month of it already. I have friends on other servers already, but I still wan’t going to pay a transfer fee on principle! I said to myself, I guess I’m done with WoW
 Couple days later they announce incoming free transfers.


Just wanted to have this thread linked in the main post so people can see it:

CRT for 1-60 is a must, as must.

I still prefer connected realms rather than free transfers.


At this point, if you’re still playing TBC Classic, you are not a fly-by-night player that’s going to bolt back to retail, FFXIV, or whatever other hot game is out there. You are a committed person in a committed guild that is there entirely for the community that’s been built up since Classic came out. Most of the transitory population has moved on. The people that are left are REALLY pissed that Blizzard is holding them hostage for transfer and clone money, and consolidating the servers at this point is both practical and good business, especially since I think that these people are the only ones who will move on to WotLK. The bump from TBCC coming out only lasted a few weeks. The bump with WotLK is likely to be even shorter. Classic is essentially private-server now, and separate from retail. Start treating us like it.


Will we be getting a refund if we already did a transfer from one of those chosen realms to an approved realm in the last few months?

You already know the answer.
 you might find out that you won’t be able to get free transfers to places where you actually want to go

That’s highly likely, blizzard always finds ways to mess this stuff up, lol.

Please look into doing something reasonable for the RP servers.

In my case Deviate Delight. Just don’t leave it by itself.

Allow access to Grobb (though take consideration for the folks who have characters on both alliance and Horde, they did it for RP reasons). Allow access to the other east servers.

Just don’t leave it like classic forever where the RP servers were left alone please.