Free Character Moves for this Region

Love love loving Heartseeker right now! We have a very nice population. Hopefully it won’t get too high from these transfers.
Funny thing is all these folks on full pop realms refusing to transfer have no idea what is in store for them in phase 2.
Good luck logging in phase 2 or even killing anything in world after layers are removed on your full pop realms. (Insert laughing emoji here)


never understood this, just like i never understood the war mode bonus.

i’ve probably spent an hour in ‘unwilling’ pvp interruptions at most so far and I started on herod. i’ve went around and ganked gankers for longer but that’s by choice. just like i can choose to run around and fish for hours instead of leveling.

pvp has always had a rather minimal impact on anything you do in open world unless you choose to participate in it.

but yeah, little chance they allow those transfers.

You are the definition of self perpetuation. The rest of your realm must be looking and wondering what on earth is wrong with you.

Rather than be welcoming of transfers to your realm so it will have a healthy population, you instead try to scare people off? Good grief, dude.


They already said most likely 9/23 but will cut them off anytime without warning if they fee these servers are getting too full

None of the mega servers will have any meaningful change.

How can you possibly think that allowing 5 layers of 3000 people instead of 1 layer of 3000 people has nothing to do with queues?

Would love it if we could get PvP to PvE options. I would transfer right away if I could go to a PvE server.

Heartseeker has turned out to be an awesome server. Really cool community, lot of people in the mid levels, but a lot of players at 60 or close to now. It’s grown a lot in the past week and it’s fairly balanced although a bit more on the Alliance side. Totally worth the transfer, best decision I made with a realm!

The discord is great as well.


We had to deal with that sort of thing on Earhfury aswell. Luckly tho, at this point the whole “oh sh*t this realms is DEAD” it’s just on of those stupid memes that nobody cares about. But yeah it was pretty toxic to see that sort of messages in chat for the first two weeks for sure.

I’m living for the day you open up transfers to realm of choice. I decided to start over again elsewhere and it’s not a PVE realm like Pagle. Really regret sticking with my retail guild on classic.

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The rest of my realm is probably thinking the same thing. Clearly you are not on AR lol.

I gladly welcome transfers to AR because it desperately needs more people. I am simply stating that I doubt it gets the numbers it needs with Blizzards current strategy. My experience on AR has been depressing because it is a giant ghost town and if the population doesn’t grow I hope they let me transfer off.

I suspect that day will never come. I would like that freedom, too, but it rubs up hard against the sense of community if people can just flash plastic to undo a bad rep on their old server with a transfer.

I feel you. My friend’s xfer without warning on AR and yeah, it’s the lowest pop realm. It’s gonna die fast because they gave too much choice to xfer too.

I agree. The the only way I see AR growing is if they eliminate the option to transfer to other realms… They need to make all the High pop realms transfer to AR. Instead they are offering Whitemane and other high pop servers a 2nd option so I just don’t it growing but I hope I’m wrong as I transferred both of my characters over to AR. I’ve since decided to level a new Alliance on Heartseeker since AR is so dead.

Again…layering has nothing to due with the server queue. The server cap is what determines the queue, not the number of “layers”.

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Blizzard - for logic’s sake - please give out information regarding the server populations you want or need to have without layering.

Without this information people will stay in place and hope “the other person” moves. With the information given (current pop X, desired pop Y) people would see how many people would or should move and make a better informed decision.


Thinking the same thing is not the same as actively dicouraging people from coming to bolster the population.

And scaring them off with your tripe above is simply perpetuating things as they are.

No thanks as well to your moaning about it’s low pop.

No offense, but with that attitude, you deserve it.

You are pretty obviously the one with a bad attitude here.

Definitely not trying to scare people away from the underpopulated server where both of my characters reside, that would not be in my best interest.

I would call you the R word but I believe that is frowned upon in 2019.

Yeah, I can see how hard you are totally not scaring people away from transferring there.


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I’ve had to outright leave zones due to kill-happy players. Also being killed in certain zones means 5-10 minute run backs. I’d say I’ve lost at least 5-6 hours if you count my having to travel to another zone where I have no quests of my level left to grind for a bit and such. In terms of leveling that’s 1-2 levels and I am only about 60% of the way through.

Also you’re Horde, they dominate most servers to the point where Alliance will almost never engage them as it is counterproductive for Alliance to do so.