Forums are not good to use why?

Just FYI, there’s no ignore function on the forums.

Don’t need an ignore function to ignore someone.


I’m aware of this. While it’s definitely a help, there are some people who i just don’t want to see, it’s not a necessity.

You can ignore people on your own.


This, just don’t respond to them.


This isn’t a strong basis for whether or not they’re non-subscribers.


I have not been an active subscriber since legion, does that mean it’s a bug for me to have a voice? Or are you only talking about people who have never played wow? Since i don’t see many people ever being on this forum if they haven’t. in all honesty, the fact that people are so vocal about wanting more censorship is insane and i’m sorry that part of your job consists of dealing with it.

The WoW forum requires an active subscription to post in most areas, which has been a thing for years.

Non-subscribers can participate in Support category threads, New Players Help, and Classic Discussion at this time.


Essentially, the besides the CS, Tech Support and one or two others, the rest of the forums have historically required active game time to use (either subscription or otherwise).

If you haven’t been an active subscriber to WoW, what do you care? It’s not about censoring you or your voice. The forums are simply a perk for active customers.


because i care about the game and monitor it, if the game improves i come back to spend money. to see people wanting their safe spaces because of feelings is fascist in nature, that also concerns me when people are requesting it. I see that and feel obligated to say something. do you not feel comfortable having this conversation because i’m not playing atm or are you a hypocrite? if you feel defensive, ask yourself why.

A major reason why the forums are limited is to cut down on spam. They used to be wide open. We used to see more spam. Having a voice is legitimate, but I’m fine losing the sex leg et al advertisements we used to have.


yea spam accounts are one thing but inactive accounts should not be discredited or shut out, especially since people like me are the most likely to become a paying subscriber again. I know i’m going to play classic wow, i also find in worrisome how little communication is being relayed about it, anyhow, understanding and listening to why people stopped playing the game, and why people that do not play modern wow want classic so much should make them look at why that is. i know why, but if they don’t then they don’t want wow to be successful, and that’s so weird because i would think they love money.

Personally, I’d wager there’s nothing announced because they’re still working through their design and implementation. People have a habit of taking public discussion as gospel and getting upset when it isn’t true. People already get upset when rumours don’t pan out.

I hope WoW Classic is enjoyable to you. Personally, I expect a lot of people will be upset. I checked the Classic forums on day one and a significant number of the threads (read: almost all the threads I looked at) devolved into an argument about how everyone else was wrong about what the game should be.


Unless they changed it recently you shouldn’t need a subscription to post over in the classic forums if your concern is about how that is going to turn out

Correct, Classic Discussion is set not to require a subscription.

If you want to see how negative things can get because Non-Subscribers can post, look at the aforementioned Classic Forums.


You’re right, and you’re not shut out. You can read every forum and thread, and thus keep up on the latest Blizzard posts/announcements. If you want the latest news on new features/changes, you can also find the info on the main website, and a plethora of third-party sites like Wowhead.

That said, you cannot REPLY to threads. This is for many reasons. The first is that without an active subscription, there is little incentive for people to actually behave. They have no regard for the CoC because they have nothing to lose if they get banned. Especially since they can create new accounts. YOU may not be this way, but it is a problem with others, as you can see on other websites.

The second reason is that while your feedback is important and desired, it is outdated. If you don’t have an active subscription, you are not actively participating in the latest additions/changes, so your knowledge of what works, what doesn’t work, how things can be adjusted is not very accurate.


Just so you are aware, you are not shut out, the forums are NOT the only means of giving feedback to the devs, you can always post @WarcraftDevs on twitter.


Not to mention the in-game suggesting thingy.


Blizzard also has devs charged with monitoring wow forums on wowhead, MMO-champion, and Reddit as well as the ingame suggestion feature that any inactive account can use with any toon level 1-20.

There are more places to leave feed back and discuss things than ever before.


Think of the bullies like they are school yard bullies. They will stop if they aren’t getting a reaction from you.

The internet is dark and full of idiots. It’s a shame, but it’s just something you have to put up with.

As for your complaint about the bugs, as a developer myself I can tell you fixing even a seemingly simple bug isn’t always simple.