Free boost compensation for missed clones

If you’re not going to give us our characters back through cloning, can we at least get a free lvl 60 boost as compensation for those of us that didn’t want our characters getting hijacked forward into another expansion and have to waste our time grinding out to max level again?

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Wasn’t that like 4 years ago?



And that’s relevant to what I’m asking for… how?

So you are proposing that giving people who missed a window of over 365 days to click a few buttons a max level toon is good for the game? I feel like they are the most likely players to ruin games, afk in pvp, and not make effort in pve.

It seems like they can simply show they care about vanilla by leveling a new toon. If that’s too much, there are many versions in which you can just pay for max level.

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Assuming that were to happen, too bad for you.

Maybe they should have kept up a TBC era and Wrath era server were some of us that purposely didn’t make a clone were expecting to end up in permanently.

But not the two expacs I really only care for; BC and Lich.

Well those are retail to many vanilla players.

Good luck in your adventures.


We’ll see, as more and more refugees return to classic era, to the point where we become a bigger fish demographic and can then consume the smaller fish and start imposing the changes we want…

In classic era.

You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Era is the only good versions of WoW and all roads eventually lead to it.

But if you come with that attitude you may find yourself struggling to even get to 60 let alone get into easy ZG / AQ20s kek. It is a common tale of retail players coming to these forums as you are right now.

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Interestingly enough… It not the same era I left for greener pastures in TBC and Wrath.

Here’s an interesting post I saw highlighting your #nochanges environment…

List is missing some changes I’ve observed as well.

I’ll never raid without LFR again anyways: no harm, no foul, on my end.

It would be more accurate to say I’m a classic player with retail tendencies.

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Then this will never be the game for you.

But don’t let me stop you, if you think you can make all these changes happen and that they are good, go ahead and try your best.

If blizzard turns Era into retail with LFR, boosts, token, etc. i’ll just be back on pservers with all the other real vanilla players. We don’t mind leveling new toons if it means playing a better game lol.

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I guess we’re just gonna have to differ in how we approach our games.

Me, I personally care that my near 100k kills progress, rank 10 + progress is now stuck in an expac I cared not to have advanced to, and have no way to show for what I did in the era I actually did it in.

Well if you had cared about it, you could have cloned it.

Time has passed. Prob don’t care for my advice, but take the loss, learn the lesson, and move on.


I covered this. I was expecting TBC or Wrath permanence.

In hindsight, If I had known there would clearly be none, I would have moved on the clones for sure.

Even if they would have kept the 40$ price tag to the end.

That’s fine, but that statement means you didn’t care about your vanilla toon. You cared about the tbc / wotlk version and it wasn’t until those were gone and Era is still popular that you now care about the vanilla one. That’s called hype chasing.

There’s likely a good learning in there if you look for it.


I care about the progress I’ve made, as I clearly stated, not the toon within the vanilla environment.

That would imply that I would have moved on to Cata as well. I won’t. Your logic doesn’t fly here.

What’s there to learn from being misled by the company? They made things up as they went. They even used the opportunity as a cash crab by charging 40$ initially for clones.

Cata is not hype. Tons of classic-retailers are returning to Era because SoD / cata / retail is flopping. You are not the only one. There are hundreds and even thousands of returnees ingame.

I don’t think that’s the lesson.

Maybe one lesson would be to care for something and stand for it. If you really care for tbc / wtolk there are pservers - stop paying blizzard and go support those.

But it seems like you are don’t care for a specific version but instead want to be where there is hype and also keep your achievements.

You’re not making any more sense about anything, other than attempting to determine physiologically what I care for or not.

That’s how I know that you have no real arguments to present.

This cryptic statement for example. It doesn’t really say anything other than what you think you know about me or not.

Key words… It seems.… Which means you don’t really know for sure or not, and are guessing, and using that guess of what you think I know or not as your argument.

I suppose that this is the part where you wait a while to see if I’ve gone yet so you can come back at me with some large essay or dossier touting the exact same illogical reasoning in hopes of you making yourself look like the bastion of reason.

Allright… let me know when it’s done so I can skim through most of it.

I think I’ve said plenty, if you care to re-read perhaps you’ll learn something or not, idc.


And despite what you think about what I care for or not, I was clear with what I said too.

It’s crazy, you won’t believe me, but everyone who cared about their Era toons still has them because they made the extremely tiny effort to clone.

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