Forums are NOT an airport

So are the posts, and threads you make :laughing:


You need to get to your gate. Your flight away from the forums is departing. Run!

No, seriously, here is my answer to your post: You are not King of General Discussion. Nobody cares if you don’t like what you see here. Get over yourself.

Ignore those threads or you can read something else. You already control the power.

Sorry, you don’t make the rules around here.

Your thread is fake outrage right?

Where do I go to talk about someone taking my bag back? I was getting ready to get on my fight for the TBC beta forums but a rouge took my bag at the last minute after back stabbing me and ran off.

I had my cookies in there.

The bears who care are here.


You’re going to have to find an air marshal but they’ve all bee relocated to a different airport.

yeah but maybe people are just whineing and complain incessantly… happy players would be in pvp or dungeons, amirite

Just a reminder Blizzard asks people to post why they are quitting on the forums.

Blizzard asks people who are quitting to provide feedback about it in the general discussion forum.

Yes, this.

How funny is that? Oh you wanna leave? Go face the most critical people in the game. Go face the forums. Good luck finding any shred of mercy from those people. They are heartless! Lol

I must say, having a new group in addition to General Discussion called “Obituaries” would be nice, not to mention very entertaining.

I’ve said it before many times in this thread. Quitting posts are fine with detailed feedback on why you don’t like the game. Unfortunately, most of these threads are just there to troll others. Most of them are just “Shadowlands sux, blizzard CEO bonus 200 million, Blizzard laid off moar employees!” it’s just nonsense non-feedback. You then see these same players post a new thread many days later with more trolling.

The only way to solve this is with a mega-thread with Blizzard moderation imo. Weed out the legitimate from the non.

You’re inferring that your subjective interpretation is objective fact. Suffice it to say, the company asks people who are suspending their subs to post here about their experiences with the game and why they are quitting.

It’s good because maybe blizzard will see it and think maybe they should put some effort into making the game better.

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The Cope King has spoken

I like coming here for the comments tbh lmao.

Its not fake and the decline in subscription numbers cement that.

lol, what?

What pray tell would be the correct forum for that then?


Then don’t read those posts.

Problem solved.

The forums would be a lot less active without all the leaving threads. And, quite frankly, some (I said some) of them provoke some interesting discussion. Like others have pointed out, you don’t have to read any thread that doesn’t interest you.

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