Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Mailbox has been cleared, ignore list is empty, no quest mail besides brewfest and I can’t cancel that. Ticket has been submitted but no response. I can’t server transfer because it says I have mail but I don’t.


Good. I like my small RPPvE realm.


Yay, none of these are grobbulus

It’s in game, not via the website. Launch wotlk classic and from the character selection screen, open the shop in the lower left.

From there you should find it.

The alert will say it can take “up to 12 hours” though the one I tested last night was probably 1-2 hours in limbo before coming through.

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At least personally, it took me a long time and a lot of work to build up the 9350g required to buy all the guild bank tabs in my friend and I’s guild. While I could currently afford to buy them all again with the 30k I’m sitting on, it would still put a serious dent into those savings going into Cata for something that I have already paid for, and through circumstances outside of my control.

Simply put, it’s the idea of having to pay (a non-negligible sum) again for something that you were supposed to own but was taken from you.

The feeling of powerlessness that comes from it is hard to put into words, but it kind of feels like being evicted from your home. My “roommate” and I stuffed as much of our stuff into our bags as we could to be ready should there not be anything implemented to facilitate guild transfers, which would make the process nearly seamless. But we might have to rebuild it all up and pay another 10k just to have what we already had.

Hopefully that helps put stuff into perspective a tiny bit ^^


So we are going to lose our guild banks and all our guild bank tabs? because blizz hates us for playing the game.


Thank you so much for this information.

What about the players who enjoy playing on smaller servers?
Can we not at least have a medium and a high pop?
Everyone being clumped on Pagle or Mankrik is gonna suck.
There’s a reason I left those servers a long time ago.


That is a decent chunk of gold o.O

I have been a loyal player since og Cataclysm, but this is honestly what might make me give up on the game entirely… I have been on Azuresong since WoW Classic dropped and have grown very attached to my Characters and their names. More than half of them are unavailable on the servers we are being forced to move to and there is nothing i can do about it.
I’ve spend thousands of gold on personal guild banks, and have spent countless hours filling them with everything my brother and i needed to go into cata swinging on our new toons. Now… we are just supposed to be okay with losing all of that gold and time and effort…
We LOVE our server. Love it. We don’t want to go to some huge, overcrowded server and have to fight every moment of our gaming experience to gather mats or to do quests… We don’t want to sit in queues on ‘important’ days and be unable to play… We just want to relax and have fun. WoW IS a GAME, after all…
And what hurts the most is, even after being okay with losing all of the work I put into my retail toons and all of the REAL money spent on store mounts and pets, to go to Classic to experience the awesome that was WoW in it’s prime, now… it feels like we are literally losing our home away from home all over again.
Maybe I’m silly that this actually hurts, but it does. We didn’t ask for this. We didn’t have a say at all. And I can honestly say that I really feel like every dime we have sunk into this game until this moment, has been an absolute waste.
So thanks, Blizz… thanks for nothing…


Yeah this is ruining the opening of Cata, which is sad since I thought Cata as an xpac in OG was great. The whole forced transfer and all the guild issues it is bringing and the fact that I might have to go to a server I’d rather not be associated with is not great. I’m at the point of just sending the raiding toon and letting my other toons get rouletted off to where ever they get sent, if I’m going to have to change character names, ect, I don’t care where some of them end up. I hope this does lead to me quitting again, but I can say that if they want SoD mega server experiences for everyone, there is a good chance I won’t continue playing. Some parts of it is nice, but the rest is gag worthy to the point I might just loose all interest.


“Now you come to me and you say: ‘Thereapper give me money for this transfer.’ But you don’t ask with respect, you don’t offer friendship. you don’t even think to call me PVE. instead you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married and you ask me to do this transfer for money” You break my Heart Blizard. You brake my heart.

From one of the few Bloodsail sends its reguards.


I realize this is Blizzards game and we play by their rules. The ridiculousness of those in charge of deciding to go to cataclysm as a “classic” part of wow is beside me. To top it off, mandate server changes to players on low population servers is the ultimate “screw you” to those of us who have enjoyed playing the game. I almost certain there will be many who will not like this enough to simply stop playing. I may well be one. Fifteen bucks a month gave me quite a bit of enjoyment but if it stops being enjoyable to me … I’m done.


I am guessing that auto transfers is at official cata release and not pre-patch.
Think will stick with low server pop for the pre-patch shenanigans.

Name changes won’t be fun though.

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This is a great decision.

I have moved my toons and 3 of my characters have to be renamed. It is shocking that I will lose the unique names I chose for my characters.


I ran into a situation where I can’t transfer any toons over level 35. They all say they have mail in their boxes, but I have checked and mailboxes are empty. One of them I waited over 24 hours and still received the message. Has anyone else run into this, or is it just me? My lower level toons had no problem moving.

I found that some mail “from” an NPC that has been read but still in the mailbox counts against the character moving. Also one item still on the auction house will also prevent it.

Hm. Sadly neither of those. No auctions going, and mailboxes are completely empty. One of my four characters DID go through just now, without any changes. Might be a bug where I just have to get lucky and “trick” the game.

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Good luck! So far two of three characters I’m transferring have gone through. It is taking its sweet time about it.

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