Forum changes - do we need a forum wipe?

Luckily for me all the ones I want to give birds to are in my ignore list

About as well as users expect account wide whatever working on here.

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That’s ok the 2 or 3 against btags or account wide ignores do the same thing .

So either way we still out number them

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Well, as they say, If you don’t know what you are talking about… (fill the rest in).

If users want to talk about flags being misused, then they will.

I’m going to be more inclined to agree as to the absurd degree used in attempts to stop this thread.

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Ahh the good old

" if ya can’t impress them with inteligence then baffle them with :ox:

Ok if I get this removed after editing just remember mods your employers put that emogi in there .


I haven’t seen it, but the accusations they make, it wouldn’t surprise me.


Weirdly enough, Fuzz is an alt.

This is my main LOL

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You lie!! Only the Fuzz exists!

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See this is why I don’t post on alugard XD haha

Fuzz exists she is just asleep right now.


It’s sad that I not only remember those, but a good five others, just off the top of my head.

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I would NOT agree; that’s just another veiled request for anonymous posting again.

Bad idea.


I think Vari just said that because Madelike was contradicting themselves.

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Oh well, I have that fellow on ignore so if I’m taking something out of context my apology.

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They are talking back to them in the same way they are talking to everyone else in hopes they understand them.

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I don’t agree either. No worries.

It was actually their quote


i have no idea bc i dont work for blizz

but ppl 100% mass report on here just bc they dont like what u have to say

and its cringe asf


Ardmccloud my understanding is that they closed down the discussion of a previous proposal, so have taken all the feedback positive/negative on board.

But taking the nuclear option and just resetting evolution isn’t necessarily effective, as my view of humanity is that we still have a LONG way to go…but we’ve still made a LOT of progress. The point is people will be people and you’ll always get not so nice people in a large crowd of people.

No, the children on these forums had them taken away for a reason.

resetting the forums after putting in some different rules could be good for the forums overall, imo.