so the main topic finally gets slammed for the same reason this ones abt to be lol wow never learn
How many buzz words can fit in one sentence?
Keep it on topic please.
(Not yoi moon you good)
clearing out a backlog of posts i think would be a useful function in my opinion
i believe this thread is the main forum changes topic now, right?
A certain amount of dislikes got post auto flagged no? I feel like there has to be another solution than whatever automation they use now…
I’d like to see post count being visible gone as there are clearly a good number of posters who engage in trolling just to see their number go up.
If btags come then the only really proper way to handle things would be a forum wipe as much as people wouldn’t like that. One of the reasons I lean toward account wide ignore instead.
This is about the best advice anyone can give you. If something on the screen is bothering you then you have all of the power in the world when you just…turn it off.
I would agree to some some gifts for people without TL3, only if it’s gifs Blizzard provide, all the outside gifs you’ll need TL3.
draenei get no gifs.
i have a point to add to this discussion - are gifs really that important for a productive conversation?
in my opinion, people mainly post gifs in order to troll people. So i would like to suggest as a forum change that no gifs should ever be allowed here on the forums.
if you want to send gifs to your friends, that can be done via discord or twitter.
And I would be ok with that and or ones searchable through tenor and or giphy or something.
Like a trusted website kind of deal.
The quality of trolls has really dropped off. I’d take a few of the old heavy hitters back over the bait and dip or just way too obvious ones we have now.
You’ve changed tune from your Draenei apologetics pretty suddenly!
You gotta have a “nuh uh” to everything don’t you?
Sometimes gifs are handy to convey opinions and there are some folks around here that convey their art with gifs that they make purely for around here.
There are also sometimes where gifs could give a visual representation of a situation.
I would rather not have them at all but that’s just me.
Pharazon is the best!
Indeed Pharazon is awesome
Well, yeah, but every now and then watching the panda who shall not be named trigger 20 people for 2 days was kinda funny.