Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

So Pre-patch Launch (April 30) or Full launch date that characters should be moved to by? This is important as there are guilds that are going to want to stay together that will be affected by this.

I presume you mean the Wotlk Bloodsail and NOT the Classic Classic Bloodsail (which is only lvl 1-60 to start with and still has some functional guilds on it and folks who have ZERO interest in Cat, most of whom paid to preserve the characters on the server back when Classic turned into TBC and then later Wotlk.

I’m on Windseeker (DeadSeeker) to most. It has been dead since Half way through BC and As much fun as I had in the guilds I ran with there was literally only 2 Late night guilds on our Server which is when I can play and I was in both of them since BC started. The first I loved but it fell apart because there just is not enough of a player pool on the small server and we struggled to get a group going through Ulduar HM’s. They all moved to Mankirk last Summer. The second we stopped raiding 3-4 weeks ago and run with 22-24 people for most of our LK Heroic progression because there were no players. IMO if CATA releases LFR sooner than DS it will be a net benefit for the game as it is just too dang hard to get 25 players together to raid. I get the charm for the smaller servers but when consumables cost 100X more it gets to the point of not being fun anymore. I will definitely welcome a larger player pool and hope to find another late night guild. They also should have come CST servers that would be great.

In cata you can just fill your guild with slaves that generate gold for you, you will make it back in no time. but most guild I was in had 50-75k gold in the bank at any given time so a few thousand for bank tabs seems minimal.

I agree its a pretty big middle finger as this should have been available in BC for some servers, where we have done nothing but scrape and scrounge for 25 people to raid with each and every week.

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When will we be able to do this?

Been on Windseeker since the beginning. While it’s not Mankrik or Faerlina, describing it as ‘dead’ is a terrible characterization. It’s absolutely not dead on the horde side and until this week when Blizz killed it, there were regular 25m ICC runs going , through guilds with a few PUGs added here and there. Perhaps you’re speaking of the ally side.

Either way, this could have been remedied by merging Windseeker/Old Blanchy/ and Ashkandi instead of just killing all three. Blizz once again taking an axe to a splinter.


Why would anyone on be referring to Era servers on a post called “Free Character Transfers - Wrath of the Lich King Classic” in a forum named “Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion?”


How is this going to work in the sense that Mankrik is 99% horde. Will they allow more lopsidedness to that server or are they going to force you to go alliance/dead side? Whats the solution there? Same for severe alliance servers? How are we supposed to transfer to the realm you want us to (but we dont want to go to) if its so unbalanced? Is there a metric for people falling off the chart and quiting for Cata being it was very unpopular to the original classic players? Panderia coming out will further lessen the population also. Will you be forcing moving again after a month or two after cata starts? Then we have to buy new guild banks and tabs again and again and again? This just is all very mishandled.


I hear you. I did the free transfers and ugh, the stupid on parade makes leaving chat channels the first order of business. Of course I’m also just loving all the unsolicited guild invites and characters everywhere underfoot. Bleh. One idiot sent me three invites in less than a minute – thank goodness for the ignore function.

I’m going to really miss my quiet server.


So, if we transfer early, do we only get to transfer TO the ones on the list or can we choose any server not listed on the left side. All my WOTLK characters are on Old Blanchy

|Old Blanchy|----->|Mankrik|
|Old Blanchy|----->|Pagle|
|Old Blanchy|----->|Atiesh|

So, can I transfer to a server besides Mankrik, Pagle or Atiesh?

According to the realm pops aren’t ideal.
Mankirk - 6414 - 96.4% Horde
Pagle - 6889 - 99.2% Alliance
Atiesh - 4738 - 96.1% Alliance

No clue if Ironforge accounts for offline players.

Hopefully the plan is to transfer a bunch of alliance to the horde dominated servers.

This is like the 5000 time it’s been mentioned, but the no guild transfer things is lame. I primarily created a guild for the name and the bank (just a few regulars) and I’ve got four tabs full of stuff. Two of the tabs are for guild members to use, but the other two have all my mats for engineering. I don’t even know how I’m going to move all that stuff. Buy all my alts big bags and stuff them?

What about Character Banks? Do the contents of those transfer without me having to move them?


On that last question, characters’ personal banks do transfer over with the move. Just went through with the transfer myself and it was all safe and sound.


Thanks for the info

Man could we please clone transfer our toons to permanent wrath classic realms. Thanks blizz.


Make Earthfury Great Again! Rip

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RIP Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood :broken_heart:


Yes, yes the tabs really are that expensive. The last two tabs alone cost over 15,000 gold; that might not be that much for you but it sure is for me. It is not the contents in the bank, because yes they can indeed be packed up and taken, but the bank tabs themselves.

I am upset over this as well. I first was told Myzrael was shutting down I had five guilds there. I remade low levels to take over them. We had free transfers to Old Blanchy now we are being told it’s shutting down as well. I just bought the 6th tab on my first guild here last month. I have another guild which has 5 tabs. It’s crazy to keep spending money buying guilds and tabs for guild banks. I decided I will make low level toons and horde everything on them instead of making more guilds.


why not give an option to change from pvp to pve server and vice versa?

When are you guys going to Fix the bug with the free Transfers? mine and my friend have been trying to transfer for the past 3 days since we seen the post keeps saying we have mail But If we had mail we wouldnt be able to Delete our toons cuz any toons that have Incoming mail cant be deleted we Tested… we even tried Mail restore and its saying We have no mail to restore … i even spent 25$ to buy a Transfer but nope still wont let me … tried a ticket and was told EVEN tho i said in the ticket alrdy did restore mail was told to used the restore mail aka u all dont read anything just hit a auto reply button… so yea FIx the bug plz seems how im stuck on a server thats dead now and with out my guild so thats fun