Forum Life: How Do You Interact?

3 if you count how you wrote a paragraph on how you gona insult certain individuals on forums and break every posible TOS before getting banned in august 2025.

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I appreciate you popping in and contributing in your own way. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t just select option B.

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Part of me wishes the OT Forum was better utilized. Iā€™m sure there are all sorts of non-WoW related topics we could likely also discuss. Like getting a new pet, favorite pizza toppings, or what sort of job we might have if we ever got pulled into our favorite game.

Yep. This is what I do. Reddit is too serious, meaning, I have to be serious. So, I come here instead.

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Now Iā€™m hungry for a Slim Jimā„¢.

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No problem. Hope you found the warmth you were looking for by creating this topic.
Wish you fast recovery.

Not sure what that means, but have a great day!

This one, life is more fun when you donā€™t take the forums seriously.

It is not really about the OP. You may be biased to respond in a certain way because of who made the thread but you still could have engaged in good faith. Then if things went south Option C is always there. I always find it more interesting to start off in good faith, you could be surprised, but I never forget who I am engaging with. If that makes sense.


Absolutely, except when Iā€™m talking to known forum troll. Then I wonā€™t. If that makes sense.

Maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding here butā€¦ If you find yourself in combative situations more often than not, wouldnā€™t that make you part of the problem?

I feel like Iā€™m in heated debates almost every other day. Just making a post feels like Iā€™m about to be ā€œattacked.ā€ But if Iā€™m getting attacked that often, whatā€™s to say I didnā€™t deserve it? Whatā€™s to say itā€™s not them, but me?


ā€œOf all the people Iā€™ve ever known, you are certainly one of them.ā€

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A. I read a lot but comment little, most topics turn into arguments or finding anyway to justify belittling someone over their opinion.

I also scroll past when people respond to discussions quote by quote, or sentence for sentence and throw in 1 liners. Drives me up the walls I just scroll past for the last couple years.

I think alliance is cool

ā€œOpinion rejected :nerd_face::point_up:ā€

I also think humans are awesome


It adds very little to the discussion or nothing at all.

That makes sense. I donā€™t typically mind talking to them unless they cross a line, which most people donā€™t. I am like this irl, once I feel I understand who a person is I can communicate with them because my expectations have been adjusted.

A. C.
I will mock or needle those who I believe are here in bad faith, or call out hate.
Iā€™ve gotten impatient and been rude but Iā€™ve tried to stop that recently. Iā€™ve been guilty of not walking away when I should have.

I missed it, Drac, where did you share why youā€™re here?

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I have a few rules I try to follow to keep my sanity.

  • Say my peace and be done with it. Repeating the same point again and again in the same thread is pointless.
  • Getting the last word in isnā€™t important.
  • Donā€™t hold grudges. Thereā€™s plenty of people here I like, but I disagree vehemently with on one or more issues.

(Looks at C and D)

ā€œTheyā€™re the same picture.ā€


I prefer not to keep repeating myself also. Iā€™ll leave the conversation if it starts getting to be a back and forth with no progress. I donā€™t care if people post last. That doesnā€™t mean anything, although I know some think they ā€˜wonā€™ something. lol


I choose whatever is behind door number 3ā€¦or whatever the mystery box is.


Oh, I did not share just yet, as I did not want to skew the topic or derail anything. However; since you asked, I fit into A, C, and D. I start off with my opinion on the topic, which is usually pretty blunt, but some people take offense to it. So when the insults start flying, I tend to mock them a bit to get under their skin, and keep the ā€œtrollingā€ lite, as to stay on topic.

When they just keep coming, then I kick into full insult mode knowing I am still calm and collected as more of their echo chamber show up to hit me with all the things they really want to say to someone else, or Blizzard, who are the real antagonists of their trauma. I would say D applies, mostly since a trip to the forums means there was little else to do in that 20 minutes of free time I was afforded.