Free Character Moves for this Region

You are pretty obviously the one with a bad attitude here.

Definitely not trying to scare people away from the underpopulated server where both of my characters reside, that would not be in my best interest.

I would call you the R word but I believe that is frowned upon in 2019.

Yeah, I can see how hard you are totally not scaring people away from transferring there.


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I’ve had to outright leave zones due to kill-happy players. Also being killed in certain zones means 5-10 minute run backs. I’d say I’ve lost at least 5-6 hours if you count my having to travel to another zone where I have no quests of my level left to grind for a bit and such. In terms of leveling that’s 1-2 levels and I am only about 60% of the way through.

Also you’re Horde, they dominate most servers to the point where Alliance will almost never engage them as it is counterproductive for Alliance to do so.

Thank you Blizzard for lifting some of the restrictions and allowing high population servers to join multiple lower population servers. This is exactly what we needed and many of us from Skeram & Sulfuras already transferred to all be in one guild on Earthfury with dozens more coming. This will help balance out the servers!

This is making the A:H ratio worse for Stalagg and Herod because the Alliance is a bunch of cowards when it comes to PVP.

Layering and server capacity are not mutually exclusive. When layering is gone, the server capacity will be dropped to reflect the single layer.


The relevant part, “Raising realm caps would simply forestall the problem, letting more players in at launch but creating an unsustainable situation down the line, with severe queues when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2 of our content unlock plan.


The people who repeatedly say layering has nothing to do with ques will never, ever, comprehend this.

They are also the mouth dribblers who said layering was necessary in the first place.

And here we are…

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i’ll give you that. i’ve never played alliance much. during cata when everyone was gone i had to finally make a dwarf but otherwise going alliance was never a consideration. an influence from previous games, especially MUDs(wotmud).

when can we get transfers to whatever server we want herod is a garbage imbalanced server but i dont want to go to a completely dead one


I made the move from Mankrik to Windseeker (Alliance Side) and it has been a great decision so far! Lots of friendly people, tons of people looking for groups, and I would say the AH is pretty healthy, not tainted by layering.

Can someone walk me though how to initiate a transfer? been trying to figure this out!

Reminds me of Butters from South Park

I really wish they’d open up Thalnos to Netherwind. I missed the first opportunity we had, and 11 real life friends made the xfer as soon as it opened. Problem was, I had about 3 pages of mail on 5 characters. now I’ve got a 60 mage and tons of gold, just sitting there on a character I’ll never play again.

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There should be a Shop button on the character selection screen similar to retail. You’ll follow the transfer flow to initiate the server transfer. If the server is currently full there will be an option on the queue screen offering the transfer option as well. You’ll want to make sure your mailbox and AH listing are cleared out. If there is a queue you’ll need to wait it out to clear your box/AH.

Take a look at this guide:

It has literally everything to do with queues. when layering is taken away, the population cap of each server is going to reduce by a large margin.


There are no dead severs right now. Wow. Just transfer now or you will deeply regret it later when layers are removed and you are sitting in a 6 hour q and only to enter world with 75 other people trying to kill the same boar as you.

Question, do these transfers come with the ability to change race? Or is it just a straight transfer?

Arcanite Reaper is dead and will stay dead. My friend’s xfer there without looking and it’s gonna be the first server to die.

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While I appreciate that they are doing server transfer again, this is exactly what worries me about not opening transfers from high pop realms to ALL med/low pop realms.

Long-term, they’re probably going to have to keep addressing the problem of long queues.