Forums are not good to use why?

So far I have made decent posts and have found myself called names, told to die, told to quit etc… So where exactly can I ask questions or post gaming concerns without being the victim of cyber bullying? I am pretty thick skinned but even for me this is bad. The name calling and slurs are the worst. Why are these people allowed to do this? I have been told not to defend myself because I will be banned while they bully gets to stay on the forums. Even with this post I suspect I will be called names. No person should have to tolerate abuse.


So, report the posts.

That is the proper response,if someone has told you to not respond, that is correct.

We certainly look into reported posts - but you seem to be implying we can somehow magically keep those from happening to begin with. If you know how to do that, please do share, we’d love to know :slight_smile:

Some folks aren’t very nice, they aren’t in real life and seldom get better when they venture onto the internet.

We have a code of conduct here that is enforced, but posts have to be reported to be looked into.


Not everyone on the forum is like that.

While there are some that are like that, there are many more that are polite and great to chat with.

If you want, you can hang out in the CS Lounge, it’s just a lot of us hanging out and chatting about everything under the sun. :slight_smile:


You know we can see your post history, right?

Regardless, report and move on. And ignore them.


Yes you can do by not letting non subscribers post in all forums . How many times has it been reported that new forums are letting this go unchecked ? What have you done about this problem uptil now ?

There are very few forums where you don’t have to be a subscriber to post, at least, not WoW forums.

The new forums may have bugs, that isn’t one I’ve heard about - but you can certainly report it in the bug forum for the website.


I have done that three times and everytime I get the response that it is not present . I have seen spamming go up to new level since non subscribers are posting in general discussion thread of the forum .if it is like that then why I am paying you a monthly subscription fees ?

For WoW - you have to have a paid license to post in all but help forums, like here - tech, etc.

Anything else would be a bug.


That bug needs to be fixed but if you are not going to look into it .it is not going to fix itself.i was the first to report this problem since new forums came online.

Then post in Website Bug Reports.

Not her job.


I told you .i have done that three times.

It’s not Orlyia’s job to fix forum bugs Meoww. Nor is it the job of anyone here in CS.

In fact, there is at least one regular poster here who recently let their subscription lapse (on purpose) and they were not able to post in other forums where a subscription is required. So while you like to push the narrative that it’s a rampant issue, it really isn’t.

Not only that, you have no way of know who does and who does not have a subscription aside from players alleging that they are no longer subbed.

So report it as a bug and move on. Nobody in the CS forums can fix the issue.


Well, complaining here is not gonna help. No one here can fix it.

Also, thanks for hijacking the thread


If the bug report forum admin is even half as active as orlyia it would have been solved uptil now .but they are not interested in solving it .so I need to vet my anger somewhere .

Do so on General Discussion, the CS forums are NOT a place to vent. If you think you can do better, Blizzard is hiring web devs.

Bug Reports is not a two way street, if for reporting bugs, not to have a dialog with the devs, if they say something, it’s to ask more questions.


You don’t get a reply in the bug report forum unless they need more information.

Just because you don’t think something is being, or has been, done doesn’t make it true.

There may be a bug that allows a few player without a sub to post in forums that they aren’t supposed to, but even acknowledging that doesn’t mean it is a simple and quick fix.

You’ve reported it, that’s all you can do. If there is a bug with it, it will get fixed when they can.


That’s the sort of assuming that I’m talking about. You have no idea if it’s being worked on.

As for “needing to vent”, I’d recommend a healthier approach of “Letting it go”. You’ve reported it and now all you can do is wait for it to be handled.


No you don’t.

And we’ve told you before, you don’t know if someone has an active subscription or not.

Only people with active subscriptions can post outside the Support Forums, New Players, and Classic Discussion.


So, firdt off holy sorry your thread got hijacked.

I understand your frustration. However being told not to respond is solid advice. This will prevent action against. You should you cross the line.

Report the posts for harassment and move on. It really is the best course of action.


You posted a thread here a week ago on the same issue.
The response hasn’t changed.