Forums are NOT an airport

Some, maybe a lot of people are tired of the diversity topics. That’s been shoved in our faces for so long now, there’s just got to be something else to talk about for a bit instead of how this persons special because of… that one’s special because of…

It’s so boring.

We need some fun topics, some fun things to blather about on here.

So true.

How much do they cost at duty free?

FAA disapproves.

Usually a little cheaper. Last time I checked, 10 pack box was like $70 and store price is like $10.

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You mean a carton (10 pack box) of cigs is $10 at a duty free station? Damn.
I need to go to a duty free.

nah, carton is like $70, while individual is 10 or along the lines of it.

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Fun fact: Blizzard tells people to come to the forums to explain why they’re leaving.

So in BLIZZARD’S eyes, yes, the forums ARE here for people to discuss why people are leaving. Otherwise they wouldn’t send people here.

“Fake”? Why would anyone fake their outrage? You have issues. And no, Donald Trump didn’t actually win. Just throwing that out there, too. You seem like the type.

Forums are NOT a careport.

Cinnabon is over sweet, like apricots in apple turnovers (blech)

Auntie Anne’s is the true airport food, don’t @ me

I play a survival hunter can I check my wildfire BOMBS in my luggage?

OP if you don’t like what people are saying then why come here. Cause whether you like it or not it’s not pretty atm. People are leaving and disgruntled with this game atm.

Just do without spread. I never liked cream cheese anyway. Caramelized cinnamon with pecans underneath is where it’s at.

I have done it without spread. It’s still too sweet.

I hate pecan pie and oranges too, don’t @ me

(I love pecans as a snack tho)

Have you been banned from Georgia and the Carolinas yet?

Bleep the Carolinas lol

I am repulsed by my great uncle

At least he’s a racist uncle rather than a rapey one :woman_shrugging:

As a white cis man I wish . . . . I got nuthin.

More of a dirty grimy help desk that even the staff won’t go near at times than an Airport.

Sure, but not every other thread has to be a qutting thread. It’s called spam and gets tiring quickly. Blizzard needs to create a mass thread of those quitting to post why they quit. Most of these fake quitting threads are those just trolling and give no real reason as to why. Then they come back on the forums a couple days later to troll even more.