Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

Blizzard please listen and open up Xfers out of Netherwind. Netherwind is hemorrhaging players and I fear soon that it will no longer be able to support the remaining few raid teams left.


This! I just found out that I have very very limited server options to transfer too and that transferring a toon from a low pop server to a high pop server that is PVP is blocked atm.

Very frustrating


I’d say by SWP Bene will be the only pvp server with Alliance. Blizz will need to come up with a new strategy to milk them.

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Honestly I will be surprised if it even takes that long at this rate.


I was one of the sole people responsible for my guild’s transfer to Faerlina about 4 months ago when it was 44/56 server balance. Since the free transfers opened up, the server has exploded and will now be almost 80% horde. I never thought that the mistake that ruined Incendius 2 years ago wouldn’t be repeated. Highly unfortunate that we took a chance on server balance and it never came and is now a waste of several thousand dollars. I know I am Alliance, but it would be much appreciated if our guild had an option to move to a server that is healthy enough for us to continue raiding without breaking the irl bank again.


Ouch. This here is why every alliance on a PvP server will likely end up on Benediction or Grob. Why risk doing what’s ‘right’ when you have no way to control what will happen to your server pop?

Seriously, filter IF to US PvP realms. The alliance on farelina, whitemane, and thunderfury will all go to benediction. Netherwind will die or transfer to benediction based on the posts here. I am not sure about bigglesworth, but it looks like their population is dropping quickly - likely to
you guessed it, benediction. The rest will surely quit.

I cannot believe that blizzard can look at the realm populations in this state and think that having the entire US PvP population on two realms is reasonable. Maybe they have just accepted that TBC will suffer until WOTLk


Please blizzard let medium sever players transfer. After allowing Benediction/Faerlina as transfer destinations we’ve gotten 0 transfers on our medium pop server and guilds are falling apart due to burn out/people transferring to more populated servers. Allow us to create 2 super realms and be done with it.


Netherwind is already dead, it’s now a Low population server after the bulk of the raid guilds left to Bene. Definitely should just create 3-4 super servers and call it a day.


“nearly” LMAO. It’s already dead


Great name lmao.

It is unfortunate that netherwind died after the transfers (also convient for blizzard’s pockets). This is one of, if not the biggest issue with TBC right now and could be relatively easy fixed but they are just pretending that it’s not a fixable issue. This game will keep hemorrhaging players and they will be forced to merge servers. Especially when other games start releasing


Yes it would be great for Netherwind to be included in departure server lists.


one more time for the Fairbanks alliance gang

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open up the free transfer from Netherwind you mongroloids


Can we PLEASE add netherwind to the list? Even after becoming a destination for free transfers, is showing us losing about 25% each week. We were at 1,950 then 1,448, and now 1,026. It’s impossible to make progress or even find 5 man dungeon groups. I have today cancelled my subscription until there’s an environment made available that supports active gameplay.


So far I’ve been replying to this thread every couple of days with zero responses. I’ve put in multiple in-game tickets and been told to come here for answers, again with zero responses. I’ve tweeted at 3 different blizzard accounts and had zero responses. Is there a magic trick to getting Blizzard to actually respond to their own threads about problems they created? Are we supposed to drive to their headquarters and ask nicely? Why is responding to people so hard?

I seem to remember a while back (several years ago) when Blizzard told us that they knew their communication sucked and they were going to do better. Did you mean you were going to do better 10 years from now? Because it certainly hasn’t started yet.

Fix your damn servers. You stopped communicating because people were dicks to you, but people are dicks because you keep screwing up the game and won’t say anything. It’s pretty hard to think that it’s not malicious incompetence when you won’t respond to your own thread for weeks after you killed a bunch of servers in a move that pretty much the entire playerbase would’ve called idiotic if we had known ahead of time what you were planning.


PLEASE let me escape Netherwind. It is so dead I’m about ready to just cancel my account instead of giving you guys more money for an xfer.


No there isn’t.

People have tried.

Sorry. :frowning:


Please help us Alliance transfer off of Fairbanks. 13 people on and that’s the most I have seen on at one time this week.

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We hit 17 tonight with two bots, me dual boxing, and some guy dual boxing 5 accounts lmao.


Any word on the bulk Xfers? Med populations with dead sides? 
anything? You there?