Free boost compensation for missed clones

You’re the one that claimed to be an expert in “correctly” labeled demographics.

You really have no argument to present.

Because I’m right and you’re wrong.

Would you like to know why I’m right about everything and you’re wrong?

I said you weren’t labelling people correctly, I didn’t claim to be an expert, thats your extrapolation. You are trying to give me intent behind me words to set up some ‘gotchya’, I’ve been on forums too long to fall for your trip. That’s why we’re mocking you - We know exactly how you will approach this.

So right off the bat, there’s no wrong or right way to really label demographics. It’s subject to interpretation. For example, you keep labeling me a retail player even though I would never download the Cata client or anything beyond. I’m a retail player to you simply for my tendencies, even though I feel that label doesn’t apply to me.

You did so by questioning my knowledge on it.

You put yourself in those positions with your lack of argument; for example… :point_down:

This is you no longer presenting anything to argue but just an attempt at mockery.

Since you didn’t ask to know why I’m right and you’re wrong, I’ll tell you now…

We’re all paying customers, and we all have a right to demand a standard of customer service from the company. Whatever that may entail; token, LFR, pet battles in vanilla, whatever.

So long as one person wants a Shadowlands era, even if that server would only have that one person playing in it, they’re well within they’re right to demand it, regardless of how any other player might feel.

I’m not saying you can’t ask so I don’t know how that makes me wrong? I was saying you were selfish. That’s the gotchya you were trying to lead me to? That was it? Wow. Really? That’s all?

Hold on, do you even know who you’re talking to at this point? I didn’t call you a retail player at all.

Even that is subject to interpretation. For example…

I want LFR added to classic era so I, and others like me, can raid without having to find guilds or PuGS.

So, I don’t agree that I’m being selfish at all when I’m asking for something that others would want to use also.

And others are perfectly able to tell them they’re fools for asking for bad things.

Sometimes things come right in perfect order.

Selfish does not mean ‘‘only benefits the self’’, it is a lack of consideration for others to get something which benefits the person. Other people benefiting from it does not make it a non-selfish ask.

You have expressed a clear and defined lack of consideration for others and proudly so. Therefore, it is objectively a selfish ask.

I didn not play wrath so I don’t care.

You just fortify my position that you aren’t a classic player, you are a bored retail player.

You aren’t a good enough player to do anything meaningful in retail, so you instead come to classic demanding it be made for you because your dopamine receptors are busted.

I hope you never find a home in era. I would be happy to see you squeal and complain

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Who cares?

Go play SOD if you want retail changes

literally bodody cares about a bored retail players opinions who is not good enough to do anything past lfr

Others is not subjective. You have your own post to look at. Your l33t reddit0r debate 101 is falling flat. Calling something subjective does not make it so. You can’t even keep track of who you are talking to and what they said to you.

Sure sometimes we ask for very specific updates. But almost every Era player would be happy with a 1.12 forever server if that’s all we could get.

Few other versions actually have communities that care about them because they are just not very good compared to vanilla.

I think many vanilla players were shocked that they re-released tbc / wotlk. Even more shocking was how much of the community followed the streamer hype train to those versions.

I think if there was a coherent demand for those Eras they would be there, but the periodic posts for it don’t feel like they have much weight or care behind them (this is my opinion).

Vanilla was a ghost town for most of BC and going into Wrath. To say there was a large group who stayed behind that whole time is false. Most people were caught off guard by the time limit put on cloning when they came back. But most people were able to start again. I know I was caught off guard with it. Luckily I cloned this guy in the beginning, I just wish I knew about the time thing to get the rest I lost. But I am fine releveling personally. It adds to the play time of the game.

TBC is as close to Vanilla as it gets for an expansion and yet its wildly different.

Wrath of the Litch king is a fully different game design philosophy and in no way at all “Vanilla” or even the prodigy of it by any stretch of the imagination. Wrath is the effective start of Retail game philosophy; TBC is where Vanilla fell off the rails with hyper optimized gear and rail road straight PVE, and node based questing, taking basically the least good components of vanilla and cramming them into a single expansion…

The only saving grace of TBC are its raids; the rest is not very good, even the Paladin class is less fun in TBC than in Vanilla despite the Tanking role being opened up for PVE Raid use in a more socially acceptable way.

YOU personally chose to not make a clone without any roadmap ahead of what might be the future of “Classic Progression” servers, and you failed to make a clone on Era like most of us who all made the wise choice to just Re-roll and abandon our old characters on progression.

My characters from Classic 2019 are now somewhere in Cata and last played Wrath and I have no hard feelings despite the loss of all that gear, all those PVP accomplishments, and HK’s and all that I had there.

You’re just crying to cry, and people call you out on it and you keep moaning about that and claiming some sort of BS moral high ground that does not exist.

Take your F in chat and move on.

This is kinda bunk, I agree they should have kept the clones optional indefinately and the BS claims made in the forums about server space is just FULL on BS lies, but either way re-rolling is not hard and Clones were basically up until end of TBC as far as I know and only died off with Wrath…

If you could not be bothered to Clone by Wrath well joke is on you and me; and honestly not gonna pay Blizzard for a clone any way because playing Vanilla again FRESH without any starter gold and bags on what was at the time a mostly dead server (during. TBC) was really fun and enjoyable.

There was a community and plenty of us playing vanilla. We also had SoM.

It’s less a large group stayed back but those who cared stayed back.

If retailer (tbc / wotlk enjoyers) wanna come back to Era they are welcome. But it took closing clones to stabilize our economy and reopening that or boosts is a retail feature that is out of the question in my view.

Era is healthy, we don’t need retail players that will only return with their clones / boosts, they harm the game not improve it. Edit: Even blizzard doesn’t want retail players on Era since they can milk them much better on more modern versions.

I think closing the clones did wonders to stabilize the Era economy. I don’t see a need why it should have been kept open longer than it was.

Perhaps they could have communicated the closing better, but there will always be people that miss deadlines and cry - there’s no way to avoid that with any product that has scale.

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Cant disagree with that, just pointing out that the data retention myth is full of BS.

IMO re-rolling Fresh was amazing experience and those that don’t do it are less likely to stick around anyway because they’re not really invested. They’re the same kind people like this OP wanting a 60 boost, and just imagine what a mess that would be for the economy and the flood of botters who sell gold… hell I betcha Blizzard would jump for joy if they could sell boosts.

This is every bit more a reason why the OP should be mocked for being a blind ignorant delusional that cannot predict even the most basic train of consequences for actions.

I know when I came back a couple times to check it out it was empty, and SOM is chasing the hype train. Nothing to do with era.

It was dead low pop but I made the active choice to roll here and LOVED it; no regrets. Thus far Era has been the BEST wow experience since OG Vanilla.