Free boost compensation for missed clones

SoM was fresh vanilla that dumped into Era. The exp boost they added was trash but in general it was pretty good. Was 100x better than SoD - at least we got some good pvp in SoM.

It took some time to startup, but eventually we had WSG every friday / saturday. I know people were raiding from the first lockout.

The community doesn’t need to be extra and loud to exist.

Vanilla community has what none of the other wow communities do: we have passion for our game.

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I was playing on the oceanic-pvp servers at TBC launch, and we had a few players still. I did eventually move to Mankrik, we were few but we were there.

Exactly why we defend it.

We had to literally organize our WSG / AB weekends; not for ranking but simply for game play and it was amazing.

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And it hasn’t stopped - Era players are now organizing 19 and 49 twink brackets - and all the BGs are now popping at 60.

Era grows on its own merits because it is the best version of wow.

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Just the facts; ERA IS BIS.

Honestly I came back because it wasn’t super populated and crowded like it is now. I love the vanilla theme, but I hate the super server thing they did. I liked it better when I played on a medium pop server.

I like open world content and working on profs, but not when it’s so crowded it’s hard to do quests or collect mats because level 60 farmers are killing the mobs you need or collecting mats on fast mounts before you can get to them. Too over crowded for that personally.

Great news, lots of room in the open world with near minimum competition for resources. I am Leveling alts presently.

I agree with you, personally. I play on Whitemane and find it overcrowded, play on Mankrik and find it a bit busy, but nice.

As a consume enjoyer I enjoy the prices created by a competitive market :stuck_out_tongue:

Have I told you how many black lotus fit into a mules’ bags and bank if we assume 16 slots are in each slot? :wink: <3

Think they xfer them with 16 slotter or 18?
Does bank xfer as well?

Either way, a lot of potions for this gnome to chug and use to burn orcs :smiley:

As a person who likes to collect my own things it’s a PITA. Low and mid level stuff isn’t too hard to get. It’s all the stuff at the top end. Stuffed with farmers.

I don’t think the gold return on 18 slotters per mule would be worth it tbh. 16 slots = 1 moon cloth, very cheap and quick to churn out.

Yeah that makes sense, maybe they even pickup the 16 slotters from drops while farming

In your own definition you contradict yourself. You set yourself up for gotcha moments.

Because the word “others” instantly becomes subjective.

Because at the end of the day, your side does the exact same thing…

It’s not mere coincidence that there are three derivatives of vanilla as the options for pre-Cataclysm WoW; not the trilogy that those like me were expecting.

Yet I haven’t downloaded the retail client since i uninstalled it long ago in WoD live, nor will I download the Cata client or anything after it. You, all of you, continue to ignore that minor detail. Your label is all-encompassing and absolute.

All of a sudden it’s about my skill level? All this lack of argument just reaffirms my positions on everything.

Right… I’m the selfish one.

For how much longer? Didn’t you just tell me to find a home? Kind of hard to do that when they just keep erasing clients over others, isn’t it?

I can define subjective and objective in exactly six words…

True for some, true for everybody.

This is what’s called gaslighting. Which its really just being a liar. What is your evidence that suggests that I’m not keeping track of who’s talking to me on what?

Here’s my evidence that you’re just one of the local forum gaslighters, or simply liars as I have defined it to be,

There you are invoking objectivity/subjectivity first.

I, and most of those that started in classic launch and moved on to TBC and Wrath were TBC Terrys and Wrath babies all along. You just counted us as part of your vanilla success because that was the only version of pre-Cataclysm WoW they started with. Had they started with the trilogy right off the bat, we’d had seen a different story.

And now we’re getting into design philosophies, which I don’t agree with either, but fail to see any relevance to what the topic pretends.

I make you classic Andys nervous with what I have to say that you have to derail, misinterpret, gaslight, in other directions.

That’s your prerogative, not mine. I personally do care about the progress and characters I’ve created and will demand the standards I wish to have.

It’s my sub and I’ll cry if I want to.

You’re the expert on why people may or may not have moved on the clones?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh boy do I have some things to say on this matter that won’t exactly burn brightly for classic era. I’ll save it for later.

All aspects of it? You sure you don’t want to backtrack now in this statement before i present and argument that it might not be? Or at put it in your context that I know you’re trying to say because I can easily break down that generalization.

What do you think those of us who wanted to stay in Wrath were doing when Cata was announced? sitting Idly?

We fought for RDF, that you classic Andys, not the retailers, were trying to permanently remove in Wrath we and barely won. That moron B-Ham had to get fired he would have ruined Wrath even more.

First lie I was waiting for. Not a single low-level BG has popped since Wrath ended, for me, in any low level bracket.

Kind of hard not to when it’s the only version of pre-Cataclysm WoW available.

Because they’re half lying. What they’re saying isn’t false perse, but it’s subjective which means it mostly applies to the classic Andy crowd like them and not the overall WoW playing population.

Because you are too bad to complete cata content nor retail content.

The detail is you suck. You suck at wow but want something easy but want to skip half the game. You are bad.

Yes you are.

Oh so you’re playing sod now? No need to ask for era boost then. You’re already playing classic retail.

Erasing clients? If you want a never ending server then play retail. It never ends and nothing disappears.

Your thread should be closed


If SoD was meant for retailers, why didn’t it come with LFR, RDF, dual spec; things that attract retailers.

And were those things were asked for or brought up…

Guess who were the first to oppose those things?

But it’s ok if you get a never ending server?

Oh one last note…

I wonder what made you infer I might be playing SoD when I didn’t allude to the notion at all, nor am I playing it all.

Because they want to pretend it’s still a classic game.

Era is supposedly never ending.

Retail is never ending.

You are a retail player. The choice should be blatantly obvious.

This thread is over

I mean, they aren’t in vanilla now and things are good.

We don’t need the ‘TBC terries and wrath babies’ - they are just retailers that haven’t figured out what they are yet.

Lol clearly you don’t play on Era. If you did and paid attention to pvp you would see the games are starting to pop.

It was over last night when no1 else replied anymore and it went hours without reply as it slowly sunk into submission…

Until this morning when, I believe you, in fact, decided to post in it again.