Free Character Transfers – Wrath of the Lich King Classic

I was able to modify my name on one toon, luckily the names i use on what i consider to be my main characters are ones that are almost never taken. I had a toon named Siouxsee on Windseeker that I had to rename Siouxsiie on Pagle. Still a variant on the correct spelling which I have on the toon I’m posting from here.

Same. It bugs the absolutely fudge out of me.

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Is that Sharding ? You do know its not working on retail so what makes you think it will work on CATA .

Layering. Entire copies of say ‘Eastern Kingdoms’ or entire copies of ‘Kalimdor’. Think of layering as multiple instances of entire continents.

Which is different than the sharding technology.

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For Christ’s sake, Blizzard, open transfers OFF of Bloodsail Buccaneers. This server has had the population of Schitt’s Creek since end of Classic Vanilla, and you guys always seem to give us the red-headed stepchild treatment when it comes time to giving people UNPAID options to get off of it.

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Ahh man I was on old blanchy during my bc classic days. Some good and not so good memories. I’ll be missin ya !

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you’ve had years to reroll elsewhere, cut your losses and just do so. They wont close the singleton of an option (rp pve)

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Thanks for your unnecessary input, goodbye


is it untrue though? hasnt it been obvious for years that the pop was stagnant and dwindling? if whatever the transfer cost is too much to bear (which it shouldnt, else you really shouldnt be wasting time on a game) you can always just reroll. Historically these posts do nothing, blizzard does whatever they want with the transfers and screw up servers at their leisure. Sorry but thats just how it is.

It doesn’t actually change anything about my statement. I’m well aware it wasn’t addressed - I stated that it should have been and still should be.

I’m going to transfer, regardless – money is not my concern. The bigger issue is i need like 30+ characters at a (if it was even increased) 50k gold cap per character limit to feasibly move a portion of my gold with me. Free transfers usually are not bound by such limitations.

I liked Windseeker. RIP. Guess I’ll figure out how these free transfers work


Yeah… I was already not thrilled about being forced to move to Cata. I started playing WoW in WotLK, and when Cata dropped the first time, I hated it, so I sure wasn’t looking forward to it a second time.

Then I logged in this morning, figuring I’d just mog my DK into something other than the mishmash of quest gear. Went on to my hunter, only to realize that none of her gear can be mogged because it’s leather, and now she needs mail, I guess? I don’t remember. Talents have been reset also, and honestly, I don’t have it in me to figure all this crap out again, when there’s more than enough to figure out in retail.

And now I come to the forum and I read that I have to move all of my characters from Windseeker, and can’t move the guild I made. I’d even pay to move the guild, were that an option, but I can’t see that it is.

Thanks for nothing Blizzard. I don’t even know what the point of releasing WotLK was, if it was just going to be effectively ripped away again. I wasn’t heavily invested in it all, but I was enjoying WotLK, but now it’s just another fun thing killed by Blizzard. Edit: I guess I’m glad now that I didn’t invest a boatload of time into this. What a waste that would have been.


Why not lave some of these servers as Wrath Era servers and let people transfer there?


Any chance of opening up PVP to PVE transfers for some of these?

Is this transfer still open? I’ve got characters on Sulfuras but I can’t seem to find the button to transfer them.

It’s still available. Open the Shop on the character select and it’s the first option. It’ll only display on servers that are set to close.

So problem with this if you’re alliance.

Skyfury is a west coast server. The only west coast server in that group is white mane which is 99% horde. Please open up grobbulus

How about some free character boosts to 80 you know like what they got running 2 WSGs

Just open them to anywhere from Skyfury, the population is tiny it’s not going to cause an upset and blizzard did every single thing they could to kill Skyfury least they could do is let us choose where we end up.


sad seeing Westfall done…played there until Token was introduced