Forum Life: How Do You Interact?

We all come here to read, and sometimes to comment. Some of us get caught up in the topic. Some of us just read and move on. But I am curious, which chatter are you?

Option A: Discuss - Here to talk about the topic
Option B - Insult - Here to simply insult those who disagree
Option C - A & B - Start out discussing but somehow end up insulting whether in offense or defense
Option D - Bored - You’re here to read, laugh, chat, or lightly troll dependent on the topic and the level of your boredom. (edited to add this by popular answer)

If you are Option A, how do you maintain your composure, even when faced with unreasonable and mean spirited individuals? If you are Option B, why do you feel insulting or name-calling others strengthens your position?

Let’s face it, a great many of us have drifted in and out of both options, but which is your go-to and why?


I generally avoid generalization topics that promote taking a stance against each other. :slightly_smiling_face:


Usually option A then get into option c if someone is being really meh

It’s why I cant post gifs no more… but I regret nothing.


I pick A. If I’m going to comment, it’s usually a topic that I gravitate towards, or have a personal stake in. That way, I often stay away from the types of topics that can get derailed into bickering. I am also an analyst by trade, and allowing feelings or emotions into analysis doesn’t benefit us, nor the people that the analysis is for. I also have an innate desire to mediate, but avoid using aggressive or inflammatory terminology.


I just like to bust some onions all in good fun.

(and laugh at the drama queens)

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Very logical and astute.

A, unless B. In that case, C.

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If the topic is interesting and I have a take I want to push

If someone’s just being a troll

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Probably C, but generally I’m here because I want to see the game improved.


I’m here cause bored.


I don’t.

If they become meanspirited, then I know they don’t care about a good faith argument, meaning I don’t care bout a good faith argument, so I either switch to option B or just stop engaging with them.

It doesn’t. But it feels good to get a good zinger in.


how would you define someone trolling to you specifically?

You know it when you see it

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I’m right there with you. And I can currently post gifs…but Ive lost and reearned it twice so far, lol

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Option C because disagreeing with someone fall under option B. As well as calling people on their BS or providing information that probes them wrong.

What if I’m just here to laugh at the wild takes and my fellow posters?


I know for me, trolling is often someone picking a fight, with inflammatory language, without me ever chatting to them directly. Almost as though I was a target for their humor. I know they are just sitting there and chuckling after picking a fight if I fall for the bait.

I always start off with A and then it becomes “What do you mean by insulting?” or “I am going to give the same energy you give me.”

I have found that some people see facts, not opinions but facts, as insulting.


I’m here for the cookies and the chaos.


The technically you are Option A with a hint of Option C. Or at least that is how I might characterize it. Most chatters talk in a thread because they agree, or disagree, with an idea. Not sure many just float in and out for pure amusement.

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