Free boost compensation for missed clones

You didn’t have to clone your era toons to keep them. You literally just had to log in within like… a year after TBC launched (maybe longer?).


That would only cover those that were around the whole time.

What about those that were indisposed due to real life for whatever reason, and didn’t know about the cloning? They didn’t care about their toons either?

Your logic simply doesn’t fly.

Those who couldn’t reach a computer for over a year, and were unable to have someone else login and clone for them, missed far more important things in that year I will almost guarantee they aren’t bothered by this and totally understand.

However, those that make up that excuse are always most bothered.

The point is they didn’t know the video game was going to change around them again. They could have assumed that vanilla and TBC would have been separate clients and that their vanilla toons would have just remained that, vanilla toons.

There was no way to really know with their lack of transparency and idea about how classic progression was going to roll out.

They never said immediately that there would be no TBC or Wrath era, and logic would have led you to assume that since vanilla-classic got an era, BC and Lich were going to get the same treatment as well.

It’s not until at least halfway in Wrath that I’m finding out that the Wrath client was going to cease to exist. That means deletion for those in the Cata forums still passing the false narrative that nothing has been deleted.

Brother; we gave up on this years ago and we all re-rolled. Come back and enjoy the ride up, its fun and many are leveling presently on both factions.


I moved my chars to TBC based on my friends being hyped, knowing I hated the expansion levelled a bit and rolled on era. I missed cloning cause I lived with a fixed income. You need to just accept life as it happens sometimes and get to rerolling or quitting. Talking about caring about achievements, how can you not see that boosts and devaluing other’s achievements in their game version is antithetical to the reason you even want to play here?

It’s just self serving tripe.

Had this been advertised as a limited time service your point of view would be valid, but that’s not the case. From announcement to three months prior to shut down, everything indicated that it was a permanent service that players could take advantage of if and when they decided to. With only three months warning via the launcher and a blog post, the service was then shut down and people’s characters automatically migrated to WotLK.

There was no logical reason given for shutting down the cloing service (which could easily still persist today with character cloning into Cata) and the way it was handled by Blizzard was poor. This is why, two years after the shut down, people are still upset about it.

With that said, it has also been two years. Blizzard stated that there was nothing they could do, the data was lost. Whether folks believe that or not, Blizzard isn’t changing their stance. The only choices are to either reroll or unsub in protest. It was a disappointing move by Blizzard but it’s time to move on, one way or the other.


Because you missed the bus 4 years ago, that’s how.

In those 4 years of waiting you could have easily just gotten multiple toons to 60 and geared out by now.

Oh well.

Just level

We call these “not classic players”

You’re lf a boost because you’re bored, not because you actually wanna play the game


Who says I don’t see it?

I simply don’t care.

I’m going to lobby for changes I like and if others agree with me, great.

Should it affect you negatively, then you can go play something else.

I was wondering when Gaspathy would show up. That’s my name for you now because all you are is one big gaslight.

I think I’ll continue to lobby to the company and attempt changes favorable to me thank you very much…

That is what you classic Andys tried to do to my Wrath wasn’t it; attempted to use your influence to assure RDF never made it in?

We’ll see how it all plays out.

If you think us era players were still playing by the time wrath came around, you’re taking your annoyance out on the wrong people. But you are a bit, uh, in need a friend, so I doubt you care. Won’t be the first who tried to mess with era cause you’re a child throwing a fit, and you won’t be the last. Don’t let the disappointment hurt you too badly.

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It’s not the retail-like players that wanted RDF removed. Only one demographic is passionate about its removal.

Oh like that awesome new guild panel that wasn’t supposed to make its way in?

I wonder when they’re going to get around to removing it?

That’s your mistake, it wasn’t an asked for or planned change, but a client error they can’t/won’t fix. You silly rabbit lmao.

Wafectus you seem a bit confused at who played tbc / wotlk this time around. Era players don’t play tbc / wotlk, we just have to deal with the leftovers that quit and come back to era.

There’s no diff between tbc / wotlk / retail they all include the bad features that ruin WoW.

Yeah he is literally a child throwing a fit cause they don’t understand what’s happening around them, so they try to hurt others to feel like they have control.

And I’m sure they’re working on removing it for the sake of you classic Andys as we speak.

The era players you’re describing are vanilla purists. Those were that ones that remained when TBC launched. The rest of us that moved onto TBC were classic players with retail tendencies; and amongst that audience, its divided between pre-Cataclysm players vs post-Cataclysm players.

I’m simply responding in the same tone you come at me with.

You tell me this game isn’t for me, I counter with the opposite until the game is for me.

Wrath gave era the most returning players of any expansion. Cataclysm is not the divider you think it is, Wrath is. As I said, I’ve been here since TBC launch, you are trying to speak for players you can’t even label ‘‘correctly’’.

aka era players. There are two types of wow players: Era players and Retail players.

Also know as retail players. As you have, they constantly come to these forums and ask for retail features to be added to Era.

It is a very common occurrence, and not very worrying since they struggle to commit to caring about a single thing. Which is why they have no Era servers and their version is now in cata - because they keep letting blizzard walk all over them.

The fact that players willingly went to tbc and wotlk over vanilla tells me those players have little understanding or care about good game design. It is the same with full blown retail ideology, anything that falls into it can basically be ignored because we have nearly 18 years of data showing it makes a bad game.

Retail lives on hype.
Vanilla lives because the game itself is amazing.

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That’s it? If we’re going to play that game, I’ve been here since classic launch.

Ahh, then were do I fit in, in your “correctly” labeled demographics?

You don’t think it’s strange that the Cata crowd isn’t asking for Cata era? I have seen not one single Cata era topic show up. TBC and Wrath are asked for daily.

That Cata crowd is already expecting MoP, WoD, Legion, etc. and none of them are asking for era in those versions.

The Cata crowd is nothing but retailers that don’t favor any particular version at all.

I’m sure you’re the expert on what makes a good video game or not.

Not the fact that they may simply prefer those versions over any other?

You are terrible at reading tone and intent, so I’m not surprised you thought everyone was attacking you in the thread.