Forums are NOT an airport

I not see every other thread. You not see what there?

You more negative than quit threads. You seem troll more too.

And this thread is already plane silly. :small_airplane:

/The Entire stadium crowd booes at bari.

Then ignore them, problem solved.

They have just about as much right to post on the forums just like you do buddy boy.

Like this thread? :roll_eyes:

And discussing World of Warcraft they are. Quiting threads always if not, most of the time has to do with World of Warcraft, in that giving feedback, whether it’s constructive or not.

Blizzard often directs those players to the forums to make their threads about quitting there and give their feedback there as well.

Okay i really don’t get this whole airport thing, are you saying that because people come and go like an airport?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, let’s not discuss about Blizzard changing their prices or anything like that on World of Warcraft, I.E, the thing we have to pay every month in order to keep playing it.

I do agree that Bobby Kotick has nothing to do with World of Warcraft. He does have everything to do with Activison-Blizzard as a whole because he is the CEO of Activision-Blizzard.

Pot meet kettle.

Gee, i wonder why they get overshadowed and/or flagged… /s

What is it that you said again? :thinking:

Do as i say, not as i do. :upside_down_face: /s

Yeah, it’s not like you tried to derail Rhielle’s thread in there by assuming that she’s trying to be a moderator or something. /s

I could explain why you’re being pretty hypocritical here, but honestly, this speaks for itself… :laughing:

♫ Do as i say, not as i do. ♫ :kissing:

It’s Fortnite.


It actually is. The forums are here for players to blow off steam, not to try to compete to see who can say the nicest things about the game.

This thread is awesome.

GD is also not the Suez Canal


Forums are a careport.

Oribos International is though… :stuck_out_tongue:

While certainly not always true, one can make the argument that people leaving the game for certain “in-game aspects” is ample justification for posting quit threads.

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:airplane: __________________________________
coming in for landing

When people unsubscribe, they are advised to come to the forums and post their feedback. By definition, such threads are not only welcome here, but are welcomed to provide feedback and discuss what is wrong.

Further, Holinka said at Blizzcon 2019 that any form of feedback, including “I do not like X, fix it” is fine, because it tells the developers that this player thinks something is wrong with the game.

You do not get to tell people what is, and isn’t okay to post - so long as it falls under WoW / Forum ToS, and isn’t violent, or otherwise hate filled, it’s fine.

When people wanna vent about wow, they’re gonna come here or Reddit. The advantage of coming here is that you don’t need to setup an additional account. Plus blizz recommends to people leaving to post here.

I had more typed out but…

Poster vents about other posters venting. Misses Irony. Film at 11.

I wish that posts made by forum goers that I ignore wouldn’t show up in the main forum list.

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I like the way you think

If there is anything I’m tired of, it’s internet superheroes with agendas. At least I know the guy raging about the game and quitting is coming from a genuine place.


Quitting is still a part of wow. There were plenty that left in WoD. A lot came back in Legion. And quite a few left in BFA. SL is the first expansion that makes me want to unsub. They simply didn’t learn from BFA. I mean even BFA felt better for me.

If not for the negative feedback on here yet alone anywhere else game would be a poop show. If you simply don’t like those threads skip um.

You watch kitchen nightmares? If not go watch 1 episode and you will understand the importance of negative feedback. I work in the industry all that on TV happens in many kitchens I’ve worked in even the one currently. We get negative feedback we try to work with it because it helps bring new customers and keep existing ones.

Without it we’d be out of a job but aye that won’t concern you right? Cause it doesn’t affect you in any way

Okay, I haven’t read the entire thread so sorry if I’m repeating someone else. But, for some reason this post really bothered me.

It’s okay for you to talk about what is important to you, but not others?

What if for instance I get tired of all the lgbt or transmog posts. Not that I disagree, but am tired of seeing them? I choose not to read them. I can also mute them if they bother me that much - they don’t.

What I don’t get is these few people trying to police, muzzle, or direct the conversations.

I haven’t seen any conversations not related to the game in one way, shape or form.

Like it or not. Just remember you’re not the director of an chorus of voices.

Just my two cents.


That’s fair. But how does that opinion help other players? What is the reason for telling thousands of people your opinion? If they read the forums, they play the game. They have their own opinion.

If you have played for several years, then YOU have changed. Every added year of playing the same game, it seems worse to you. Everyone is like that, about everything: games, jobs, marriages…

Rough translation: you can’t compare how YOU feel now with how YOU felt 10 years ago, and think the difference is in the game. The difference is in you.

Airport? Are you blind? It’s a train station that sometimes wrecks!